
Unlimited Sign In System

Su Chan, waste matrial of Su clan the four great families of Zingling County of Zonglong Kingdom got "Unlimited Sign in system' and let's see how he will step on many geniuses of Pro-profound continent and seek the avenue of great Emperor and become a well known the great "Su Huángdì' The novels created by the author "suraj sain' with thriller fantasy exciting plots, with excellent writing style. (Author's Note: psst, this novel is not mine as well I will keep stealing everyone else's work and gain money and fame. No but seriously this novel is not mine)

Death_God_Ryuk · Eastern
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28 Chs

Chapter 25

Master, what is going on, Who is the idiot shouting so loudly that it will tear the curtains of my ears. Lin Ran said.

Lin ran, shut up for me, this is not something, we can blasphemy, do you know, if this kind of existence really get angered because of your words it will bring disasters to us, because this kind of terrible force used to transmitted the voice trougthout to the world, between heavens and earth, only ancient emporer powerhouses can able to do so, or person who have been born with Innate body who had touched the furs of laws of heavens and earth, if not which can only possible to achieve after when you transcendent to ancient emporer realm, but ancient emporer realm powerhouses become extinct from pro-profound continent after the battle of ten thousand races from ancient times, did a tianji level ruin appeared into the specific influence of Qinzu fairy sect, does this is the sign of the rise, of our Qinzu fairy sect, Lin Lei said with excited expressions on his face.

Master, does ancient emporer realm powerhouses really powerful that they can able to use the laws of heavens and earth as they wish, if they can do so why should they have died into battle between ten thousand races, why does they extinct by now, didn't getting in touch with laws of heavens and earth and able to use them as they wish didn't made their lifespans same as world, but they had died in ancient times, does there hidden some kind of secret which can't be spoken of, from ancient times, hidden by the overload forces of Zongzhu. Lin ran said to Lin Lei.

Disciple these things I can't able to know, you already know, that the old men is only able to achieve holy realm in his life more then after fifty years old, yes its true that I only looks like more then thirty to fourty years old but its because years of hard cultivation base, its visualize my young appearence to the world, but I know you will definitely surpass many people and will definitely able to achieve ancient emporer level cultivation base in yours life, and let the world know my name being known as the teacher of Lin ran, hoping the achievement of the one and only dear disciple in her life, which makes him sigh and sad that he can not able to keep much support the disciple anymore because her cultivation getting higher and higher in just two years laters, she will definitely able to catch up with him then, he shouldn't have nothing to teach her anymore then, so he sigh.

Master, don't worry, when I achieve holy realm, I will definitely go to zongzhu Qinzu Holy Land of Qinzu fairy sect, then I will definitely able to find a way to let you achieve higer realms in your life, this is the promise of disciple to her master, Lin ran said to Lin lei with confident tone that she will definitely able become a proud girl of nine heavens one day and will definitely able to soar to the sky, and then chicken and dogs with her also able to soar to the sky.

It's good for disciple to think about her master, but disciple, master doesn't wants you to care these things much for a while now, you should have to focus on your path peak of immortality, and on your hard cultivation, because when you have the strongest fists in the world then you have everything in this pro-profound continent if not then everything is just a empty talks. Lin lei said in reminding tone to Lin ran, that you have to concentrate on your hard cultivation for a mean while, until you have powerful strength to achieve the dreams, which you have dreaming of, if not what you are saying right now all things becomes are nothing just stayed as your own dreams never able to turned into reality.