
Unlimited Sword Domain

Five hundred years ago, the world was suddenly invaded by alien lifeforms. All countries were defeated in an instant, and a world government was formed to protect the human race on the earth. Facing the menacing alien civilization, the first strong man on earth awakened his ability and began to protect the earth from the invasion of alien civilization. Until now, most of the people on earth are fighting to protect the earth. As for our protagonist, he was born an orphan, and the orphanage was immediately demolished. He had no choice but to live on the streets, feeling unfair to the world. Until he meets four children who change his life, let us wait and see what different life they will bring to him. Big Brother: Noah Second brother: John Third brother: Jeptha Fourth sister: Annie Younger sister: Ying This book is like a door leading to uncharted territories. Open it, and you will be transported into a world woven with suspense, fantasy, and profound emotions.

WeiNuan · Fantasy
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177 Chs

My child have returned to its ancestors

After a happy night, Annie's three little ones were tired and fell asleep, with John keeping watch beside them.

Noah saw that all four were sound asleep and began to prepare for tomorrow's journey.

He packed some dry food, mineral water and tools such as ropes into a rucksack. Only when he was satisfied did he return to his room to sleep.

After a good night's sleep, Noah waited outside the house next to Lixuan at six in the morning, just like yesterday.

After a short while, the door opened and Ming Yi stepped out.

At this time, Noah also began to burn the CPU, he associated a lot of strange things. But all this was dispelled by Lixuan, who came out behind him.

That's right, it was dispelled. Lixuan picked up the newspaper, folded it into a stick and hit Noah on the head.

Noah instinctively shouted, "I didn't see anything, and I won't say anything if anything strange happens to you.

This time it was Ming Yi's turn to pick up Lixuans' newspaper and hit Noah on the head.

"We've discussed what you're supposed to do today and you're completely out of our league.

So we have formulated a task that perhaps only you can complete at this stage."

Having said that, both Lixuan and Ming Yi laughed coldly.

This smile made Noah's skin crawl.

After the three of them had breakfast, Lixuan also gave Noah a spatial storage ring. Now Noah didn't have to carry a backpack all the time, and he could store all his loot inside the ring.

Afterwards, Ming Yi continued teaching the elite class, while Noah followed Li Ling Ashes to the location of his mission.

It was only when they reached a forest that Lixuan said, "This is the forest where the Academy specially captures demonic beasts. As you can imagine, it's from here that we catch demonic beasts and bring them to the Academy for the other students to practice.

Noah looked around curiously, as if he were an underground person who had never seen the sun.

Lixuan then explained the tasks he had to complete.

"You will start by hunting thirty bronze level 6 or higher demonic beasts, five bronze level 9 demonic beasts, and at least one silver realm demonic beast. These are your tasks, and you can choose the order in which you hunt them. The rewards will be given to you when you finish."

Having said that, Lixuan opened his spatial ability and left, leaving only Noah, who was still stunned.

After half a minute, Noah slowed down.

He carefully observed the structure of the forest, but even though he had reached the ninth level of the Bronze Realm, there was still no way for him to see further.

He had to find a higher place to test again.

In the process, Noah also found some low-grade demonic beasts. Adhering to the principle of not wasting anything, it took some time to settle them down before Noah continued his search for suitable demonic beasts.

Although Lixuan returned to the Academy to continue his busy schedule, he still used his supernatural ability to locate Noah's position. This would at least make Noah's exact location clear.

On the contrary, at Noah's side, he encountered his first suitable demonic beast. It was a serpentine demonic beast that possessed the seventh level of the Bronze Realm. It was called the Fire Grass Snake because its body was red and it always liked to catch its prey in the grass.

As Noah looked at the snake, which was almost three metres long, sweat was undeniably pouring from the corners of his mouth. It couldn't be helped, Noah had eaten snake meat more than once when he was poor.

He had also been planning for a long time to taste the taste of a demonic beast.

Sensing Noah's gaze, the sky grass snake felt insulted and rushed out of the grass towards Noah.

Seeing this, Noah took his stance and said softly, "Sword skill, first stance, rain or shine.

A powerful storm erupted from Noah's body, and he had no intention of using his supernatural abilities. In his words, "High quality ingredients only require a simple method of treatment to ensure the quality of the meat".

In an instant, the Amakusa Snake was cut into pieces by the storm.

After picking up the Sky Grass Snake's ability core, Noah loaded the remaining body parts into his spatial ring.

Just like that, Noah came and went along the way, killing any demonic beasts that matched or looked good and loading them into the ring.

He was busy until twelve noon, when Noah lit the fire and prepared to taste the flesh of the demonic beasts.

He took out the Sky Grass Snake, the Sonk Chicken and the Ice Fish, all on skewers, and put them on the fire to grill.

After waiting a while, Noah took the skewer of the Heavenly Grass Snake and ate it. The meat of the demonic beast was really of better quality than ordinary meat, and the flesh was firmer.

Noah took the spices he had secretly prepared last night out of his spatial ring, it was true that gourmets were always in a state of preparation.

He ate the meat skewers and calculated the results of this morning's efforts.

Looking at the still intact corpses, the calculations told him that the thirty bronze level 6 or higher demonic beasts would be completed with five left, and the bronze level 9 beasts needed three more to be completed. The last of the silver level demonic beasts had not yet been encountered.

Noah, having finished his meal, began to move on in search of the remaining ingredients.

On his way, he crossed the forest and entered a canyon.

Hearing noises coming from inside, Noah moved slowly so as not to frighten the snakes.

After walking all the way there, he realised that there were two tiger-shaped demonic beasts facing nearly ten leopard-shaped demonic beasts, all of which were between bronze level 8 and level 9.

Only one of the tigers was obviously larger than the others, and its fur was different from that of its neighbours. Noah also guessed that it must have arrived in the Silver Realm.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been able to deal with so many leopard-shaped demonic beasts.

Just as Noah was about to intercept it, he saw a young tiger-shaped demonic beast hiding behind the ninth-level bronze tiger-shaped demonic beast. It was struggling to comfort the young tiger.

But it was more nervous than anyone else.

It reached out its claws to help the little tiger clean up its fur before roaring at its Silver Realm counterpart in front of it.

Not long after that, the badly injured Silver Realm tiger reluctantly left tears in his eyes.

Although Noah understood the law of the jungle and the injustice of this world, seeing it with his own eyes still made it easy to replace himself.

Noah understood the pain of losing a close relative, just as he himself would be frustrated, angry or even mad if someone took his sibling away from him.

Having calmed down for a while, he felt like helping the three tiger-shaped demonic beasts.

He crossed the stone and performed the sword stance once more:

"Sword Skill, Fifth Style, Qiankun run!"

Combined with the Destroy Ability, a ribbon of needle with a destructive aura instantly killed three of the leopards that were relatively far back.

The sudden change stunned the demonic beasts present.

Noah also appeared in front of them and said, "Do you want to go in alone or shall I help you?

Under the astonished eyes of the demonic beasts, Noah once again chopped off the head of another type of leopard with a single stroke of his sword.

There were originally ten of them, but by Noah's calculations there were only six left.

The Silver Realm Tiger behind him also came up to Noah and said, "Thank you, Human. When I die, you can take my ability core."

Although Noah was confused as to why it could speak human words, he decided to solve the problem in front of him.

The tiger then joined the fight.

In just a moment, the one man and the one tiger finished off all the panther demon beasts that had just been there.

However, at that moment, the Silver Realm Tiger Demon Beast also seemed to collapse, as if it couldn't hold on any longer, and the two tigers behind it rushed forward to wail in front of it.

Finally, the Silver Realm Tiger said, "I was lucky enough to get a chance to speak human language in the Bronze Realm when I was young, but my chance only allowed me to function at the Gold level. My wife and I may not be able to hold out much longer, so human, I beg you to take my child. As a reward, I can give you both the core of my abilities and the chance to function within them.

The bronze tiger behind him also showed wounds down to the bone, and it was obvious that it too had been holding on tightly as it took care of the child.

Noah, who was used to the coldness of the world and the warmth and softness of the earth, also opened his mouth and replied, "I can take it to live with me, but it must serve me as its master.

The bronze-ranked tiger immediately hissed angrily at Noah, clearly unhappy with the decision.

Seeing this, Noah also said, "If it doesn't take me as its master, it will be captured by the others if anything happens to it afterwards.

The Silver Realm Tiger, who had been thinking for a long time, said, "Okay, let it take you as its master, and I hope you can take good care of it.

Only then did Noah slowly say, "I will also give it the core of your ability to use, so that your chance will be considered to have been passed on.

Only after hearing this did the two tigers silently shed tears and gently rub the little tiger with their paws, as if they were saying words they had not yet been able to finish.

Only after a while did the tiger manage to say, "Thank you, human, my ancestor was a Heaven Slayer Tiger. But as the years went by, our bloodline gradually dwindled. In my generation, it was difficult for the pack to break through to the master realm. However, my child has returned to its ancestors and has a bloodline comparable to that of his old ancestor. If he can grow up healthy, he will be able to help you in the future. "

"If you hadn't said that, I would also taken care of him until I died. "

"Human, thank you. Please... "

With that, the two tigers collapsed to the floor, apparently dead.

The cubs also remained in tears, rubbing their fur as if to remember their scent forever, not wanting to forget...

*Thank you all of you again to have a watch to the new chapter of my novel. Hope you will all can get some fun in it, and hope you all have a nice day.*

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