

Sweeping his gaze on the six individuals spread out in front of him, Noah heaved a deep sigh, things were about to get a bit messy.

"So are we going to turn on each other now?," Moses shook his head.

"Well not necessarily. We might just take out the weaker ones," Noah replied, his gaze smashing into the four middle staged cultivators. Though he intentionally left Isabella out. She was strong.

"We are not that weak. You are just unreasonably strong," One of the four middle stage cultivators said, his voice a bit shaky, but he of course tried to cover it.

Noah raised his eyebrows, but nodded at the man's words. "Well you can say that, or you can just let me take out the four of you. No one has to die," Noah shrugged his shoulders.

"If you are going to do that at least give us a headstart," Isabella's voice rang out. "You don't seem a bad guy so I believe you can do that much," she added glancing at James.