
Unlimited RPG

Kazuki Toshihiro live a very fulfilling life, because when he still alive he always have this motto "Life is simple, The person is the one who made it difficult." There are many people who always think about their problem too much, that they overlook the answer even though the answer is already clear in front of them. On a rainy day Kazuki came home with his umbrella, when he came across a granny that crossing the street. The old bone walk very slowly that the already green light almost turn red, but there's still no one that want to help her. It's not like there's no kind person there are a lot of kind person on this crossroad, well it's not like Kazuki doesn't know the reason, actually the reason is very simple and very stupid! They just felt embarrassed, they think that helping other is too embarrassing to do, so they just let the other people do the job. But when other people do the job and got praised, they felt envy and talk bad about that people, so narrow minded. When Kazuki mind filled with those kind of thought, he saw at the corner of his eyes that a truck is coming over toward here at fast speed! while the truck is coming over, Kazuki look again to the granny and she just barely left her spot from before! Without too much thinking, Kazuki jump into action he ran and push the granny to the other side. As the granny pushed to the other side, the honking sound of horn keep getting louder, when suddenly all become silent as the road colored with blood. The granny scream of fear looking at the blood, and some passerby already called the ambulance to came over as fast as they could. Looking at that granny face that filled with grieves looking toward the direction where the blood connect, Kazuki could only smile because that mean the granny is safe from danger, but what is this, why is his eyelids became heavy and everything became silent. 29th May, Friday Kazuki Toshihiro left this world with a Smile.

Mr_Appuru · Others
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20 Chs

Hard Mode On!

"Who are you?" said the beast, as he looked quite shocked by the bearded man presence.

"Who? Me? I'm God!" said him with proud look on his face, "Now your turn, who are you? What is your objective, according to the old treaty Heavenly Beast and Underworld race couldn't set foot to the Heaven realms."

"You? you are God?" The beast sneered as he laugh his ass out,"HAHAHA! If people like you are God than I'm also God."

A vain started to appear on god forehead when he heard the beast remarks.


He let out his heavenly aura and intimidated the beast, "Had enough?" Said him as he turned off his heavenly aura.

The yellow beast got startled as cold sweat running on his back like a waterfall, he hurriedly kneel on the ground and said his sorry, "I'm sorry for my rudeness behavior from before God, It's just been so long that I haven't feel your godly aura, and now I recognize I feel ashamed."

He said before introducing himself, "My name is Tenko. And I'm sorry for breaking the old treaty, as I came here sent by one of your underling that got imprisoned down there."

"Hmm… underling? But all of Heavenly Being and Underworld Being are my underling." God said pondering for a while and urge the beast to continue his story.

"Well that is indeed true…" Tenko answer as the talk became awkward. "But this one is different, he is called Kobayashi, he have this gray hair and stupid look on his face."

"OH! Kobayashi, I know this guy. Isn't he imprisoned in underworld?"

"He is indeed imprisoned in underworld, but there's something he need to tell you that's why I'm here in his place." Tenko said earnestly.

"That's impossible, to send you here that means he must free you and he just would get more sentence from freeing one of the prisoner there. That guy is lazy enough that he learn to pick his nose with his foot!" Denied God as he knew well how Kobayashi personality is.

"That's impossible, to send you here that means he must free you and he just would get more sentence from freeing one of the prisoner there. That guy is lazy enough that he learn to pick his nose with his foot!" Denied God as he knew well how Kobayashi personality is.

"And now you said that he deliberately send you here, to give me message?"

"Not just message, I also come here to find the Heavenly Being called Kosuke Ueki and train him to awaken his Heavenly Being power, that's my deal with Kobayashi."

"What deal? Kosuke Ueki already awaken his Sacred Weapon, you are too late for that."

"What?!" "Is that really true lord? But how? He never know that he is a Heavenly Being, and now he already awaken it himself?"

"I also doesn't know the detail, but yes he even already reach 6 star level without Heavenly Beast help. That's impressive."

"Bbbb-But, what about our agreement?"

"What is your agreement with him? Since he already sent you here, maybe I could considerate about it."

"Thank you for your kindness lord God. I was given two task by him, first to send you a message, and second is to train Kosuke Ueki for what he would face in the future."

"Just take second task, as done and you could still powered up that kid to 8 star if you want."

"But now tell me the first one, what's the message he gave you that he need to go that far to deliver it."

"Actually this information is also a burden to me and it could change the fate of the whole three realms!"

"He said that 'Beware! There's an intruder among the participant. And Margaret is an enemies, because he's not the real Margaret, he's an Un-'

Before he could finish his word, God body was almost got separated in half as a giant sword came unnoticed, leaving God in border of becoming two. This attack truly devastating and only could be done when God let his guard down. As the ruler of Heavenly Being, God have an extremely durable body, that's why anyone who could made God wounded are only someone with monstrous power.

"GOD!" Tenko screamed after looking at God that hanging on the air listlessly.

"He~ he's still alive, as expected from God what an incredible healing power" He said with joyful expression on his face.

"Hanon! This is not what our plan about." From behind Tenko came a blonde haired man with slit eyes, the man gives Tenko a jump scare as he suddenly came out behind him. Meaning that he could killed Tenko from the start, without him even knowing how and who is the one that brought him down.

"I'm sorry father, but I'm different to you and our ancestor. I also have a dream." Hanon said earnestly. "And this is just another step for realizing It." he said indignantly as he open his mouth wide and put God bodies inside it, eating him whole. After eating God alive, there's a change inside him as power coming out from within and drown him with unlimited power, "Ah this, this power, so this is how becoming God feels." He said with the voice of God, as his face also change to one of God.

"This is bad, I must stop him. You heavenly beast, run to that direction and alert everyone!" Margaret said hurrying the beast to run from here and find help, as fast as he can.

"Kukuku, are you really that against my dream father? How about we do it together father, and with that we could destroy everything together too!"

"You… we need to restore Underworld clan dignity. Your dream only could create us into become more condemned than we already are!" Margaret bellowed after seeing that Tenko already far on the horizon, flying toward the arena directions.

"Oh father, you always said dignity and respect… it's all the same in the end, we would never become the number one!" He pause and thought about what he should do next, "Ah! I've an idea, how about you and God get along inside and watch how I achieve my dream and then I would create a new world where Underworld clan would be number one!"

"Your view is distorted, Hanon. As your father, it's my duty to stop you!"


Later on after Ueki team win on the second stage, all of the participant and audience came back to their respective lodging. But there's only one person left at the arena, he's a young boy with scruffy black hair and red eyes with 3 black thing like dot surrounding his pupil.

This boy is none other than Kazuki, currently he was deep in thought and doesn't moves at all just like a mannequin on the clothing shop.

"I should really update my status, but if I bought it now I couldn't buy a good bloodline later... which might be useful for me."

'In the first place, the bloodlines is just very expensive that there's no bloodline below 150.000 Jewel cost! Even Tailed Beast from Naruto are much cheaper than them. ' In truth Kazuki isn't really absent minded, but he was browsing the Mall looking something useful for his upcoming battle. 'Maybe I should buy another style from Devil May Cry, but which one? Sword Master is good for close combat, Royal Guard for defend, Trickster for escape, although Quicksilver and Doppelganger is good in itself, the cost for using it just too much for the current me.'

'Well in any case, Sword Master is the most versatile amongst them as it would let me use any Melee weapons.' Kazuki said convincingly, 'Moreover it wouldn't made me looks like an amateur, just imagining about me holding a holy swords only to swing it like a baseball bat, yeah that would be really embarrassing.' Kazuki mock himself as he finally decide to buy Sword Master for 60.000 Fantasy Jewels.

[Receive Sword Master x3]

[Sword Master Masteries has been maxed, now lord could use the special effect of Sword Master.]

[Sword Master: Sword Master this abilities let the user to have masteries of any melee weapon, granting the user knowledge how to use the weapons, from the weapons itselves, make the user manipulate them just like how they breathes. This abilities would give the user 2500 point increase to strength point. Abilites maxed to level 3, would grant special effect.

Special Effect: When enemies inside 5 m range, user is granted 3x agility buff.]

'Hey~, that's pretty good.' Kazuki commented as he felt the change that occurred inside him.

Name : Kazuki Toshihiro

Age : 14

Level : 18 EXP : 99.000 / 106.920

Race : Human

Strength : 4.900 Attack : 490/490

Perception : 4.900 (+5% (240)) Accuracy : 100%

Endurance : 4.550 Stamina : 4.550/4.550 Defense : 455/445

Charisma : 2.400 Mental : 100% Luck : 600

Intelligence : 2.400 Mana : 7.100/7.100

Agility : 4.400 Speed : 100%

Vitality : 2.400 Health : 2.400/2.400

Bloodline : High-Human, Heavenly Being,

E. Weapon : Ebony & Ivory


Magic : Sacred Weapon (10-Star),

Melee : Expand and Compress Lvl 2,

Ranged :

Passive : Sharingan, Gunslinger, Hoho, Sword Master,

Fantasy Jewel : 137.610

He nodded repeatedly while looking at his Status feeling satisfied without even knowing there's a big yellow object coming toward him!


The yellow object, collide with Kazuki who was standing at the top of the platform. From the travelling speed of the object the power would not be small in amount. Kazuki flew to the other side of the platforms and create a mess of it.

"WHO THE F*CK!" Kazuki roared angrily as he came out from the hole he made, 'Shit, it almost took half of my health!'

"Ouch, what did I hit? Why it's hurting so much." The Yellow furred thing said as he hold his head with his claw like hand. And then he heard Kazuki bellow from the other side of the platforms, "Oh, I finally found a Heavenly Being! Sir please help me sir."

"Who's your sir, you giant turkey! Apologize, or I would roast you when Christmas comes!" Kazuki roared angrily to the yellow furred thing. But after seeing the culprit, it struck him. "Wait, you are Tenko?!" Kazuki exclaim as he also starting to felt weird inside, 'This is weird, since I defeated Robert already, Tenko shouldn't have come out at all. And Kobayashi shouldn't have known that Ueki is a Hevenly Being because he never fought with Robert 10 in the first place.'

"You know me?! No, that's not important. Please, help God he was got eaten by this guy with Pink hair, and then I was told by the blonde guy to go to this direction, to search for help!" Tenko said hurriedly feared to what would happen, if God were gone from Heaven Realms.

'Pink hair? Blonde hair? Hanon and Margaret!'

"Take me to there, immediately!" said Kazuki hurriedly as he summoned Seiku. Tenko doesn't want to waste time, took Kazuki to the directions where he came before. On the way, Tenko gives all the information he held to Kazuki only to make Kazuki baffled and have this ominous feeling blossomed inside. 'According to the serial, Hanon and Margaret indeed would have a dispute. But not to the point where Hanon and Margaret at each other throat like this!'

After sometimes they finally arrived, only to be welcomed by devastated land. There's many massive crater formed just like aftermath of Meteor falling to earth. Even the mountain got turned into smithereens. "This…" Kazuki doesn't have any word to describe it as this fight is already on much different scale from what he knew.

"Here!" Tenko said to Kazuki from the ground. "This shoes, it's the one that blonde man wore. But where's he gone too?"

After saw the shoes, Kazuki could conjure a few speculations. But the last speculation is just to frightening s cold sweat formed on his back. "Tenko… Just leave it there for now, because we need to get back first." Kazuki said with serious tone, Tenko only nod to him and they flew away from there to the city.

Kazuki tell Tenko that Ueki already awakened his Sacred Weapon until level 6, and since Heavenly beast could only awaken Heavenly Being Sacred Weapon to 6 star for each person he train. It means that Tenko could train Ueki for another 4 level till Ueki awakened the 10 star Sacred Weapon.

Telling Tenko what he should do, he gave the directions where Ueki team reside. Kazuki and Tenko split up after that, Tenko goes to Ueki and Kazuki goes to search God Assistant as he need to tell the current situations Heaven Realms about to face.

But on the way there, Kazuki recognize a familiar face. That green pompadour hair could never be mistaken as other person as it already became his trademark. Kazuki goes to him to let Norton team knew the current situations, but the more he came near him the more weird it became! Van Decout bodies is covered in wounds and bleeding here and there. 'Just what the fuck, happened to him?!' Kazuki said on his mind, as he bought ten panacea and feed him some of it.

"Oi Van Decout! What happened to you? A-and where's the other?" Kazuki urge Van Decout after he regain his consciousness from the two panacea Kazuki gave him.

"K-Kazuki, Is that you? This is bad… Diegostar, Kill Norton, and Carl P Accio, they all got eaten!" Van Decout said shivering with fear lingering on his eyes, he was a famous delinquent when he at the surface world, he's arrogant and he fears nothing. To put him into this state, it must be the most terrible thing he ever face.

"Hanon, he, he isn't monster anymore he already beyond that! And now he ate the three of them, this would be the end of us…" he said listlessly just like a broken doll.

"Decout! What are you saying, all of your friend is still alive, and help is underway now."

"No, Kazuki, you're not understand. He's a monster that could eat other people and took other abilities right?" Kazuki nod to his question. "This time, it was really bad… even he get Barrow abilities alone is already bad, but now. He ate Norton!"

"You must know this Kazuki, Norton abilities isn't powerful at all if he use it alone. But if he could get a comrade or some other ability he would be the strongest person… Because, his abilities that he receive from his God Candidate is the abilities to combine."

After Van Decout said this and narrate his story from earlier fight between Norton team and Hanon had. Kazuki too could felt it, just how terrifying Hanon had become.

Just as he thought of that, the bright sky turn into night with cloud red in color covering the whole Heaven realm. After a while there's a blue light formed on the sky and a boy with pink hair could be seen on the whole sky.

"Test, Test, Test, 1, 2, 3… Oh it's working." Said him with nonchalant look as he fidgeting with something.

"Nice to meet you, Heaven denizens. My name is Hanon, and I'm God."

A statement that nobody dare to say, was said by an unknown boy as he rock the whole Heaven with his word.

"Bloody Hell…" Kazuki said as a he looked up at the sky with pale face.


The nightmare becoming true, could Kazuki save Heaven realm from destructions? Oh no... what would happened next? *insert to be continued gif*

Next Time! on Unlimited RPG, 'Kazuki VS Hanon.'

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