
Unleashing Incinerating Flames: The Heat-Heat Fruit's Unstoppable Fire

Uchiha Kōka, a six-year-old prodigy of the Uchiha clan, awakens his Sharingan, a coveted bloodline trait granting him exceptional visual prowess. But his world takes a fiery turn when he discovers a strange fruit – the Heat-Heat Fruit, a legendary power source from another dimension. Driven by ambition and a thirst for power, Kōka devours the fruit, unknowingly binding his fate to both the world of ninjas and pirates. As Kōka grapples with the revolting aftertaste and the awakening of a mysterious new power within him, he realizes this Devil Fruit grants him fire manipulation far exceeding his Fire Style jutsu. This unexpected advantage throws his training into overdrive, but the fruit comes with a heavy price – the inability to swim. Now, Kōka must navigate the complexities of his dual heritage, mastering his newfound fire abilities while keeping his Devil Fruit a secret within the watchful eyes of the Uchiha and the ever-present threat of the village. With the promise of immense power and the potential for disaster hanging in the balance, Kōka embarks on a path that will redefine what it means to be an Uchiha prodigy.

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Heat-Heat Fruit + Sharingan: Awakening

In the 42nd year of Konoha, Konoha in the Land of Fire, the residence of the Uchiha clan.

"My head's throbbing like crazy! Who am I, anyway? Zhao Huanghuo? Uchiha Kōka?"

A six-year-old boy's face contorted in sudden, agonizing pain. His veins bulged, and sweat slicked his entire body. It seemed as if he could not survive another moment.

Despite his desperate struggles, he couldn't wake up. This state persisted for seven or eight grueling minutes before he finally calmed down.

However, when he did awaken, he immediately stood up, his face etched with disbelief.

"A world of ninja? Is this some kind of crazy dream? But the pain in my head feels real..."

"Uchiha clan... that could be useful here."

At this moment, Uchiha Kōka's memories of his previous life flooded back. But to his dismay, he couldn't recall how he had died in that life.

Uchiha Kōka knows from the short six years of memory in this life that he lost his parents at the age of one and was adopted by the family orphanage.

At the age of three, he joined the Uchiha clan to learn to read and write and learn the knowledge of ninja.

At the age of four, he began to practice basic ninja physical skills and used medicinal baths to strengthen his physique.

At the age of five, he began to refine Chakra, learn Uchiha throwing techniques and the most basic Uchiha swordsmanship.

At the age of six, he learned Fire Style Ninjutsu and Three Body Technique.

Therefore, the Uchiha clan boasts remarkable unity, with no discrimination against members who cannot refine Chakra.

Many ordinary people reside within the Uchiha clan.

In fact, most ninja clans throughout the world aren't composed entirely of ninjas.

Even the Hyuga, known for their relatively easy-to-awaken Byakugan kekkei genkai, have members who lack the qualifications for ninjutsu.

Because of this, Uchiha Kōka never witnessed Uchiha looking down on non-ninjas within the clan.

It's true that competition and displays of strength exist amongst those with talent, and those indoctrinated with the Will of Fire, like Shisui and Itachi, may look down on those who don't share those beliefs.

However, compared to other clans, the Uchiha atmosphere fosters healthy competition.

"It seems this body has a good foundation. I've already mastered the basic ninja skills: the Three Body Technique, Uchiha throwing techniques, and Uchiha swordsmanship.?"

'I haven't quite mastered the Great Fireball Technique. More practice is definitely needed."

Uchiha Kōka was quite satisfied with this. He turned his thoughts to the Sharingan. He approached the mirror, expecting to see his usual eyes. Instead, a single, crimson magatama stared back at him.

One magatama Sharingan!

"Is this Sharingan?"

"There's no mention of awakening the Sharingan in my memories of this life."

Uchiha Kōka realized that the emotional surge from regaining his past life's memories likely triggered the awakening of his Sharingan.

This revelation fueled Uchiha Kōka's satisfaction even further.

Awakening the Sharingan at the age of six marked him as a prodigy within the Uchiha clan. It was rumored that Uchiha Shisui also unlocked his Sharingan at six, while Itachi achieved it at eight.

With such exceptional talent, Uchiha Kōka believed informing his family would guarantee their full support.

Previously occupied by the memories of his past life, Uchiha Kōka hadn't paid attention to these details.

Now, however, he realized he could see with remarkable clarity. It was as if the world around him had slowed down.

This, he understood, was the initial power of the Sharingan granting him enhanced perception.

"Showing off the Sharingan might be a good way to get more resources from the family."

Uchiha Kōka pondered this internally.

Konoha hadn't yet faced the Nine-Tails Rebellion, so the village's suppression of the Uchiha clan wasn't as severe.

Even Shimura Danzō understood the near impossibility of recruiting a six-year-old Uchiha who had awakened the Sharingan.

Uchiha Kōka, recalling the Root Ninjas from the original story, noticed a distinct lack of Uchiha or Hyuga clan members among them.

Shimura Danzō harbored a deep suspicion of the Uchiha, convinced of their inherent evil and coveting the Sharingan's power.

Uchiha Kōka feared that Danzō might attempt to forcibly take his eyes if he were a Root Ninja.

The fate of Uchiha Shisui, who lost his Mangekyō Sharingan, served as a stark warning.

Uchiha Kōka believed that Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen would likely resort to rhetoric, emphasizing the village's Will of Fire, in an attempt to win him over.

Therefore, Uchiha Kōka concluded that initial caution would ensure his steady growth.

Once he came of age, he could pursue his own path freely.

Uchiha Kōka, recalling the experiences of past time-traveling Uchiha, felt confident about a stable future.

"Tomorrow, I'll inform the Clan Instructor about awakening my Sharingan and request additional ninja resources."

"Huh? What is this?"

Uchiha Kōka spotted an unfamiliar fruit at the head of his bed. Its shape was unlike anything he'd ever encountered, neither in his past life nor his current one.

A thought struck him. Could this be a Devil Fruit, the legendary power source from One Piece?

Determined to confirm his suspicion, Uchiha Kōka focused his newly awakened Sharingan on the fruit.

Under the Sharingan's enhanced vision, he could clearly discern the fruit's exact shape and appearance.

"This should be Paramecia Devil Fruit?"

"This Devil Fruit seems completely unfamiliar. My memories hold no trace of it."

"So this Devil Fruit is my cheat?"

Uchiha Kōka was certain this Devil Fruit hadn't been there before. Its appearance must be linked to awakening his past life's memories.

"I hope it's a powerful Devil Fruit!"

The thought gnawed at him. Uchiha Kōka impulsively grabbed the Devil Fruit and sank his teeth into it.

"Well, that confirms it. The worst taste ever? Definitely a Devil Fruit."

Despite the revolting taste, he forced himself to devour the Devil Fruit, its power too tempting to resist.

To ensure he obtained the Devil Fruit's full power, Uchiha Kōka devoured the entire fruit in one go

Grimacing and battling nausea, Uchiha Kōka finally realized the nature of the Devil Fruit.

"Paramecia Hot Hot Fruit!"

"It's still a hot hot fruit without side effects."

"This is indeed much worse than the Logia Mera-Mera no Mi, or even the Mythical Zoan Devil Fruits!"

"The Devil Fruit, which I'm tentatively calling the 'Hot-Hot Fruit,' seems to have an interesting synergy with my Fire Style ninjutsu. This requires further investigation."