
Unlimited RPG

Kazuki Toshihiro live a very fulfilling life, because when he still alive he always have this motto "Life is simple, The person is the one who made it difficult." There are many people who always think about their problem too much, that they overlook the answer even though the answer is already clear in front of them. On a rainy day Kazuki came home with his umbrella, when he came across a granny that crossing the street. The old bone walk very slowly that the already green light almost turn red, but there's still no one that want to help her. It's not like there's no kind person there are a lot of kind person on this crossroad, well it's not like Kazuki doesn't know the reason, actually the reason is very simple and very stupid! They just felt embarrassed, they think that helping other is too embarrassing to do, so they just let the other people do the job. But when other people do the job and got praised, they felt envy and talk bad about that people, so narrow minded. When Kazuki mind filled with those kind of thought, he saw at the corner of his eyes that a truck is coming over toward here at fast speed! while the truck is coming over, Kazuki look again to the granny and she just barely left her spot from before! Without too much thinking, Kazuki jump into action he ran and push the granny to the other side. As the granny pushed to the other side, the honking sound of horn keep getting louder, when suddenly all become silent as the road colored with blood. The granny scream of fear looking at the blood, and some passerby already called the ambulance to came over as fast as they could. Looking at that granny face that filled with grieves looking toward the direction where the blood connect, Kazuki could only smile because that mean the granny is safe from danger, but what is this, why is his eyelids became heavy and everything became silent. 29th May, Friday Kazuki Toshihiro left this world with a Smile.

Mr_Appuru · Others
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20 Chs

Lost Christmas

Traversing the portal, he never thought that he would be back to this place again. Even if at that time this place wasn't this futuristic, the building and landscape he saw every day after school was still intact at his memories as it just felt like yesterday to him.

The 109 crossing, or Shibuya crossing, this crossing was one of the busiest crossing in the world. Located outside Shibuya Station, this area was so crowded that the whole traffic stops completely as the pedestrians surge into the intersection from all sides.

'Well it cannot be helped, a big mall and fashion boutique, foods heaven, subway station, and not to mention Hachiko statue as a tourist spot.'

Kazuki standing on the middle of the crossing look at the white blue sky as white dot slowly fall to his head, 'Snow?' he thought when it hit him as the people around him were using thick coat and umbrella, while crossing the street. The side road were full of decoration, a star shaped string led light, well decorated tree on the roadside, boutique shop windows glowing with luxurious excess, and people hanging around together from couple, friends or a family.

Even if the world become futuristic. It doesn't mean that Kazuki doesn't know what's going on, as the hint already indicate toward the yuletide vibe on the air. 'The question is why?' Kazuki contemplated on the middle of the crossroad.

Then a man pull him back to his conscious, asking him was he okay because he just standing dazzled on the middle of the road for sometimes. Kazuki apologize and hurriedly moves as the pedestrian light almost turn red.

He arrived at the front of Shibuya Starbuck, he found himself with mouth wide open when he arrived, because Starbuck still exist even in anime world! He want to shout loudly and protest, but remembering there's a lot of people on here, he gave up the idea to do that.

'But still, why Christmas? I don't remember the anime started near Christmas.' Kazuki mused while looking at his surroundings.

Then he noticed that the guy next to him was using this weird shaped smartphone that could be used by one hands, as they only need to hold the baton like thing that displayed the hologram screen which is the interface of the phone.

At the moment, the guy next Kazuki was watching a news about how Christmas this year was celebrated at the other places.

But there's this one small thing that Kazuki eyes glued upon.

"Excuse me, there's something I like to ask." Kazuki said nervously, as his palm covered with sweat. "Are today, really 24 December 2029?"

After getting his answer, Kazuki heart pound faster as he broke into a cold sweat despite this cold weather. Kazuki with a bitter taste came back to his sense, and said his thanks to the guy.

'What is this undescribed feelings?' He said as he felt this mysterious feeling coming from inside of his being.

[Emergency Mission!

Goal: Goes inside the Roppongi church.

Rewards: 50.000 fantasy jewel.]

[Time limit, 5 minutes!]

"What the fuck!" Kazuki bellowed and startling the people near him. Kazuki without given time to think, he ran toward Roppongi directions. 'Shibuya to Roppongi has a distance of 3 km approximately, a normal human with proper physic, they could do it in 12 minutes. Now I'm just twice stronger than average man maybe I could do it in 6 to 7 minutes and that's if I ran at a track, But now in this crowded place, I need to arrive there in 5 minutes!' while running like madman, Kazuki bump to a lot of people and use his brain to remember which route to get there asap.

The ticking time limit interface was locked at top of his vision, the countdown of it was really put a lot of burden to Kazuki as he doesn't want to miss this mission. And from what he experienced from before, Emergency mission would affect the main story plot, and was very important. That's why Kazuki determined to finish every emergency mission.

As he pass 1 kilometer arriving at shibuya police station took him 2 minute because the crowd at shibuya at that time, but arriving here he look that the road became clearer than before. As he continued his ran without stopping, suddenly a scream that could destroy earth was unleashed, when he heard that his heart felt like being squeezed out of him as he sensed the sorrow behind that scream. 'Lost Christmas!' Kazuki trembled in fear when he remembered what happened inside the anime, will he have a taste of Lost Christmas? He thought before denying it and started hasten his pace.


The world suddenly felt a chill on their bodies, but the people that have apocalypse virus inside them felt like this is the end of the world. Time suddenly froze after the scream for a couple of second before it resumed again.

Scrooge that fighting past and present at the same time also felt the chill sensation just like blade hanging on his neck, Carol told him that forgot about past and present, because Eve has lost control of her power! She could feel it because the sensation were different, if she already bonded with her Adam, than that scream filled with sorrow wouldn't happened.

Scrooge use his void extraction on Carol and ran away from the battle as he need to stop Eve! Something unusual happened as past that controlling the endlave entered berserk state after hearing the scream, chased after Scrooge and Carol while laughing maniacally while following Scrooge toward the church.

As Scrooge and Carol almost arrived at the church, in front of them only separated by 600 m, they saw a young man, 18 in age running toward the church too just like them. But unlike the young man that succeed entering the church, he and Carol got stopped by past with her crazy laugher just right in front of the church.


One day before,

'Today Haruka told us that she want to have a family Christmas at Tokyo with father, me, and Shu. What a fantastic Idea she have, with this I could deepen my bond with Shu.'

'After the summer, Triton already left after he found out about my identity he's really a nuisance… I hate him because it seems that he likes me, but I don't care. Because Shu is the only one for me. Decided! Tomorrow is the day when I and Shu become one.'

"I cannot wait."

Mana chuckled, anticipating what would be happening tomorrow before going to sleep.


The morning light came as the night gone into slumber, but then she woke up with rough breath as her heartbeat pound faster, she felt hot all over her body, she felt like right now she was inside a sauna. Time pass by as her pajamas became soaked by her sweat, sticking to her skin as it let her alluring aura becoming more prominent.

She doesn't know what is the feeling she had right now, moreover it's not just her this feeling also came from the apocalypse virus as it telling her there's something at north direction and I must go there, 'the apocalypse virus doesn't had consciousness, then what is this unspeakable feeling inside my chest?' She said as she look toward the horizon.

'Whatever it is, I won't let it ruin my plan to made Shu become Adam today!' Determined to make her own brother her Adam, Mana suppressed the feeling she had right now, and denied its existence.

Then out of the blue, from Shu phone that she took before, came a message. The sender was Triton after knowing Shu and Mana would come to Roppongi for Christmas, he took this as a chance and send Shu a message telling Shu to meet him at Roppongi Church, because there's something important he must say about Mana.

Mana that read the message, 'Ah~ so this is where that mysterious feeling came from.' She thought as killing intent flashed on her eyes, 'What a fool, I will made him regret for interfering my affair!' after that, she turn into her father study room, where she took something out from the lower drawer.


Mana returned Shu phone before he could noticed it. When not long after, Haruka came and picked up Shu and Mana where they would go to Tokyo to celebrate the Christmas with their father. Their father, Kurosu Ouma was a professor that dedicate his life researching about apocalypse virus. After her wife died from giving birth to Shu, he rarely come home to Oshima anymore and stayed at Tennozuka University alone, to do his research.

Before long, they finally arrived at Tokyo. Although they could picked up Kurosu along the way to Roppongi, Kurosu said that he still have some research to do before he could leave here and told them to go to Roppongi first, and they would met up later at the church.

After hearing that, Haruka told them since this is a rare experience for them to leave Oshima, so how about they go sightseeing for a while before meeting with Kurosu later.

Both of them just nod their head and followed Haruka along.


"Papa is late." Mana said with dissatisfaction tone.

"Yes, he is." Haruka said smiling wryly to Mana, "Oh, where's Shu?" she noticed that Shu is not anywhere on sight even when this church only had couple of people inside it.

"He went to the toilet, Haruka." Mana told Haruka, "Shu and I are fine here, so you should go and pick him up, Haruka."

"He probably forgot about the appointment again and is still researching… Probably."

"Then can I rely on you?"

"Sure." Mana assured Haruka and urge her to go pick her father at Tennozuka University. Without noticing Mana eyes turned into crimson red, Haruka just nod obediently and walk away from the church without realizing anything weird about it, as Haruka left the church, she looking through the remaining people still within the church. As her gaze fall upon them, they leave from their seat and left the church obediently.

Haruka walk away from the church after having Mana convinced her, not noticing that at outside there's a boy with blonde hair and green winter coat coming toward the church.

The boy entered the church with intention of telling his best friend about the craziness his sister had. But when he come inside, it's not his best friend that waited for him, it's the girl with orang pinkish hair, wearing a white dress underneath her red winter coat augmented with her red eyes, she gave an bewitching look as she look at the blonde haired boy.

"Triton, you came!" Mana said happily as she came to him.

"Mana?!" Triton said surprised as his face became red from looking at Mana.

"Triton… you are my knight right?" Mana ask him with alluring voice. When she said that, Triton that usually calm and collected, shattered as he nodded his head dutifully.

"You would protect me right? Then, prove it to me." She said, as she took a gun from within her coat. "Shoot yourselves." With a smile Mana gives the gun to Triton.

Triton couldn't think straight as he just took the gun willingly, and shoot himself at the stomach without hestitation.


Triton then came to himself, and realize just what he had done when there's already a hole inside his stomach. Blood spurt out from it, and made a pool underneath him. Triton collapse to the floor, as his brain still processing just what happened earlier.

"Thank you, Triton." Mana voice resounded as her footstep coming closer to him. "You have done well protecting me."

"Triton… I love you, you know." She said tenderly, before it turn into a mocking smile as if she's looking at inferior being. "Just kidding."

She put her finger on triton blood and then use it as a lipstick for her alluring lips.

"Triton?" from outside the church, a voice of a young boy was heard. The boy had brown hair and wore a brown coat that fit his hair.

The boy came inside the church, when he saw his best friend laying on the ground with pool of blood beneath him, "Triton! What happen? Triton?!" he asked while shaking his friend that unconscious on the floor.

"It's okay Shu, don't be afraid." Mana said while drawing closer to him. "Let us have some fun, Shu. Creating a new world for both of us."

"What are you saying sis? We don't have much time, we need to save Triton first!" Shu urged Mana after he saw there's a more and more of blood coming out from Triton.

Seeing that her sister doesn't do anything, Shu got up and tried to leave from the church to ask for help from other people. But before he could get up, Mana took his hand and pull him close to her.

"Where are you going Shu? It's just beginning, our wedding… Kiss me Shu." Mana said full of affection.

As her face drew closer, Shu noticed there's a metallic crystal on Mana cheek. He remembered from the news he once saw, that the crystal is some kind of cancer and infectious, and the news said, that if they saw someone who had a crystal on their body, they must stayed away from them at any cost. Even the teacher at the school also warn them about this illness and they must get away from those who had this symptoms.

"No, stay away! You monster!" Shu exclaimed as he pushed away her sister and back away from her.

As Shu put a distance between them, something inside Mana was broken and shattered into piece.


As she scream, the earth trembled, the sky was about to come crashing down, even the time had stopped for a split seconds. That's just how terrifying Mana power is.

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry Shu." Mana said as she looked up at Shu that scared of Mana. Every time Mana took a step forward toward Shu, Shu back away from her. As if seeing a monster, he wanted to run away from this place immediately.

"Don't be afraid."

"Sister is scared too! Don't leave me Shu!" Mana bellowed with teary eyes, as she look at Shu escaping from the church. No, escaping from her… She hug herself feeling helpless, and sad that his brother that she loves dearly, doesn't want to become her Adam and ran away afraid of her. 'I don't want a world without Shu.'

The apocalypse virus responded to her thought, was rampaging inside her body and starting to manifest its power.

Her body started to crystalize from her toe and goes up until it covered her whole body.

As the crystal almost reach her neck she cried asking for help, "No, No, No! At this rate… I'll stop being myself-" when suddenly she heard the door of the church slammed open, at the door was a boy with black hair panting heavily with sweat covered his body. At this moment, Mana and the apocalypse virus was resonating as one as that feeling she suppressed before bloom into a beautiful flower, he look at the black haired boy with tender look and tears.


She said before her whole body turned into crystal.

AN: Ugh, i forgot about what i want to write at the author note. well whatever, probably you guys would notice it, hit me up at the comment if you find something that need an extra explanations.

Ps: Scrooge, Carol, Present, Past, is a character from Guilty Crown lost Christmas VN.

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