
Unlimited Infinite System

Unlimited Infinite System; Start with Infinite Enhancements [The Unlimited Infinite System can do everything. It has infinite functions and unlimited capabilities. The host can unlock these functions when the conditions are met.] *Ding* [The host received an overall enhancement +9. Overall performance +1000, condition +1000, composition +1000, lifespan +1000. Congratulations on gaining the ability, Sun Moon Physique. Your body can absorb solar and lunar rays and all kinds of universal energies to strengthen itself. All functions of the body have increased by 1000 times. Accompanying abilities; Essence Nurturing, Energy Absorption, Sun’s Pride Moon’s Mystery.]

mobisa · Urban
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50 Chs

Preparations... Cabin

Jiang Hao finally ended his fan after 12 hours.

It had to be done.

It was about time Second World went online and there was no way he would let others get there ahead of him.

"Mia, how are the preparations going?"

'Everything is ready. The distribution points have already given out over 5 billion copies of gaming cabins and many have been installed and ready to go.'

"That's good. I want to be the first to log in and have a feel of things in the game world."

'The room is ready for you. I have selected a special account for you.'

"Oh, how special?"

'Please forgive me, sir. I cannot interfere with much else in Second World, but I can help you with finite uncertainties.

For instance, the special character will automatically get the best of items within a list.

It is more intuitive if you experience it personally.'

"Then I am looking forward to it."

Jiang Hao made his way to a room beside his study and inspected it with great attention.

The sci-fi feel was thick and he could see that Mia outdid herself to bring the cool factor to a whole new level.

Pity it was barely practical.

The more things Jiang Hao gained, the less he found them useful.

Mia had been slowly reduced to a secretary at this point.

Ouroboros had become too powerful. Any random AI could handle everything that might have required her attention earlier on.

And it was getting worse by the second.

Billions of people now had access to powerful tools thanks to Jiang Hao's move. Things were being created at a very astonishing speed.

Just the number of virtual girlfriends had already doubled a couple of times. And all of them were under Skynet Technologies' tight control.

All that was potential computational power that would soon be used to run Second World.

Those girlfriends were virtual now, but with a few Dragon Coins, they could be actualized in Second World.

As for what to do with them… what do you do with a goddess who listens to 99% of your instructions? Imagination.

Jiang Hao shook off the sinful thoughts and looked at the Game Cabin.

Mia had indeed gone all out to customize it, especially for him.

Just the material was strong enough to withstand the weight of the planet. It was safe enough. After all, it was already questionable whether someone could intrude so deep to get to him under Mia's watch.

Jiang Hao looked at the small details and conveniences and was very satisfied.

He could dive for 100 years in this cabin and he would barely feel anything thanks to all the maintenance and sustenance features Mia had installed.

Jiang Hao was very satisfied with these small details.

'System, enhance +9.'


[You have spent 222,200 yuan and the Game Cabin has received an overall enhancement +1,2,3. Overall performance +1000, condition +1000, composition +1000, durability +1000. Congratulations on gaining the ability; External Adaptation. All parameters of the game cabin have increased by 1000 times. Accompanying abilities; Environmental Adaptation, Functional Adaptation, Superior Adaptation.]

[You have spent 222,222,200 yuan and the Game Cabin has received an overall enhancement +4,5,6. Overall performance +1,000,000, condition +1,000,000, composition +1,000,000, durability +1,000,000. Congratulations on gaining the ability; External Augmentation. All parameters of the game cabin have increased by 1000 times. Accompanying abilities; Bodily Attribute Augmentation, Condition Augmentation, Health Augmentation.]

[You have spent 222,222,222,200 yuan and the Game Cabin has received an overall enhancement +7,8,9. Overall performance +1,000,000,000 condition +1,000,000,000 composition +1,000,000,000, durability +1,000,000. Congratulations on gaining the ability; External Development. All parameters of the game cabin have increased by 1000 times. Accompanying abilities; Realtime synchronization, Assistive Development, Supernatural Bio-Enhancement.]

Jiang Hao looked at these abilities and was silent for a while.

Wasn't this bringing game world gains to the real world at a 1000% conversion rate? Even novels don't do it like this.

The first ability was already commonplace.

It ensured that the game cabin adapted to the surroundings and it was basically invincible, especially with Superior adaptation which enabled it to have reactive and preemptive adaptations.

The cabin would adapt to changes before they happened. Perfect.

The second ability was where things started getting unreal. External Augmentation is an ability that enabled the game cabin to take care of his body while he was logged in.

Bodily attribute augmentation directly stimulates body development and guides the development direction toward optimizing the omni-dimensional attributes of the body. In short, it is 10000 times better than any exercise Jiang Hao would ever do.

All he needed was to lie down and the cabin would take care of the rest.

Condition Augmentation on the other hand ensured that the body was in peak condition at all times. Comfort, pleasure, physical, psychological, and spiritual state needed to be at their very best.

The cabin would actively adjust to make up for anything that was missing.

This is the same for Health Augmentation. But Jiang Hao highly doubted he'd ever need this feature.

The third ability, External Development, turned out to be awesome.

Just the names of the accompanying abilities made him feel that he had made money.

Realtime Synchronization did just as it said. It synced his real body and the game avatar to a 1:1 copy.

This meant that the attributes in the real world would be reflected in Second World and the attributes of his avatar in Second World would also be reflected in the real world.

You have to know that Second World was created to cultivate dwarf civilizations to be worthy of conquering. This meant that at the very least, Second World gave a doorway toward the vast universe and beyond.

Jiang Hao has always felt that the personal gains of the average human in second world would not amount to much compared to the gains those big guys would gain.

In worst-case scenarios, just send the younger generation out to cultivate together with the army forces below.

In the best scenarios, talents would show up and they would be inducted into their forces with minimal cost.

Jiang Hao felt that the cost-performance ratio was bad. And still, if he were to make Second World, there were bound to be rules to restrict the people under.

It could be imagined how extreme the thinking of other superior races and forces would be.

 Jiang Hao threw these wild thoughts away and got into the cabin.

Now that everything was sorted, it was time to experience the game for real.