
Unlimited Rewards In Parallel Universe

Russell traveled to the comic universe, received an infinite reward system, and became the boyfriend of Wonder Woman Diana. [Infinite Ultron] [Dark Doctor Strange] [Venom Symbiote] [Endosymbiotic Armor] [Kryptonian Bloodline] [Wonder Woman's Blessing]... "I want them all!" Thus, Russell began his career of becoming stronger.

Chanjan · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 7 The Punisher and the Traveler

Everyone is a killer who lives in New York. Russell is not surprised that Perkins has met Diana.

When he first entered the industry, he also considered whether to hide his true identity to avoid unpleasant things happening in the future.

But he eventually gave up on the idea.

There are two reasons.

First, he was not capable enough to hide his true identity at that time.

It is not easy to hide your true identity in front of a group of professional killers.

Second, he does not intend to be a good person that meets the public's expectations.

Being a good person is a thankless task.

Especially in the amazing country of America.

Because of cultural differences, most people in the United States fear power rather than morality.

The best way to gain their respect is not to be a good person who conforms to popular moral requirements, but to be a person with bigger fists than them.

People in this country only believe in strength!

"Don't you have any tasks recently?"

Russell pushed Perkins' right hand away.

If the mood strikes, he wouldn't mind doing something that would make everyone happy with a beauty like Perkins who looks more like a model than a killer.

But now, he has no such worldly thoughts for the time being.

During the lunch meal, Diana fed him very well and made him very satisfied.

"I just came back from Washington."

Perkins stopped being rude to Russell and ordered a glass of whiskey from the bartender.

"Looking at you, the mission doesn't seem to be going well."

"I met a madman, failed the mission, and almost couldn't come back."

Perkins's expression became a little solemn.


Russell became a little curious.

Perkins is no newbie killer.

While other girls were still obsessed with the handsome senior in school, she had already entered the killer industry.

Judging from the time she has been in the industry, she can be regarded as Russell's senior.

Russell had gone on missions with her before and knew what kind of strength she had.

A madman who ruined her mission and almost made it impossible for her to come back was definitely not an ordinary person.

"Who did it?"

"That's the guy who calls himself the Punisher!"

Perkins drank the whiskey in the glass in one gulp and said with a sullen face: "It's better not to let me run into him next time, otherwise I will definitely let him see the consequences of bullying a woman!"


Hearing this, Russell was stunned for a moment.

Of course he knows who the Punisher is.

But the problem is that the Punisher has not been rumored to have taken action against the killer before.

Of course, this is only what he knows.

Maybe a fellow killer died at the hands of the Punisher early on, but not many people knew about it.

"Can you tell me what the specific situation is?"

Russell asked politely.

Familiarity is familiarity.

Asking for a killer's specific plan of action is not a very friendly thing to do.

Every killer has some little habits of his own, and these little habits are hidden in their plan of action.

These little habits have little value in the eyes of normal people.

But in the eyes of peers, these habits are enough to become a flaw that can kill the other party.

"It's no big deal to tell you. You didn't show up much this week and missed a lot of news."

Perkins lowered his voice and briefly stated his actions in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

The operation was nothing special, just an ordinary assassination operation targeting a gang boss active in Washington, DC.

The first half of the operation went smoothly, a small daily task for the experienced Perkins.

But something went wrong. Just when she was about to kill her target, the Punisher appeared.

The Punisher killed the target she was supposed to kill and also tried to kill Perkins.

If Perkins hadn't had some skills, she wouldn't be in the bar now, but lying on a forensic examiner's workbench.

"You must have just met by chance, right?"

It's not unusual for a killer to meet his colleagues when performing a mission.

Unless the entruster only made a private entrustment.

And even if it is a single-person commission, you may encounter killers sent by other enemies of the target.

"That's why I said you missed a lot this week."

"I'm not the first person to meet him. Three people have already died in his hands before me."

"Three people died in one week. He was hunting us down in a planned way!"

Paris became angrier and angrier as he spoke, and he could hardly hide the murderous intent on his face.

The Punisher's planned killer hunt?

Although this sounds weird, if you think about it carefully, this is indeed what the Punisher would do.

The Punisher is not a superhero in the normal sense, this guy is a typical anti-hero.

In his mind, as long as you are guilty, you need to be erased.

For trial and sentencing, there is only one standard for him, and that is death!

Although he didn't know why the Punisher suddenly targeted the killer, Russell didn't waste time thinking about this issue.

For the Punisher, whether he is a gangster or a killer, he is the scum of society and a target that needs to be eliminated.

Changing the target of punishment to a killer may be just because he wanted to change his taste.

"Then you should be more careful these days. The Punisher is not someone who gives up easily."

Russell reminded Perkins.

"You are the one who needs to be more careful. You are the killer who has become famous the fastest in recent years. He will definitely not mind getting rid of the famous 'Traveler'!"


This is Russell's code name in the killer world.

Although this code name does not sound domineering, all killers in New York know that this code name means a 100% mission completion rate.

"I don't think he has the strength to kill me."

"He's not the only one who wants my life. It's not a big deal if there's one more."

Russell asked the bartender to add himself a glass of Glendronach 18-year-old whiskey and said with a smile.

For ordinary people, the Punisher is indeed very powerful.

But for Russell, that's all.

According to Nick Fury, the Punisher is a "Level 10 agent", representing the highest level of normal human combat effectiveness.

But unfortunately, Russell is not a normal human being.

Before activating the "Venom Symbiote" reward, he was sure to defeat the Punisher with his bare hands.

With Venom in his possession, the Punisher is even less likely to be his opponent.

"I just like your confidence. Are you really not going to go to my room to take a nap?"

Perkins put his seductive body close to him, put his red lips against Russell's ear, and spoke softly.

While she was speaking, her hands were not idle either, moving around Russell's body like two poisonous snakes.

"I'm not in the habit of taking naps."

Russell pushed Perkins away again.