
Chapter 414

Six months passed after Leon started his training on the ogre's world, eighteen days passed on Earth. In that meantime, he exterminated every single ogre in that world. Leon didn't know if those were the only ogres on the universe. Still, Leon could put in his curriculum the extermination of another race... that wasn't something Leon felt proud of. Still, it was better to eliminate them, instead of letting those monsters roam around his home planet.

"It is getting hard to increase my stamina... now I have to run for twelve hours straight to increase it by a single point. Shall I stop this training?"

Leon increased his stamina a little more than four hundred times in those six months. It was impressive, but not for Leon. Maybe he had no other choice but to use status points to increase his health and stamina... even though he had the means to restore them and protect himself only using mana. While Leon was thinking about those things, the planet started to tremble.