
Unlimited Wishes

Bob was a simple man with simple means, one day as he was walking down the street he was hit by a truck. (classic) After that he found himself face to face with a God and was granted Unlimited Wishes. ---------------------------------------------- So side note, this is gonna be a really short fanfic, I just wanted to actually do a story where the Mc actually got all the stupidly op wishes that everyone says they'd wish for, or that'd make the fanfics so "great", tbh this is meant to mostly display how boring or short a fanfic would be with this concept. (me realising that I am calling my own fanfic boring with this statement) Regardless though, I guess enjoy? (then again if this is an enjoyable read it would invalidate my previous points, sh*t)

DrunkenFever · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 11 Elements

"Woah!" Eren exclaimed as a gust of wind was emitted from his palm. Over this week Bob had tested everyone's elemental affinity, and for the most apart it was quite standard.

Eren's and Kenny's was Wind, Hange's and Zeke's was Earth, Grisha's and Armin's was Wood, while Levi's was Lightning and Mikasa's had a dual affinity of Wind and Lightning which surprised Bob quite a bit. Erwin's was the most surprising of them all though, he lacked an elemental affinity, but he had an affinity in Summoning magic. He could call on beings from other planes and utilise their powers.

'Of course Erwin get's the ability that allows him to command people, I mean who can forget the final Sasageyo?' Bob thought to himself.

At the moment everyone was getting used to their elements and how to utilise them. Unfortunately no one had obtained a Fire, Water, or Metal meaning that the trio couldn't exactly help them, but they didn't seem to be having too much difficulty.

Eren for one seemed quite attuned with his element, while the Ackermann's were simply talented. While everyone had varying aptitudes Bob was more or less pleased. 'The people who I wanted to participate, are participating, what can I complain about?' Bob mused before turning his head around.

Currently a small village was being built by the others. While Bob could feasibly do everything for them people needed purpose and tasks to do to truly find meaning in life, so they decided to do it themselves.

"Sir Bob, I can't really get the hang of this." Armin sighed as he approached Bob. Although at first Armin had been quite shy he had started to ask more and more questions over time. "You have wood right?" Bob asked, to which Armin nodded.

"Hmm, what's your issue?" Bob asked once again. "I can gather the Elemental Energy, but I just can't really form it, I am not sure exactly what I am meant to do. The other's create blades, or balls, but that isn't exactly what wood can do. Even lightning simply creates just that, lightning." Armin replied as he attempted to gather the Elemental Energy.

"You're thinking about it wrong. Its wood right? Where do trees grow from?" Bob questioned. "The ground." Armin answered. "Then you simply need to direct the Elemental Energy....." Bob said before placing his palm on the ground.

"....Into the ground." And with that a large tree grew right next to Bob, producing a nice area of shade around him. Seeing this Armin had a sudden realisation. Gathering the Elemental Energy once again, he contained it within his hands before pressing it into the ground.

A few seconds later small sprout grew. "I did it!" Armin exclaimed in joy. "Thank you Sir Bob. Eren, Mikasa look!" Armin ran off to go shows his friends. "Hmm, I wonder if he'll match Hashirama one day." Bob muttered to himself before looking at the others.

Grisha was likewise having trouble just as Armin was, but he wasn't as comfortable with asking questions, probably due to him being older and feeling a bit more embarrassed than a child like Armin. Either way, after seeing Bob's demonstration Grisha too produced a sprout which Bob could tell made him extremely happy.

At this point everyone could produce their element at an elementary level. Kenny could make a blade of wind, Eren a ball of wind, Hange could coat her fist in earth, while Zeke could form a stone ball, Levi could produce lightning around his hand, and Mikasa could create a blade of wind and coat her hand in lightning like Kenny and Levi.

Erwin on the other hand could accomplish an elementary summon, which caused Bob to raise a brow. This was because his elementary summon was a slime. Since Erwin had summoned it, he and Hange had been constantly conducting experiments on it, it was frankly quite funny in Bob's opinion.

"Seems like its main strength is its malleability." Erwin noted. "Mhm but its lacks any and all intelligence." Hange added. "But it listens to commands quite well. Sasageyo Slime-kun!" Erwin commanded. And in an instant the slime seemed to form an arm before placing it on one could presume to be its left chest.

"Yo Levi, wanna fight?" Kenny asked smiling from ear to ear. "Shut it Kenny." Levi replied ignoring him. "Oh well, guess you're too scared." Kenny sighed before walking away. Bob could tell Kenny was rearing to go.

But he could simultaneously tell Levi also wanted to fight deep down but held himself back for some reason. 'He's not confident in winning?' Bob thought to himself, then again it was true that at this point in time Levi would lose.

While his lightning element was strong he couldn't currently use any range attacks, while Kenny's wind blade could be spammed continuously. Right now it was disadvantageous to fight him.

Besides their elements, they all also began training their bodies. This was much more straightforward in comparison to the elemental training so it went on much swifter and easier than the elemental training. Also this time Bertolt, Reiner and Annie helped where possible allowing them to progress smoothly.

"So, who will our opponents be?" Reiner asked out of curiosity. He really wanted to know, as lately he was feeling quite full of himself. "Hmm, while I haven't selected who I'll bring next I can show you some who will appear down the line." Bob replied. "Can I see them?"

"Sure just gather the others." Bob said. A few minutes later Reiner had gathered everyone else. "These guys are strong right?" Kenny asked with excitement. "Obviously dimwit." Levi scoffed.

Not paying attention to Kenny and Levi's argument, Bob made a holographic like screen. 'Should I show them Madara versus Hashirama?' Bob had thought before displaying the footage on the screen. This wasn't the anime, this was the real thing, naturally Bob had bought a real recording through the system.

"I'm coming Madara!"

"Come Hashirama!"

They said to one another before the Majestic Attire Susanoo clashed with the True Several Thousand Hands. This scene alone left them all stunned on the spot. "Hmm not bad." Bob remarked before turning off the video.

"Are these the strongest guys we'll be fighting?" Reiner asked while gulping in fear. "Hmmm, no they're about middle of the pack. That isn't even Madara at his strongest either to be fair." Bob explained which immediately made all of them realise how weak they were in comparison.

"Don't worry about it too much, I'll bring them in when it makes sense to do so, so naturally you should all use your time wisely and train as much as you can. If I am satisfied with your efforts I'll give you some items to help you along." Bob continued trying to reignite their confidence.

There was only one person who had a bright light shining in their eyes. 'Is that the true power of the wood element?!' Armin thought in excitement, one day he too wanted to make an angry wooden giant.