
Unlimited Blade Works

"Before I was sent here, I dreamt of a hill of swords. " Dying, a boy wish that his life full of strife would lay to rest, and he can finally see the light. But fate have other plans, now in an another reality similar to, his before, he plans to live a comfortable life. Though there's something more in this world.

Pale_man · Others
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Church

It has been an interesting experience being in school again. My real remembrance of this place is back when I was a child, kindergarten to be exact I remembered, I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed but I got by. unfortunately my old man decided it'll be funny to leave us mom; before I was even 6. Woke up, poof just not there anymore not even A goodbye note.

So the experience of school, especially high school is a noble ordeal. While I'm salty that my body was change, degraded to that of a boy who didn't properly exercise. I still find it aweing, American school -- while I've heard a lot of bad shit, like the food, and shooting, my time here was for the most part pretty cool! This school is huge full of space I could imagine myself making this my base.

While the people I do find troublesome, they're just a bunch of kids at the end of the day. The teachers I still don't have an opinion it's still 3 hours since I got here the hell you thinking I have judgment over those people and I not seeing a teacher roaming around I still don't know.

It's strange too, when I woke up there was no teacher watching over the students while we are having some-sort of test. I assume you would watch over a bunch of kids to not let them get any funny ideas, but If the old-head that teach in my section has a lot of trust in us then what's really the problem there.

It's in the second to last period now and after launch I finally caught a teacher! And let me tell you, the teacher was a fine one~ having a stern yet gentle face, mesmerizing hair and striking blue eyes. Damn is she's beauty, and with her mature and curvy body- If she's single then damn men not giving her a shot. 

"English is considered the universal language, with 88 countries using it…" The same angel is teaching this period. 

Most of the class paid attention to her(as they should) while others just zone out – probably tired it is after all 4th period, I sympathize though even though I just died a few hours ago and woke up as a student my vitality returned when I laid my eyes on her.

"Damn, heaven is G for making her," I muttered. 

"Did you say something Mr. Jacob?" her voice startled me, breaking my tranced glance.

Shit I forget how close to the front and holy shit is her hearing good. The room went silent and most of the students in the room turned their heads toward me.

"Just appreciating Ma'am, " I said while grinning. Nothing is at risk~

She stops and fully turns her body towards me, her face is still stoic, her eyes on the other hand are scrutinizing, "And what are you appreciating? I hope it is my lesson," she said.

I couldn't give a rat-ass about the English language. I have my problems with it, like how chimeric the language is making it frustratingly hard to learn. But if it was you who was teaching me, then maybe I'll actually give a dime. 

"Yup, you're an amazing teacher," I said.

The room was quiet for a second, she adjusted her glasses and her face had this indescribable look, is that a hint of red? 

"- Well thank you for the compliment Mr. Jacob…" She went back to board, " But please focus on the lesson."

"Oh sure~" I nodded absently.


'Was he trying to hit on Ms. Laura?' 

I look at Jacob staring at our English teacher with dreamy eyes, a look I could only describe as complete attraction. 'H-his freaky," I thought.

Seriously, on a teacher?


The final semester was boring, it was just an old dude with balding hair teaching us history, while I do find that subject interesting; due to me movies I was intrigue historical films – even though a lot them is presumable in-accurate – The way the guy taught was mundane to a bad degree, it feels like he doesn't to teach this subject.

I shook my head, I almost fell asleep from that, but I prevent myself from doing so it is crucial for me to observe this place and its inhabitants, how they act and how I fit in. While the first hours didn't bear all that useful info, I still was able to conclude that I am somewhat a loner. With no one even greeting me, or coming to talk to me that conclusion the most logical.

Not only does I not exercise; making my limbs look dehydrated twigs, I don't have any companions to talk to. That is sad…

"We ain't that much, whoever you are," I muttered. I was almost outside the campus. The front yard was massive to say the least with large patches of grass and a statue of Abraham Lincoln in the middle near the entrance. 

The size of this place made me think, "is this place a private school? For the rich kids." I snickered damn, if I don't have friends at least I have money; or at least my parents have a couple quid… Wait, do I have a guardian here? A parent and most importantly a home? I must have one. If this school is private then there must be someone.

"Argh- question after question, this new life is more troublesome than I expected."

With no particular destination, I leave the school and traverse the street. While walking I noticed the road was a lot cleaner then the streets I use to walk there's no trash or any homeless guy hanging around. No, the streets have lush plant life on the size colorful flowers that smelled nice and no garbage in sight. This sight only reinforces the idea that this place is private, no it proof that his place is private.

The walk to nowhere was pleasant, the smell of earth and flowers that is carried by the gentle wind, and the sight of clean streets with no traffic lifts my mood to the roof, "I could just live by the streets, If I don't have a home hehe," I chuckled, that is a plausible option.

I noticed just by the distance the peak of the worn-out looking building. Narrowing my eyes, I looked harder until I realized it's the top of a church. "Hmm," Curious and still having no specific destination, I went to the church.

I stopped near a post where a tree stands, I pant due to out of breath, damn this no-exercise body! I rest for a good second gathering the air so as to not get tired. Having my composure back, I went to the entrance where there was an arching sign that had words of, what I can guess, Latin written on it. 

"Oh hell there, Jacob!" A feminine voice garnered my attention, turning to the source of a nun walking up to me, "Done with school?" she tilts her head. 


I looked at the woman for a moment, trying to know who she was. Until a sudden ring echoed inside my head, and the name "Jestine" rings in my mind. With unknown instinct my mouth opened, "Yeah, just got down with classes. How about you Sister Jestine?"

Ok this is freaking me out, is this the memories of this world Jacob? I don't know and I don't like the sensation of my body moving without conscious thought.

"Huff, I told you many times just to call me Jestine. And I am doing fine Jacob, just doing my duties for the church, " She said, " How about you come in, the other sisters are having dinner… would you like to join?"

"No-" Grumble! Silence you disobedient stomach! Did that dry ass burger, and soggy fries did not satiate your abyssal hunger?

She smugly smiles, she puts her finger on her lips, "Really~ that sound tells otherwise," Her face softens, "You know you're always welcome here Jacob, so just come in, it's been a long time since you've eaten with us."

Tch, she's adorable. How the hell do I object to that delicate expression?! So I have history with the people of the church huh? Well ain't that something… I never go to one in my entire life, Pat just offers Prayer for us whenever we go out. He's the only "church" I've known.

My face melted into shame, and my eyes looks to the side, "I guess if you don't mind the-"

Before I could finish my word the adorable nun grabbed my hands and gave me no time to react, " Don't waste your time with words, just come in!" She drags me inside the church. 

As I got closer to the door, I noticed how big it was; it doesn't look like a door, it resembles a gate more than anything. How the hell, how does Jestine gonna open – oh never mind, the boss-girl tears the door open with surprising strength. As we stepped foot in the church, my nose was hit by the scent of wood and candles, and my eyes were glazed by the light that passed through the stained window; making it look ethereal and otherworldly.

More than anything, the smell of cooking gathered my full attention. The scent of vegetables being cooked, the delicious aroma of seasoning and spices lingers in the air, making my hunger that much more feral. 

"You smell that? Sister Elene is the one cooking!" She said with such enthusiasm, it makes me think that the sister in question is a five-star chief. 

"Uh-huh," I nodded.

We went inside the, I assume, break room for these nuns, I saw 4 nun sitting in a round table with plates on each seat. All four were surprisingly young, maybe up to late 20s or their early thirties. All I can say the sisters aged finely.

One of the nun, who didn't have those hood looking things, is talking with the others; and like I said she's quite young. Having blonde and silky hair, a mature yet delicate face, she held herself with confidence, having an aura of experience. I didn't hear what they are talking about, as they notice our presence.

"Oh, Sister Jestine you're finally back, Sister Elene is almost done cooking, " The blonde nun said, her voice soft and airy. 

She noticed me behind Jestine's back and she smiled, "hoh~ Jacob is that you?" She stood up from her chair and went towards me.

Holy is she tall, taller then most basketball players I've seen, 6 '5? Damn she hit the genetic lottery! I know most men would kill for a height like that. Ashamed she's a sister… I should not be thinking like that, about these people.

"Hi-!" I couldn't not finished my words, as she grabbed my face and lightly pinched my cheeks.

"Why did you not accept the invitation we sent you?" She said, a hint of annoyance laced her tone, "There was a party here! You could have made a lot of friends Jacob~"

A party, I have no memory of a party nor an invitation, hmmm… Anniversary, Church's founding… Ah! I see an Anniversary of the church party. Well, It seems I didn't go for whatever reason. I am introverted so, maybe I just didn't like the prospect of going in a place with lots of unknown people.

"I'm sorry Sister, I was not feeling well back then…" I slowly said.

She pouts(Seriously?), "You're always not well, Jacob… It feels like you're avoiding us."

"Oh, leave the boy alone, Elanore,"One of the nuns said, a more older sister. She chuckles, " Jacob, has a lot of things to deal with."

The nun looks at me with an unreadable expression, her eyebrows falling into a melancholy look. She quickly change her expression into a more relaxed one, "So how's your day been, Little man?~"

The blonde nun, who is now named Elanor, looks back at the sister with an annoyed expression, "You always make excuses for him!" She said, looking back to me a sinister smile forms on her face.

"Well, now you're here, so you gonna make it up riigght?~" She trailed the last words.

My eyebrow raised at the nun's weird behavior. Okay, boss-girl what's your deal? I just got here for god's sake! And now you are treating me as if I did some type of crime. I stared at the grinning nun, whose eyes looked like a cougar waiting to prowl down its prey.

'There's no going out of this," I sigh.

"Y-yeah, Jestine invited me for dinner," Yup, I was planning to leave but these women are like cops! They watch my every move! 

The other two nun giggles like school girls who heard a dumb-ass rumor. You two, control this predator! 

Jestine just chuckles at the display, a happy glint surfaced on her tired looking eyes. I on the other hand have to deal with amazoness, man-handling me to sit down. Seriously, who birthed this chick? Either I'm too weak, or this girl is the son of Hercules or someshit.

"Well, well if ain't isn't pipsqueak, done playing video games, and finally decided to touch grass?" Another voice joined in, this time her tone was rough and gruff. Similar to an old man's voice.

Without warning, the unknown nun punched me lightly on the head. Her face has a look of annoyance, confused. I said, "What was that for?"

"You thought of something of stupid didn't you," She said grinning, "Well, nevermind that sit your butt down and get ready for the food."

Oh, I like her style, she's quite rough. I smiled lightly, this church has a lot of diverse people.

"Why are you so rough with him, Sister Elene?" Jestine angelic voice asked with a frown.

The red-head nun grin, "The kid doesn't need to be babied Jestine, his 16 now treats him like his age!" She grabbed my head and smothered it at the side of his boobs, "Ain't that right, kiddo?"

"Uh-huh- could you please let go of me, " I like a womens honkers in all, but I don't like being suffocated by them. She again, smiled a teasing grin, "Oh? You don't like it? I thought you boys like this type of treatment~"

"Sister Elene, cease that behavior! Where at church!" Elanore shouted. 

"Hahaha!" the woman laughed.

And I still not let go of, have to breathe for fucking life, she smelled good I gave her that.

"That was good!" I said out loud.

This is my first time testing a stew like that! The brought was comforting as hell, the vegetables were goodness gracious and delicious. It reminds me of how Pat food taste like, comforting and refreshing. The added bonus of the food I just ate, I was full! Like contently full, like even if the portion is small it is filling.

Hehe, it makes me a bit jealous. My cooking is average at best, and the only reason I have taken an interest in the art was because of Pat. At first I didn't the point, I could just buy, or order food from a restaurant with my money, but Pat strongly argued that cooking is an important skill. Sure you could just buy food from online, but what happens if they're gone? Unlike them if you learn how to cook then it will never leave you. It will provide you for days.

"Nothing's manlier, then being able to cook a good meal," Pat.

"Glad you like it, Kiddo. I just use spare ingredients from the fridge; our budget is lil' bit tight~" She said.

"That makes it more impressive actually," I said, with a smile. Even if I'm not that good, I could realize the amount it would take to actually cook up a meal like this, no least from leftover ingredients.

"You make a fine wife, sister Elene- I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that," Motherfucker my mouth, I could not control this piece malfunctioning biomass. 

Instead of being angry, the nun face was split by a huge grin, a teasing and sadistic smile. "Hehe~ quite bold of you, pipsqueak. Trying to hit on me?~ you'll have to wait a few years for that haha."

I looked down in embarrassment, I could feel my face warming up. Seriously women like her are the death of me. Ashamed she's a nun. "I-i was just to compliment you!" 

"Haha! Take it easy kiddo~" She patted my head.

I look up and see Elanore looking at me with a dark expression. Her eyes have an abyssal look to them. I shivered, ok what's your problem now woman!?

"*Whistle~* someone's jealous, hehe." She said, drinking her cup of juice.

"By the way, how's school been for you? I heard it's has been haggard for the students lately," She asked suddenly.

"Talks about kidnapping, and the likes."

Kidnapping, I didn't hear anything about that. " hmm? Where'd you get that?"

"You didn't see it in the news Jacob?" Jestine questioned, "There's been reports of missing children across town, mainly near public schools."

"Yup, white vans and creeps~ folks over at my place begin murmuring a cult too," Elene said, "A lot of baloney I tell you, why would a cult be here of all places? There must be idiots."

"Still, even If I don't believe it, you should be careful; with kidnappings I mean, the cult one eh," Elene jokingly said.

She looks at me with a grin, "You're pretty cute after all, you're a prime target~ hahaha!" 

"Sigh- stop scaring him, Elene. But yes, you should be careful even in your home." The other nun said.

Okay, kidnappings, probably a human trafficking ring. Disgusting, a cult too huh. Now I have no first hand experience with cults. My street didn't really have that kind of timing, I guess you could call a gang a type of cult, but that's redundant. 

I drink the last remaining juice in my cup.


Word Count: 3011