
Unlimited RPG

Kazuki Toshihiro live a very fulfilling life, because when he still alive he always have this motto "Life is simple, The person is the one who made it difficult." There are many people who always think about their problem too much, that they overlook the answer even though the answer is already clear in front of them. On a rainy day Kazuki came home with his umbrella, when he came across a granny that crossing the street. The old bone walk very slowly that the already green light almost turn red, but there's still no one that want to help her. It's not like there's no kind person there are a lot of kind person on this crossroad, well it's not like Kazuki doesn't know the reason, actually the reason is very simple and very stupid! They just felt embarrassed, they think that helping other is too embarrassing to do, so they just let the other people do the job. But when other people do the job and got praised, they felt envy and talk bad about that people, so narrow minded. When Kazuki mind filled with those kind of thought, he saw at the corner of his eyes that a truck is coming over toward here at fast speed! while the truck is coming over, Kazuki look again to the granny and she just barely left her spot from before! Without too much thinking, Kazuki jump into action he ran and push the granny to the other side. As the granny pushed to the other side, the honking sound of horn keep getting louder, when suddenly all become silent as the road colored with blood. The granny scream of fear looking at the blood, and some passerby already called the ambulance to came over as fast as they could. Looking at that granny face that filled with grieves looking toward the direction where the blood connect, Kazuki could only smile because that mean the granny is safe from danger, but what is this, why is his eyelids became heavy and everything became silent. 29th May, Friday Kazuki Toshihiro left this world with a Smile.

Mr_Appuru · Others
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20 Chs

Act with kindness, but do not expect gratitude.

The rain keep pouring down, made the road covered with puddle and mud. The passing light of car keep flashing, made one eye hurt when saw it. In this situation, many people decide to just stay inside their house, keeping their body warm with hot chocolate, or lazily on bed with blanket covering their bodies rather than doing outside in this kind of weather.

On the road side, Kazuki walk with his umbrella swayed by the wind and poured by the rain. He walk without a care as he kept thinking about his warm kotatsu at home, and how nice to read the new JUMP manga he just bought at the station. Like it could read his mood, the heavy rain finally became lighter and the sun started to came out little by little.

Just he thought about that, he saw a granny crossing across the road 'so slow! And why is there no one helping her?' Kazuki ponder this question inside his head. That's when the most ridicoulous thing could happen is happened just right before him. He saw a truck coming at highs-speed! 'Fuck' as Kazuki run toward the granny, but with the ground still wet Kazuki almost got slip but with a nice timing his reflex kick in made him safe. But because of that his movement is slowed, now the truck is already so close! Finally Kazuki only could push the granny while the truck pass by her and the road sprayed red.

Kazuki got thrown quite far, with his little consciousness he look at the granny as she was secured by others, and there's also someone who came to him and call ambulance. 'Ah thanks god, I could still do good deed for the last time.' With smile plastered on his face, he close his eyes.

Time pass by, ambulance already came and many people came to the site to look at this accident. While the driver is arrested because being drunk when he drive the truck. This accident become the high-lighted news for this week, and Kazuki name became renowned. Many people mourn for Kazuki, moreover at his school Kazuki also known for his easygoing, and kindness. Even many girl mourn for him, as he was quite popular with them.

But they would never know what kind experience Kazuki goes through since his final breath, this is a really shocking and irreplaceable things that ever happened to him. Because after he died he still have his consciousness, and he saw what people known as lantern of life, it is really a flashback of all memories he have from his birth until he dies. But what made Kazuki perplexed is that most of his memories is anime, manga, novel, games, and movies! What a live he thought.

Well it's definitely not weird he thought, since even he have 'anipedia' as his nickname. Smiling wryly he faintly recall how this nickname origin because there's no anime, game, novel, or manga he doesn't know. And he really quite popular because of that, maybe other people would think poor about being such an otaku. But it doesn't applies to him since he always have a clean and courteous behavior and the girl didn't mind befriending him too, as he always listen to the girls worries and sometime give advice to them.

He kept surfing his memories and reviewing it while feeling nostalgic, until he came to the very first memories. He look at it tenderly while tears kept flowing down his cheek when he saw those two people face, greeting him that just came to this world with smile on their face. After looking at those memories he finally brave himself, 'if, I have another life again I would definitely use it for better good.' He clench his fist and step to the darkness in front of him, while leaving all of his memories behind him.

"So basically, you're saying I should save many girl and copulate with them?" Kazuki said blatantly without choosing his word. As he process what this voice just telling him a moment ago. [Yes you're very right!] The robot like voice resound once again, [With me the 'RPG SYSTEM' as your backing, I could 100% guaranteed that you will have a nice life story!] Exclaim the voice.

Basically this is that you know that, a reincarnated in other world and become op story. Well I already read a quite lot of this kind of novel, it definitely made the reader envy the protagonist of the novel as 'ah~ how nice to have this kind of power.' Something like that, but when it truly happen, it just feel weird I hope there's no hidden camera secretly filming me like an idiot.

This thing just now is keep saying, that I should realize all of my dream and fantasies since this is my karma it said. [Well now, since it's free why not try it?]

[Yes! Since it is free you should definitely tried it!] Urge the voice, as it can read what Kazuki thought. "Come on, give me a privacy here." Grunt Kazuki while he thinking hard and decide to made a plan based of this voice explanation.

"Then does that mean, I would go to a place where all anime, game, novel and manga, is real? And I could travel to all of that world and gain infinite power and wealth? And I could married the girl inside even the heroine that suppose with the mc right? And I could do many fantasies and ideas that I stored inside my brain with enough power?" Kazuki uttered with slightly excited expression, as he just realize if this is true, than this is the dream of many people! And for him this is just like being won a lottery ticket for 7 billion people!

[And yet correct again! You're intelligence and composure impress me master. With that being said I will introduce the system to you again, firstly I the "RPG SYSTEM" will definitely made your dream comes true.]

After saying that, this guys just blasted his mouth with everything, explaining the interface and the system.

[Is there any more question, my lord?]

"Yes, I just realize that my race is human, but I have a high-human bloodline. What is a high-human?"

have 5 UI alas called

1. Status

2. Journal

3. Mall

4. Inventory

5. Hub

Status let Kazuki to saw his own status just like a game character.

like this,

Name : Kazuki Toshihiro

Age : 18

Level : 1 EXP: 0/660

Race : Human

Strength : 100 Attack : 10/10

Perception : 100 Accuracy : 100%

Endurance : 100 Stamina : 100/100 Defense : 10/10

Charisma : 100 Mental : 100% Luck : 500

Intelligence : 100 Mana : 100/100

Agility : 100 Speed : 100%

Vitality : 100 Health : 100/100

Bloodline : High-Human


Magic :

Melee :

Ranged :

Passive :

Fantasy Jewel : 50.000

It feels weird to have seen your anatomy in front of you with its detail included like that. Kazuki keep looking at the new feature that system gave him.

Beside the Status and Hub, I could pretty much guess the other 3 means even if I just looking at their names mock Kazuki while shrugging his shoulder. Despite saying that he still look through it, to not miss any detail! Since this is what the system instructed and etched unto Kazuki mind, to remind him this is reality not the fantasy that he just could read or watch, when he lose his life here it mean final THE END for him.

Just like Kazuki thought, inside the journal there is a main quest, sub-quest and log with a clean design and interface for easier to read. While Mall is the most hated things for Free 2 Play player like him, but since it use the system currency aka Fantasy Jewel and could be gained by clearing quest, so why not?

And inventory is the most essential when it comes to RPG right? How could it be ever forgotten, but Kazuki realize that this is the most useful among the other interface if he could say, but Kazuki imagination got shot down when he hear that, he couldn't take outside item to store it inside his inventory, but the thing that could be stored inside undoubtedly could be taken outside.

And last the Hub, the system only said that this thing is the portal to many world he could back and fro to the other world as much as he want, and Kazuki could change the timeline of the world where he want to go, and made his own background for his start at that world! But this is only applies for the world that he never visit before, after he visit that world, the time would run just like usual. And the timeline is equal, meaning that when he goes to one world to another it would be the same day, and same time, one day in one world equal one day in the other too.

[Is there any more question, my lord?]

"Yes, I just realize that my race is human, but I have a high-human bloodline. What is a high-human?"

[Very perceptive my lord, in simplest your race is called Human, meaning a being that have humanoid lifeform, and there's many other race for you to see yourself next time. And High-Human is a bloodline granted by the system especially for you my lord. A human have many treasure inside their bodies, and modern human from your time doesn't use this very much, human is the most perfect being that ever made, it contain many DNA and abilities that waited to discovered that's why someone who use his very utmost abilities and work hard, could always success because their respective DNA is activated by their effort, 'there's no impossible for human being' this proverb is very accurate if I could said my lord. High-Human itself is the more superior lifeform of human, at least 10x more powerful in all aspect than normal human in your world! It included the DNA too, it grant my lord 10x times from those ordinary human in every world, ability to learn, and mastering anything. Although I'm an supreme system, there's still a rule I cannot break such 'No Pain, No Gain' this rule is true to all being, but with High-Human bloodline it let lord to Gain anything 10x times more faster than any human!]

With mouth opened wide, Kazuki shake his head after hearing the system explanation while thought to himself. That if he could open his all abilities, doesn't that mean he could do everything other people could? One word, AWESOME!

[It seems, there's no more question. I suggest my lord be ready for his next life as this world you would visit is the beginner difficult for you, but it could change anytime if you took the wrong step. I advise you to think twice before every action you took.]

Kazuki nodded and decide to brace himself and face his first hurdle to made his dream comes true!

[Please kept caution my lord. The world that you could choose is many and uncountable, but I advise you to took game world category first, since game world category is already have a clear rule that couldn't be defied so everything inside that world is already decided, unless you interfere and change it with your power. But some game world with hardcore level also exist so if you're not strong enough, and don't have the confidence you could ask me for what world is best for you! And remainder that anime, manga, and novel world is much more dangerous than game world! Because at that world the rule haven't been set, and it could change anytime. Take Naruto world for example, biju dama could destroy mountain and such. That's how the anime goes correct? It looks very easy but you could not feel their power through watching it. So when you enter that kind of world, please be cautious and prepare your mental well, since you should remember that something that could destroy mountain in real life is already beyond earth realm. This is my lord reality from now on. Oh and I almost forgot, hear me out my lord. When you come to a new world for the first time, you will receive a gift pack for entering it please use it well.]

Hearing this, cold sweat run down from his forehead. "I accept all those, and what I only need to do is becoming stronger than them, and beat anyone on my path!" although those explanation made him cower a bit, he still bravely decide that he definitely will go.

[Is that so? Than congratulation, this is your welcome gift.] Kazuki weirded out when after the voice said, there's a floating card in front of him and this card isn't that unfamiliar with him 'this is a fuckin google play voucher!' he retort to the nothingness. As he grab the card, it shatter into many piece and goes inside him.

[Receive 100.000 Fantasy Jewel.]

[Fantasy Jewel is the currency for the MALL tab. It could be acquired from doing quest, getting achievement, and killing monster that related to the quest.]

Oh nice… Kazuki whistle when he receive the notification.

Before he depart to the new world, he decide to surf the MALL just for being shocked by seeing the item list here. Because be it from very legendary weapon like Excalibur of fate series, into a frying pan that could deflect bullet in PUBG is exist here! Kazuki keep laughing as he check every item in the mall, weapon, armor, accessories, boots, magic, abilities, medicine, food, other utilities like fishing road etc, and many raw material that he never saw, or know that it doesn't exist being sold for cheap here. Kazuki said while gritting his teeth, as the price is quite expensive for the current him S-item for 250.000 – 1.000.000, A-item 100.000 – 249.000, B-item 99.000 – 50.000, C-item 49.000 – 25.000, D-item 24.900 – 10.000, E-item 9999- 10.

For those want to know, S-item is already a world class changing item that it would definitely guaranteed to change the history line in every world, for example Geass.

After browsing the MALL after sometime, he realize that all the abilities in here is divided into 3 forms. Respectively, Adept, Expert, and Master, and you need to buy it 3 times for truly mastering those abilities and gain the true effect of the said skill. And the system also explain, I could also upgrade my abilities with training and fill the proficiency bar to upgrade the skill without buying from the MALL since the MALL purpose is for convenient sake only.

Relatively the weapon is much more expensive, and have to pass the restriction to buy and use their power, or if not it would just become a decoration on the wall.

Another long time pass, Kazuki finally decide to buy a mastery level of gunslinger abilities, an D rank item for 15.000 since he want to master it immediately he buy it 3 times, costing him 45.000. This abilities grant him proficiencies at every gun weaponries, and could use many trick with them, like covering much larger area attack, shooting multiple enemies at once, shooting at different direction while inside his domain, and made the gun based weapon damage up to 50%! While made the user to fire 2 times faster than normal means and granting the user a domain covering 200m around him, letting him see everything inside his domain and enemies become slowed by 30% inside this domain and grant user 2500 point increase on perception status.

After deciding his battle style, now he need to choose his weapon based of the style he have. After searching and found what he want he bought it without reserve for 25.000 point.

And then the 2 handgun is came to being, with the right-handed white one being specialized in rapid fire and fast draw, called Ivory! And the left-handed black one specialized in for long distance and power enchantment, called Ebony!

These 2 bad girls is one weapon he always dream of having, since the first time he saw it. And this gun could be upgraded for 5000 point for unlimited ammo that deadly for human and demon, with unlimited durability, and damage max damage power dealing more 20% damage than usual.

After spending another 30.000 point, Kazuki begun to seriously ponder what should he get next to spend his leftover point. As he have a high-human bloodline that greatly push his potential. His status is still average making him weak if he truly goes to fantasy like world.

[My lord, if I suggest maybe you could get another bloodline to made your body become sturdier, or take an escaping abilities if you want to become ranged fighter.]

Hearing the system comment, he contemplate it for a while and decide to choose a footwork abilities and besides using it for escaping, he also could use it in a fight. Reaching the footwork section, he was greeted with a lot of abilities list! After a while he finally decide to buy Hoho and master it, costing him 60.000. Hoho itself is a footwork developed for Shinigami in soul society, as the reason he choose this because Hoho is the basic for Shunpo cause Shunpo is just one of many technique created with Hoho.

Hoho when mastered is giving the best effect Kazuki ever felt, it grant him 2000 increase in agility, and endurance! Giving him the most help in the future, Hoho footstep is centered in step, and kiting. Step let the user rather ran back for 1000 step, to be use one step or other way without wasting much of energy, and kiting is used to made the enemies break their rhythm be it while attacking and defending, making them cornered, and available to counter attack, and surprise attack.

And in the final, he decide to buy his greatest wish that is to buy a sharingan! But it cost him 25.000 jewel, and it's just a sharingan with one tomoe! But it's cool, since it didn't cost him any mana to activate this ability like in the anime. After getting used to his new abilities, Kazuki finally check his status again.

Name : Kazuki Toshihiro

Age : 18

Level : 1 EXP: 0/660

Race : Human

Strength : 100 Attack : 10/10

Perception : 2600 (+5%) Accuracy : 100%

Endurance : 2100 Stamina : 2100/2100 Defense : 210/210

Charisma : 100 Mental : 100% Luck : 500

Intelligence : 100 Mana : 200/200

Agility : 2100 Speed : 100%

Vitality : 100 Health : 100/100

Bloodline : High-Human

E. Weapon : Ebony & Ivory


Magic :

Melee :

Ranged :

Passive : Sharingan, Gunslinger, Hoho

Fantasy Jewel : 10.000

Be it only have one tomoe, the sharingan is still very useful. As it increase his perception by 5%, and mana by 100/level! If he remember correctly one tomoe would let him perceive motions letting him saw the opponent movement. 'well at least I could see others movement from afar now.' Kazuki shrug his shoulder.

'Hmm 10.000 left, maybe I could buy a melee weapon if I tangled in close combat.'

With 5000 point he bought an Unobtainium dagger created from Unobtainium ore founded near the bedrock, as this thing is the most hardest material on his earth and very rare to be seen Kazuki is lucky enough to seen this thing first-hand when he goes to jewelry museum. At that time the palm sized unobtainium ore was throwed by a professional baseball player to a rock! Surprising the onlookers, but it amaze us as not the ore was destroyed, but the stone is having a dent and a large crack started to appear.

Such marvelous thing, and here it is laying in the cheapest material menu. As for the remaining point Kazuki decide to buy panacea, for healing item and since it cheap just 200 point! For recovering 120 hp with cure for stun, and paralyze ailment, 200 point is too cheap. He bought 20 of it and left with with 1000 point.

[Now lord, I sense that you are already feeling confident, I will transfer you to your first game world is that okay?]

"No, change it" Kazuki denied it immediately and said [Change it to Law of Ueki anime world.]

[…] the system just going mute when he said it like that, maybe the system thinks that Kazuki don't have enough reason for coming to that world. [Well, if that's your wish than I cannot change it. Than please state the setting my lord want to use, please do it wisely.]

"14 years old, live as an orphan and living in apartment, school at hinokuni junior high school, chosen as one of the candidate for the competition. Starting time should be around 1 week before the competition start and the god candidate showed himself before me, one day later after arrival."

[Your wish, is my command.]

Hello, I'm New here (well not really, since i read here a lot that it became a daily activities.) whoever felt confused of this novel, could pose me a question and i would post the answer every week i if i could.

But seriously, since this is just barely starting it definitely won't be good. I hope this came to your liking, and you could stick with me for a long time.

Ps: This fan fiction would be a very very long one.

Mr_Appurucreators' thoughts