

The first battle surprisingly ended with a draw, but both figures were bloodied. Each one of them had severed a few chinks of skin from their opponent and cuts of different severity filled their bodies.

The brown-haired guy had managed to close in on his green-haired opponent many times which had resulted in deep gashes along the chest and legs of the green-haired man.

The green-haired expert had in turn managed to inflict significant damage on the arms and torso of his opponent, his attacks had produced long cuts and holes that bled badly.

In short, both experts were dying every second, but their eyes still burnt with vigor. Unfortunately, only one person had to succeed in the match. Which called for the elimination game.

Rather than a complex event Noah and the others expected, both individuals were simply asked to hold their breaths until one person couldn't anymore.

It was grim to see that their fates hung on such mediocre matters.