
Unlocked Dark Desires

By sheer luck the protagonist gains the knowledge his prideful teacher has commited a sin. Instead of turning her in, dark sexual emotions well up in him and he blackmails her to give him her body. It's the creation of an evil protagonist, desiring women and wealth. The story is very perverted and sex-heavy and will involve demeaning scenes. It won't suit everyone's taste, but I still hope you enjoy it though. It is a work of fiction. Every character used in the story is 18+.

Jcsweek · Urban
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Chapter 17

A bomb dropped on Sophia's head. It had taken quite some courage to face her embarrassment to come here and ask him for sex, yet now it had been taken off the table completely.

"N-no, I don't want anyone else. O-only you can do it," she said immediately. She knew if she let him go now, she would never feel so good again.

After realizing the weight of her words, her face blushed even more. She had just confessed that she only wanted to do it with him. Not her husband, not any other man. Him.

"I see; well, I did really enjoy doing it with you. Your body is simply amazing, but I don't think it's good for us to be in that kind of relationship. If your husband found out, I'd become homeless."

Sophia trembled starting to realize their relationship would be over. The sensations she felt from the amazing sex would never course through her body again. 

The dull and lonely life she lived as a housewife without kids would come back, while the thrilling and mind-blowing sex would be of the past.

The more she thought about it, the more she hated it. 

"C-can't we still do it? I-I'll make sure my husband won't find out," Sophia pleaded one last time.

Asher looked seriously at the housewife and said: "Wasn't it you who wanted to end it? Now that you're feeling horny again, you act like nothing happened and think I'll just fuck you?"

Sophia pouted as she said: "B-but it's your fault my body is like this. I'm constantly in heat."

"Oh? But is that my fault? I just awoke the slut in you. It seems you were always destined to become a lewd woman in heat. Don't you think so?"

"T-that," Sophia was shocked being called like this, but whatever she thought, she couldn't refute his words.

After Asher had fucked her the first time, it seemed some sort of dam in her broke, and all her sexual needs came pouring out.

"P-please, I'll do anything," Sophia lowered her head. She didn't care about her image or embarrassment anymore. She was burning with desire right now, and only Asher could quench it.

Meanwhile, Asher loved seeing his adult neighbor in this state. It seemed in her mind she had already submitted to him; now it was time to reel her in.

"I'll fuck you," he said suddenly.

"R-really?" Sophia's eyes were happy, but upon seeing Asher's gaze, she knew something was up.

"But there will be some conditions."


Sophia went nervous as a shiver went down her back.

"C-conditions," she asked unsure.

"Yes, you can always go home; I won't mind," Asher said confidently.

"W-what are they?" 

Sophia got more unsure with every second that passed.

"First up, no more talk of this is the last time; if we proceed after this, we're going to fuck. And we're going to keep fucking, a lot."

Sophia knew what his, a lot, meant exactly. It was endless hot and hard sex, but she guessed this wasn't so bad. It actually got her going a bit.

"Next, whenever you enter my house, our relationship will change. You won't be my adult landlord. And I won't be the tenant student. You will be my woman."

Sophia's heart skipped a bit, hearing him call her his woman. It felt a bit weird, but not in the wrong way. Unconsciously, she nodded her head.

"Good then, lastly, when in the bedroom. I don't want to have only normal sex anymore. When I finally get a girl, I want to know everything there is to know about sex; that's why you'll become my test subject."

"T-test subject?" Sophia asked, astonished.

"Yes, if I want a blowjob, you'll give me a blowjob. If I want those huge tits of yours to sandwich my dick, you'll do so. We'll do anything possible in bed, meaning positions, clothing, and duration."

Sophia was astounded by Asher's words. She realized just how big of a pervert he was.

"I will satisfy your lewd sex-craving body, and in return, you'll allow me to do as I please with you. That's the deal. You may either accept or refuse."

Sophia knew she was at a crossroads; if she accepted this deal, her life would never be the same again. She couldn't imagine what kind of things he would do to her.

But at the same time, it amazed her as well. Hearing him speak so obscenely made her body only burn brighter. She knew if she agreed, Asher would show her worlds she didn't know existed.

"Now make your choice, Sophia, go back to your impotent husband. Or"

Asher sat down next to her and squeezed her thigh.

"Stay here and allow me to ravish you in ways you never dreamt possible."

"Haah," a hot breath escaped her lips as she pictured both futures.

One was dull and boring, while the other was spectacular and exhilarating.

"I-I'll do it. I'll become yours."

"Great, I'm going to turn you into a splendid bitch in heat," Asher said hotly in her ear.

Sophia almost came from feeling him so close to her, hearing his perverted words. Her mind emptied as she just didn't care anymore.

"Now face me and plant your lips on mine. Let's see if you have the conviction by giving me that which you refused before."

Slowly, her face turned Asher's as she wet her lips with her tongue before planting them on his.

Right now, she wasn't her husband's wife; she was this guy's woman. So kissing him naturally wasn't a problem. That was her reasoning.

A feeling of victory and amazement entered Asher's body as he felt Sophia's lips on his. They were incredibly juicy, and he couldn't resist sucking on them hard.

He knew there was no turning back for her anymore. From now on, he would train her into an incredibly lewd and lascivious woman who couldn't live without his dick. In time, she'd be kneeling at his feet.

As soon as Sophia's mouth opened a little, Asher intensified his assault and greedily invaded her mouth with his tongue.


Sophia allowed him to do as he pleased as their tongues intertwined and rubbed against each other. Their lips kept connected as they moved from a normal kiss into an obscene kiss between lovers.

She couldn't believe that just kissing made her feel so good. Asher's aggressive tongue and lips completely conquered her as her horny body began feeling better and better.

As the deep kiss continued, Sophia lost more and more strength, but Asher didn't let go as he intensified even more.

Then suddenly, she wasn't able to handle it anymore. Her pussy, which had been yearning for dick, came.

"Hmmmh, nnhhnnn," Sophia came while kissing from kissing. But she didn't care; she just felt good.

Asher smiled as he let go of Sophia's amazing lips. Seeing her cloudy eyes, and her soft open, breathing mouth, he asked: "Did you just cum from kissing?"

Sophia blushed and cutely nodded her head, embarrassed that just a kiss made her orgasm.

"Wow, I didn't think you'd be that horny. Then what do you want to do next," Asher asked with a smile.

"P-please fuck me; I want your dick inside me," Sophia replied honestly. Right now, all she wanted was Asher's dick to mess her up.

"Heh, then let me satisfy this lewd body of yours."

Asher opened up her clothes, revealing her giant knockers while sliding her panties to the side. Her pussy was extremely wet, indicating her desire for sex.

He got off the couch and waited. Sophia obediently turned both her legs outwards, allowing him full access to her crotch.

Enjoying her nervous blush while he put his dick at her entrance, he kept still.

Sophia only got more in heat seeing the dick in front of her, feeling the tip scrape her pussy, but it was inserted inside her.

"W-why are you not continuing?" She said after a small bit.

"I'm just enjoying how you look right now. Who would've thought my mature landlord would be begging for my dick like a bitch in heat."

"T-that's," Sophia pouted as Asher spoke embarrassing words. She couldn't refute him, though, not having expected this herself.

"Now, what do you want me to do?"

"P-put it inside me."

"Tell me, lewder."

"Please put your cock in my pussy."

"Gladly," Asher said as he pushed his hips forwards, his dick entering Sophia's honey pot.


Asher immediately began pounding Sophia's vagina with great force, causing her to lose control of herself.

She could only moan as her cervix was being knocked on repeatedly. Once again, she was reminded just how fantastic sex was.

"S-shooo gooood," Sophia moaned as her pussy was pumped by an amazing dick.

Asher grabbed her soft breast with one hand as he made sure to thrust nice and hard. The looks on Sophia's face made his dick grow even bigger. He had imagined this sight since he first saw her, but now he could look at it in real life.

"hah, haaahn, aaaahhn."

Seeing Sophia's hot, moaning face with her mouth open while moaning, he couldn't resist and went in for another kiss.

Unlike before, when Sophia would draw the line at kissing, she now hotly accepted his lips and kissed him back.

Pleasure had corrupted her mind and only made her do things that felt good. Asher's lips sucking hers while his tongue explored her mouth felt amazing, so she naturally accepted him.

Like this, Asher shared a deep kiss with Sophia while his hips didn't stop thrusting. Her wet pussy enveloping around his dick felt amazing.

It didn't take very long before he felt a climax coming, but seeing Sophia as their lips separated, he knew she was close as well.

Pounding her hard and fast a few times, he began unloading his semen inside her.

Sophia, who already was hanging on, not wanting to cum so soon again, upon feeling the hot stuff enter her belly, released as well.

"C-cummingggggg," she moaned loudly as she experienced yet another mind-blowing orgasm.

Asher came fully inside Sophia's pussy, filling her up to the max. Simultaneously, he loved the satisfied look on her face as she came.

After their orgasms ended, Asher held still for a while, allowing Sophia to catch her breath. As her panting calmed down, he said: "Shouldn't you go home for your husband now?"

Sophia got a bit embarrassed, hearing Asher mention her husband while he was still deep inside her, but that didn't matter as she quickly shook her head.

"N-no, h-he'll be home late tonight. S-so can't we do it some more?"

"What do you want to do more?" Asher replied, enjoying her embarrassed look.

"S-sex. I want you to do me more."

Smiling, he caressed her cute shy, yet intoxicated face and said: "Then let's go to the bedroom; I'll fuck you as much as you want today."

Asher helped Sophia up, took off the disheveled clothes, and let her into his bedroom. Then, with a smile on his face, he took her again and again, turning her into a slobbering mess.

Sophia gladly accepted it all, putting her body in positions by Asher's command and having him mess her up. It soon became the best time in her life, overshadowing the time she spent with her husband.