
Unleashed Destiny

"In a world where destiny hangs in the balance, where ancient prophecies weave their intricate webs, and where the power of choice can shape the course of history. A tale of adventure, magic, and self-discovery awaits those who dare to embark on this extraordinary journey. In the land of Veridia, Julia, whose fate is entwined with the threads of an ancient prophecy. As the prophecy reveals itself, her dormant powers awaken, setting in motion a chain of events that will alter the course of Veridia's future. But lurking in the shadows is a malevolent force, seeking to exploit the Julia's powers for their own nefarious purposes. Betrayal and redemption intertwine as loyalties are tested, and the line between good and evil becomes blurred. Join us on this epic quest as this novel takes you on a thrilling adventure through a world of magic, mystery and self-discovery. Are you ready to unlock the power within and embrace destiny?”

Abigail_Crown · Urban
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9 Chs


That particular day, Julia was turning into an adult, marking a significant milestone in her life. It was a day filled with mixed emotions as she reflected on her journey from childhood to this moment.

As the sun bathed the world in a warm glow, Julia embarked on a new chapter, ready to embrace the responsibilities and freedoms that adulthood offered. She wished her parents were here to celebrate it with her.

It had been eight years since Julie heard from her parents.

She missed them terribly but there was nothing she could do. She could only continue to hope that they were fine.

"Happy birthday, Julie." Lilian wished her granddaughter.

"Thank you grandma. I just wished mum and dad were here to celebrate with me." She said sadly

Lilian sighed worriedly. She could only continue to wait for them patiently.

Lilian baked a beautiful cake for Julie. As they ate it, they were reminiscing about the past.

As her grandmother was already very old now. She needed to earn money to take care of herself and her grandmother.

"Good morning, Thomas" Julie said as she walked down the street

She and Thomas had been friends since she moved here. They had always played together. Though Thomas was a year older than she was.

"And a good morning to you Jules. " Thomas replied. He was the only one that called her Jules besides her parents.

"I need your help Tommy. I need to find a job." She told him

"Okay. That's no problem. I can not promise you but I'll definitely try" he said

"Thank you" she replied

"No worries. I need to get to the shop now, my father should be waiting for me" he said

She bid him goodbye as he left.

Thomas's father sold wood in the market and the quality of the wood was very good. People liked to buy from them.

As Julie watched Thomas walk away, she couldn't help but feel grateful for his willingness to help her. She knew she could count on him, just as she always had. Determined to find a job and contribute to her family's expenses, Julie decided to explore various opportunities in the town.

Over the next few days, Julie tirelessly searched for job openings, however, the job market in their small town was limited, and competition for available positions was fierce. Despite her efforts, she found herself facing disappointment after disappointment.

Thomas also helped her to search for available job offers but there was none.

"I'm sorry Jules. I couldn't help much." Thomas said

"It's alright Tommy. You tried your best. And thank you for trying" she said

They discussed a few more things and Julie left the shop.

One afternoon, while walking back home from yet another unsuccessful job application, Julie noticed a Help Wanted sign hanging in the window of a local bookstore. Excitement surged through her as she hurriedly entered the store. The cozy atmosphere and the scent of books enveloped her, making her feel a sense of belonging.

Approaching the counter, Julie greeted the store owner, Mr. Anderson, with a warm smile.

"Good afternoon Mr. Anderson" she said

"Good afternoon miss Adams. What brings you here?" He asked

"I saw the sign outside the shop saying you need help?" She asked.

"Yes. My previous assistant left because she was pregnant." He explained

Then she expressed her interest in the job opening and her passion for literature. Impressed by her enthusiasm, Mr. Anderson decided to give Julie a chance and scheduled an interview for the following day.

Eager to prepare for the interview, Julie reached out to Thomas, seeking his advice. They met at their favorite hangout spot, a treehouse they had built together some years back. Julie shared her excitement and nervousness about the upcoming opportunity, and Thomas listened attentively, offering words of encouragement and support.

He didn't know why but he liked it whenever he saw her smile, it made him happy too.

On the day of the interview, Julie arrived at the bookstore. Mr. Anderson conducted the interview, asking her about her knowledge of books, customer service skills, and her ability to work in a team. Julie answered each question with confidence, her love for literature shining through her words.

Impressed by her qualifications and genuine passion, Mr. Anderson offered Julie the job on the spot. "You will be in charge of the new books entering the store" he told her.

Overjoyed, she accepted with gratitude, knowing that this opportunity would not have been possible without Thomas's support and encouragement.

"Okay. Thank you sir." She said sincerely

As Julie settled into her new role at the bookstore, she discovered a deep sense of fulfillment. She spent her days surrounded by books, engaging with customers, and sharing her love for literature. Thomas would often visit her during his breaks from the wood market, and they would chat about their respective days, sharing stories and laughter.

Julie found solace in knowing that she had not only found a job but also a supportive friend like Thomas.