
Unlimited Gacha Spins

A man gets a gacha with unlimited spins. What would he do?

Copier · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

School and Megumi

"I'm sorry too." I said as I smile at her. She stared at me as she starts to daze.

We stare at each other for 30 seconds as Megumi starts to interfere.

"Hey, let's go inside now. Don't stare at each other anymore." Megumi said fuming jealousy.

"Hahaha Alright. Good morning to you." I said at the girl as we go inside the room and find our seat.

We three talk as I could see the girl I just bumped a little while ago taking sneak glances at me, well not only her but almost all the girls in the room. Suddenly the teacher arrives.

"Good morning class! I'm Yuka Inoguchi, you're homeroom teacher. Nice to meet you all." She said as she writes her name in the blackboard.

"Now introduce yourselves one by one." Sensei said as all of us starts to introduce ourselves.

Koharu and Megumi introduces themselves. I'm next so I introduce myself.

"My name is Takamine Tachibana, nice to meet you all." I bow as I smile making the girls blush here while the boys cursed.

I sit as the introduction starts again and this time it will be the girl I collided awhile ago.

"Hello, I'm Nazuna Oikawa. Nice to meet you." She said as she bow and take a sit. I could hear boys clamoring as she looks beautiful.

We finished introductions as sensei starts talking again.

"Here's the schedule. Make sure to memorize it." Sensei said as she gives us the list of schedules.

"Now I will explain the rules bla bla." She continue explaining the rules and what's here in school.

She urges us to join clubs and communicate with other students. Time passes repeat the introduction with our teachers in different subjects.

It's the end of the class and we all started to go out of the classroom when Nazuna approaches me.

"A-anoo, Takamine-san can we go home together?" Nazuna said as her voice starts to get weak.

I was about to answer but Megumi interferes.

"Hey, why are you inviting Taka to go home? You only just met today." Megumi said as she felt uncomfortable seeing me with other girls.

"W-well, I bumped on him a little while ago so I just want to treat him something and formally apologize" Nazuna said but in her mind ' What's with that reason Nazuna, you could have just ask him straight. It's embarassing.'.

"Alright, you can come with us." I smile as Megumi looks at me then shouts.


"What? The more the merrier right?" I laugh as I started to get my bag and walks through the door. They follow me as we all walk home.

We talk along the way and well, we're neighbors. Who would've thought of that.

She wants to ask my number but got shy so I took the lead and ask her number. She blushes as Megumi looks at us irritated.

We reached our house as we all go inside.

"Hey! You won't take me home even though you did it with Nazuna-san. What would happen to me if someone kidnaps me" She said the last part in a low voice as she bent her head down.

"Well, you look like a thug so who would have guts to come and do something to you." I joke as she makes a downcast face.

"Alright, If I'm a nuisance to you then I'll leave."

"Just joking, of course I'll escort you to your home, my princess." I said in a flirty tone as I laugh and I run to her and place my arm in her shoulders.

She blushes as she looks the other way, pouting. I ask what's wrong but she still won't talk.

"If you won't talk then I'll just carry you to your home." I lift her up in a princess style as she shrieks.

"Hey! Don't you just lift me up without letting me know." She blushes as her voice decreases. She bring her face to my shoulders as her hands involuntarily moves to my neck and hugs it.

"Koharu, I'll be back before dinner. Wait for me while I bring Megumi home." I said to Koharu as I started to walk.

"Alright!" Koharu shouts as she walks inside the house.

"Taku, bring me down. It's embarrassing". Megumi said as some people look at us while I carry her.

"Nopee! Let's run." I reject her as I run and she squeal.

Some old people look at us as they mutter 'Young people this days' and reminisces their old days with their partners.

We got into her house as we go inside.

"Where's your parents?" I ask her.

"Both of them are working. Maybe they're gonna come home at 10pm." She said like it's an everyday thing.

"Then we're all alone? Hmmm." I smile as I shot her a teasing wink. She blushes as she said weakly.

"W-well, I'm not ready yet."

"What are you thinking?" I laugh as she just pouts.

"Why don't we bath together? Like the old days." I said to her.

"We c-could but do not have dirty thoughts or I'll punch you in the face." She said as she glares at me.

"Well, I'm having dirty thoughts about you right now so why don't you punch me." I mock her as she lift up her hand and try to punch me. but before it hits my face I caught it and gave her a peck on her lips.

"W-whaa!" She shouts as she hides her face with her hand.

I laugh at her as I walk to the bathroom.

I teased her as she just blushes. Then I kissed her lips as she reciprocates it. I bring my tongue inside and move my hand to her breasts as she moans loudly. I keep playing with it as I kiss her for 10 mins.

We got into the moment but I take my lips back.

"W-why?" She ask me as she wants to kiss me again.

"You said that you're not ready yet. We can go to date first before we do this." I smile as I bring her to my lap and use my left hand to hug her hips while the right hand is gently combing her hair.

"I-I'm your lover?" She stutters as she question me.

"Yes, you're beautiful and kind. I want you to be mine and mine only Megumi." I answered her as she her body fall to me.

"Then I'll be yours Taku!" She smiles gorgeously.

"But I need to tell you something first." I stopped her.

"W-what is it?" Megumi ask as she unconsciously acknowledge my change yet she thought that I used drugs.

"Well, you're not the only one." I said. She wants to answer but I placed my finger in her mouth.

"You know that Kyouka is not my real mother right?" I ask as she nods.

"Ehem, I did it with her and not just her but Yuika and Koharu. I know I'm not the best man out there but I hope that you would still be mine after hearing this." I smile awkwardly as I scratch my cheeks.

"Do they all know it?" She ask as I nod at her. She got shocked, me doing it with my step mother and sister.

"Well, I hope this won't stop you from becoming mine." I smile a little at her.

"You know, that wouldn't matter for me as I have loved you since before. I'm also happy that you're honest with me but I know you're still hiding something there." She said as she looks at my eyes.

"How did you know that I was hiding something?" I ask.

"Woman's instinct." She points up her hand as she smiles. Damn woman instincts.

"Well, I have a power." I said truthfully.

"Really?" She laughs thinking that I'm joking but I materialize her favorite food, pudding in front of her. She got wide eyed as her eyes look at the pudding in my hands piercingly.

"Now you believe me?" I ask her as I smirk.

"I believe you now but you need to make me a sack of pudding after we finished bath alright?" She nods faster as she got excited and drools a little when she thinks of pudding.

We bath as we enjoyed each others company and starts knowing each other more.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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