

In an era and time where power is based on strength. Special abilities a given to people classifying them into thousands a categories or "Breeds" these inhabitants of a different world all live together in peace despite their different supernatural abilities. However these abilities have limits born in them and if no one can surpass their limits however, there's a race among the breeds that have no limits no obstructions they can use their powers to the highest point and it still won't have an effect on themselves these people are called UNLIMITED and there only two left for now . . . ...,... In a world that is almost dictated by a breed called the Swordmasters, a young woman named Skylar finds herself whipped in the way of these people because of her breed. Skylar is a rare breed called the Stormtamers however she suffered greatly in the hands of the Swordmasters that leaves her with a childhood trauma that haunts her for life leading her to hate the Swordmasters to the bone however her life changes when she meets Armor Amazon a gentle but secretive Swordmaster and son to the leader of the Amazon Empires leader. She hates him at first but she realises she has the same secret has her his an Unlimited. Despite her constant offensives to him he still finds himself drawn to her and decides to protect her from anyone even herself. "What do I have to do to make you to leave me alone, listen Armor I don't know what you think but even though we are both Unlimited doesn't mean were linked or anything okay" Skylar screams with rage but he draws her into a warm embrace a whispers "Even it you're lost I'll find you, even if you're scared I'll make you laugh, even if you forget I'll make you remember and even if you are strong and fast and incredibly powerful, reckless and likely to kill even by mistake I'll still be here to protect and be by you whether dead or alive I will always protect you because I Love you Skylar" Skylar slowly blushes and her heart beats fast like she has been longing to her those words all her life. Secrets are revealed, Lies are uncovered, Mysteries are solved all for one goal to find peace in the world filled with wars

LADYD · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

7 years later

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Amazon Entrance Match" the host announced.

"Skylar, Skylar" shouted a little girl has she ran towards her sister in the dressing room.

"Skylar look" she said and showed her a file containing her battle information.

"thanks Mist" thanked Skylar and she reviewed the file

The Amazon College

Name:Skylar Isle

Age: 18years, 2 months

Gender : Female

Height : 153 cm

Weight: 68kg

Physical appearance : Black hair with blue tips, navy blue eyes and slightly tanned.

Breed: Elemental

Competition Data

Venue :Hall 3

Time : 8:30 pm

"and finally competitor Armor Amazon" Skylar concluded

"All remaining qualifiers should please head to the viewing room and wait for the match to be called" the loud speaker announced

Skylar stood nervously shaking and breathing.

"Don't worry Sky you're gonna do great" said Misty with her usually big warm smile . Skylar smiled, crouched and hug her little sister.

"Thanks Misty" she smiled and headed to the viewing room.

After a long search Skylar found the viewing room at the South -West corner of the Hall. Standing she observed the qualifiers in the room they were all watching the 25 qualifying match of the day

" Jaquelin Rouge versus Nicholas Stone" she read out loud and continue to watch from the back . The match seem intense, the fighters weren't giving up easily. Skylar watched eagerly but her attention was diverted to her cellphone that was ringing.

Skylar - Hello

Grandmother - So how is my favourite fighter doing on her big day, I bet your shaking in your bones

Skylar - Grandma I know what you're trying to do and its not gonna work

Grandmother - Skylar what do expect for me. You call after disappearing for 7 years just to tell me you are registering for the Amazon entrance exam, I mean I'm just trying to help

Skylar - Well your not changing my mind

Grandma - Okaytell , but please take care and watch your health.

Skylar - Sure thing

Grandmother - And tell my little vapour queen I said Hi and I love you guys.

"Finally" Skylar gasped after her grandmother ended the call.

" Grandmother's am I right" said a girl with orange hair and freckled cheeks has she walked towards Skylar along with her friend

" Please tell me you weren't eavesdropping on my call"

" Nooo I just heard Grandma , health, vapour queen and disappearing " she listed

"Meaning that you were eavesdropping" Skylar snapped

" Okay yes, We're sorry, let's introduce ourselves I'm Daphne Shane and she is ..."

"Hollow Hunt "

"Sorry ,Daph but I like my own introductions " Hollow snapped.

Daphne rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the tall lady in front of her " and you are" Daphne asked

"Skylar" she replied. Hollow was shocked when she heard her name but she couldn't remember why.

"Skylar, where have I heard that name before" Hollow sighed.

Skylar closely observed the fight watching the moves of each of the qualifier. Finally the match concluded.

" and the Animalia Jaquelin Rouge has won" the host announced

" tough break for Nick" Daphne sighed.

" don't leave yet cause the next qualifying match match will occur momentarily.

" well Skylar when's your match starting" asked Hollow curiously.

" In 2 hours" Skylar responded

"well good luck, who are you going against" Daphne asked

" I think the son of the owner of the school Armor Amazon" Skylar stated and for a few seconds the entire room went quiet, all eyes were looking at Skylar liked she dropped a bomb in hall. Finally Hollow broke the silence " What you're going against Armor " she shouted

"Yea so"

" Skylar you don't get it Armor is the last person you'll want to go against" Daphne scolded

" Why cause he's a Swordmaster that's barely a good reason to bail out of a fight " Skylar remarked

" Look I don't think you know this but Armor has never been defeated before ever...."

" and all his past fighters barely lived with the ability to tell the story"

" In order words if I love my dear life I will drop out of this match immediately " Skylar sighed

" Not a chance" Skylar snapped

" Qualifier 103 please report to Venue 4 for your match "

" that's my cue" Skylar smiled as she walked towards the Venue hall.

" She's not gonna make it" Daphne sighed.

A tall woman with black hair and blue eyes quietly laughed at Daphne's remark

" I wouldn't be so sure" she smiled

Meanwhile at the bleachers Misty finally found a good spot to watch the match but before she knew it she was surrounded by a bunch of girls.

" Aww who's this cutie" sang one of the girls

" I'm Misty" she replied

" well Mistee I'm Livanna are watching the next match?" she asked

" Yea my sister is up next" Misty explained

" wait is your sister Skylar Isle" Livanna asked

" Yea and she is best fighter I know she's definitely gonna win" Misty cheered

" Well see about that" Livanna said with a smirk

At the other side of the Arena somebody is feeling pressured.

" Why do I have to do this " he sighed

" Look I don't like this anymore than you do but you of all people should know what Father will do if you don't end her" he said I know

" hundreds will die for the sake of one " he sighed

The arena was filled with cheers and calls.

" well guess I have no choice " Armor sighed has he walked into the Arena.

The hall was packed, the time was accurate both competitors looked at each other both with the desire to win but with the same cause to save.

" Let the fight begin"
