
Unlimited Wealth & Cultivation

David Lidell's life changes dramatically when he discovers a revolutionary system that made him a the richest person in the world overnight. Money is no longer an obstacle for him, but a powerful tool to manipulate the world around him. As David rises to the top, he learns that true power comes from knowledge and influence. He finds that with the more money he spends, more powerful he becomes in martial arts, eventually becoming the #1 on Earth, then the Milkyway, then the Universe! Will he become a hero or a villain? Follow his gripping journey from rags to riches and witness his transformation into a powerful figure who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. --- Note: This novel will start as a typical rich MC with unlimited money, however further along the story, David will become a martial artist and will turn into a cultivation novel in modern era.

DaoistGmcGOC · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Saving Tara

She had thought her family only owed a few million, so she didn't think David's wealthy status would be an issue. But, finding out they actually owed 100 million was a shock. Could David really take out such a huge sum of money? Even if his family was wealthy, as a student, they probably wouldn't allow him to lend such a large amount to someone he barely knew.

Tara was at a loss. She couldn't let her parents know the truth and shatter their hopes. "Dad, David will lend me the money because he's my boyfriend! We've been together for six months. I didn't tell you earlier because I was afraid you'd think I was too young."

Ken and Laura were surprised, but happy to hear that their daughter had such a great boyfriend. However, Ken couldn't help but wonder if Tara was lying to comfort him. "Call him tomorrow and see if you can borrow the money," he said.

Tara's heart sank. "Dad, I'll call him tomorrow. You should eat something, I'm hungry too." Ken had been in business for many years and could tell something was off with his daughter's behavior.

Ken let out a heavy sigh, "Just as I suspected," he thought to himself. His daughter was only delaying him.

Laura interjected, "Tara, give him a call! If we can borrow the money, then your father can prepare. If we can't, then we still need to figure out how to settle you and your sister. If not, your father and I won't die peacefully."

Tara reluctantly took out her phone and dialed David's number, hoping for a miracle despite feeling hopeless.

Meanwhile, David was waiting backstage at South River University. Suddenly, his phone rang. He checked the caller ID and saw that it was Tara calling him. "Why is this chick calling me?" he wondered.

Even though he was curious, David still answered the phone. "Hello, Miss Tara Smith. Can I help you?"

On the other end of the phone, Ken heard David calling his daughter 'Miss Tara Smith', and his last glimmer of hope faded immediately. No man would address their girlfriend like that. However, Tara did not care about the trivial details.

"David, are you free now? I want to tell you something," Tara said.

David looked at his schedule and saw that there were a few groups in front of him. So, he walked to a quieter place. "What's going on?" he asked.

"David, I want to borrow some money from you!" Tara exclaimed.

David was stunned. "Borrow some money? Isn't this chick's family loaded? Why would she borrow money from me?" he thought to himself.

"How much?" David asked.

"100 million," Tara replied.

"How much?" David thought he misheard, so he asked again.

"I want to borrow 100 million!" Tara repeated.

"Why do you need to borrow so much money?" David asked, incredulously.

"David, my family's business failed, and we owe a lot of money to loan sharks. If we don't pay up, our family will be doomed. Can you please help me? I'll definitely pay you back slowly," Tara said, starting to sob into the phone.

Loan sharks? David couldn't believe it. That was something that would ruin her life. The image of Tara rejecting Mr. Gomez's hints of sleeping with him appeared in David's brain. If he refused now, after a while, this chick might become those people's plaything for the sake of money. Alright, he would just think of this as saving a young lady who had taken the wrong step in life.

"Is 100 million enough?" David asked.

This was the most touching sentence Tara had ever heard in her life, as it had the power to lift her family out of the abyss they were about to fall into. Ken and Laura exchanged shocked glances, their faces filled with disbelief. Their daughter's boyfriend seemed incomprehensible - to him, a hundred million was nothing, while their family couldn't even dream of possessing that much wealth, even during their most prosperous stage. Could he really be so casual about it? The thought that someone like him was dating their daughter filled them with joy. And if he was willing to lend her such a large sum, it meant he cared for her deeply.

"It's enough! Thank you, David!" Tara exclaimed, tears of relief streaming down her face. She had been on edge all afternoon, but now she could finally relax. She felt the need to let it all out. "Give me your account number. I'll transfer it to you later," David's voice sounded over the phone.

"Okay, thank you so much, David!" Tara replied, quickly sending him her account details. When she looked up, she saw her parents staring at her intently. "Mom, Dad, what's wrong?" she asked, confused.

"Tara, is David really your boyfriend?" her mother asked, unable to contain her curiosity.

"Yes! Otherwise, he wouldn't have lent me a hundred million dollars, no matter how wealthy he is," Tara responded, smiling at the thought.

"I see. When can we meet him and thank him properly?" her father chimed in, still in shock over the incredible generosity they had just witnessed.

"He's very busy, but I'll bring him home whenever he's free," Tara promised, eager to introduce her wonderful boyfriend to her parents.

"Alright, fine. Mom, go make dinner. I'm hungry," she added, dismissing the topic.

Suddenly, a robotic tone rang from Tara's phone, announcing a transfer of a hundred million dollars into her account. The three of them were stunned, but also relieved. Even though David had promised to lend them the money, the weight on their chests wouldn't lift until they saw the money in their account.

After they had acquired the money, the family's crisis was resolved. Laura happily went to make dinner while Ken walked out of the room he had been in for the past two days. After drinking some milk, he took a shower. Meanwhile, Tara sat on the living room sofa and reflected on what had happened that day. She couldn't fathom what would have occurred to her family if David hadn't aided them.

Her parents would have taken the blame and departed from this world, leaving Tara and her sister alone. David saved not only her parents but also Tara and her sister. Moreover, he saved a family that was on the brink of collapse. Tara resolved to dedicate herself solely to David from that day forward. She would appear whenever he needed her, and vanish when he didn't. Whether she was his mistress or his maid, she was determined to remain by his side, even if it meant working incredibly hard.

David was still waiting for his turn at South River University. He would be up next. If he knew what Tara was thinking right now, he would undoubtedly be confused. He had only lent her 100 million, so why would she pledge her life to him? At this moment, the emcee's voice boomed, "Since the next performer, Ava Snowden, is sick, we'll have David Lidell playing the piano for us instead." After the emcee spoke, there was a commotion among the audience.

"Why David?" exclaimed one.

"Where is my goddess? How can they replace her?" another cried.

"Hey, David, can you show us how you vomited blood that day? My girlfriend is going to break up with me soon, and I want to learn from you," a third jested.

The scene became a little chaotic. After David took the stage, he heard laughter from the students below, but he paid them no heed. He walked to the piano and grabbed the microphone, then announced, "Teachers, students, good evening. My name is David Lidell. Tonight, I will be performing a song I wrote called 'Boy.' I hope you will enjoy it." He sat down at the piano and placed his fingers on the keys. After collecting himself, the tutorial on how to play the piano appeared in his brain. It was as if he had rehearsed this countless times. His fingers glided across the keys, and the music emanating from the piano flowed into everyone's ears.

"Not bad at all!" one student exclaimed. "David even knows how to play the piano? He's been hiding it so well!" another remarked.