
Unlucky (Not) Fella

The book is about adventures of the main character Zhang Xiaotong and his idle life. The end of the legend about Ichirou Blake and a new beginning. Will Ichirou change his "unlucky" life or will it stay the way it is? Hope you have fun reading this story, lots of love from your author and my pocket editor.

LazyImmortal_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs

First Encounter with Demonic Beasts

(time skip)

Today is the 7th day of our travel, i just got to know a fact that we will travel for over a month, our caravan just left Capital walls a nd we are entering the Jura Forest.

This forest is big to say at least, we will need about 2 weeks to get out of the forest. While I was enjoying the breathing taking sight in front of me, I decided to check out my stats because why not.



[ Name: Zhang Xiaotong

Age: 10(90)

Cultivation Level: None

Cultivation Spirit root: None

Cultivation Talent: None ]


Strength: 604, 800

Stamina: 604, 800

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 16, 76

Sense: 0

Qi: 0

Luck: 6

Martial Arts: None

Skills: None


[ System Functions ]

Status Page

IDLE Mode Lvl.2 [ 1 per sec ]

Titles [ Sage ]

System Description: Well you got that Stamina and Strength, but you still stupid and slow...


"This system, do you have something against me? Like bro, what's up with that description?" I sighed, waving my hand around, "forget it forget it, im stupid for getting annoyed by that description, guess he was right?" i shrug as a wry smile appears on my face.

But just then howling of wolves was heard, getting me out of my own dialogue.

"Well that's not good, but it is a great timing, i can test my strength on them" I said, excitement bubbling up inside me.

Yeah, in my past life i was a battle junkie, and this will be my first encounter with demonic beasts, and a first fight in this world, this is gonna be fun!

Now you may wonder how am i sure, if those wolves are demonic beasts, well simple ordinary wolves would never dare to attack caravan with so many people, especially one heavily guarded as ours.

Qi changed animals here some becoming Demonic beasts, while some just gaining superior intelligence, stamina, agility, strength and so on.

Well enough of using my memory bank, its time to see those wolves.

Before i could even open doors to my carriage captain of guards, i think his name was Yin Qiang opened my doors.

"Your Highness the 3rd Prince, we are being attacked by a pack of demonic wolves, please do not panic we will protect you your Highness!" He said while saluting.

"Thank you, Captain Qiang but there is no need for such a thing priority is for everyone to survive, and i can fight too, so don't worry" I said calmly, as i left the carriage.

"Let's go, to the battle Captain Qiang!"

"Your H-Highness it's not safe you should go back to the carriage, we the guards will deal with them" He said, the stuttering visibly making his panic stand out.

"Oi, captain Qiang do not underestimate me" I said while running straight to the battle.

Before that I opened my storage ring, with help of my system, and got a sword that my brother gave me.

"Huuu, it's time to try some techniques from my past life" I said, my excited and focused on moving my body according to my memories.

'Blake sword technique: Boulder splitting slash!' I said in my mind, don't want my enemies to know name of my technique now do I?

Because of my huge stamina i was able to execute my technique and the result was very shocking. Boulder splitting technique is as it's name says, technique that can split boulders, but what happened in front of me was nothing that I expected.

Not only did that slash destroy everything in its path, but it has left a deep mark on the ground.

To say that i was scared of my own technique is understatement, i almost collapsed out of fear and shock.

But I wasn't the only one who was scared silly, my guards and guard Captain weren't any better, because they could sense that no matter what they do in front of that slash they would be obliterated, only if they're fast enough they could escape with minor wounds.

But Captain Qiang was shocked for something else, not only was that technique deadly but no one below Foundation realm could survive that, even if he himself, 3th Foundation realm cultivator couldn't get out unscathed.

But shock passed quickly and battle continued, ending in our victory and wolves complete obliteration.

"Your Highness that was amazing move!" said a guard and after him many showered with praise.

Captain Qiang came to me and said "That was one deadly move your Highness, by any chance did you cultivate in some body cultivation your Highness?" He also asked respectfully.

'Well i think that's my best answer now too, i didn't think about consequences at all, who can blame me, I didn't know that something like that would happen' I thought while answering.

"Thank you captain Qiang, i did indeed cultivate in some body cultivation, as I didn't have talent for Qi Cultivation." I said.

He nodded while giving commands to other guards, to set up a temporary camp, although we won, battle took some time, because this pack actually had a big number of wolves and 2 alfa wolves which was a rare case.

And while everyone was working diligently i was resting, that fight actually took a big toll on my body. While I was fighting i used 2 more techniques, Blake quick-draw sword technique: 3 Slashes, this technique allows me to do 3 consecutive slash that are focused on speed, precision and of course slicing through your enemies, and other is Blake killing technique: Absolute death, while it does have an epic name and all of that, in reality it shouldn't be that epic, technique focus on enemies weak spots, like head, heart, lungs and so on, but here this technique is awesome, i mean not only could i somehow feel and see weak spots, amount of precision and strength this technique has was amazing. This is one of the many reasons why i liked swords and cultivation, mangas and novels in my past life.

Although killing technique wasn't that tiring to do, but quick-draw technique is in low crouching posture called "iai-goshi", although there is standing posture called "tachi-ai", I never actually tried doing quick-draw technique in that posture.

While i was having my dialogue, system sounded in my head.

*DING* 'Congratulations to host for creating his own technique, and unlocking secret function [ Skill Creation ].' System said.

[ Skill Creation ] - Like it's name, this function helps host create new skill/technique, but host need to do every movement with outmost precision, or otherwise Skill/technique won't be created.

"Nice, didn't even know something like this existed" I said, while feeling satisfied with todays results.

"System activate IDLE Mode and set Agility and Intelligence for improving" I said to the system.

*DING* 'Done host.' System answered back.

And like that fruitful day has ended, after resting through the night we continued our journey. Next destination Mount Hua Sect!
