
Chapter 489

Leon started his plan; basically, he would kidnap every single soldier and drain their mana. For warriors, they had quite a bit, but Leon could make them collapse of mana deprivation in less than a second. Leon selected a random soldier who was a bit too far away from their friends, used Transfer, grabbed him, and returned to his hole. Half a second later, his mana was empty, but Leon frowned when it suddenly started to regenerate at a fearsome speed.

"What the... Ah, their mithril parts."

It wasn't weird that their customized bodies had such kind of feature. If the warriors use too much mana, their mithril parts would be used to restore their mana. Perhaps it could even regenerate health and stamina, but Leon couldn't test that. It was the perfect way to create soldiers who could fight for longer periods of time...

"Well, let's see for how long you can do this..."