
Special Chapter XIX - Devil's Sun (part 2)

With his five senses crying and telling him to escape, Prym cried when the sun collapsed, just a few tens of meters behind him.


That time, the sun was still quite high. And yet, the skies become dark when a new sun emerges from the earth, next to Veldonia.


A large blinding light can be seen all the way from Veldon. No, it can be seen all the way from the other kingdoms too. The dwarven kingdom can see the light pretty clearly, even the Mazino kingdom can see a small circle, like a sunset at a wrong spot.


The sun is white, and it's eating everything as it slowly grows larger at a really fast rate.


Prym's lightning mode was slower than the sun's growth, but Prym was given a head start before the sun even began growing. Even with his top speed, Prym still couldn't move any faster than the sun's growth.


In the end, it was a close call.


The sun stopped growing, and Prym was only ten meters away from the flames.


Once he knows that he is in the clear, the powerless and out of energy Prym immediately falls to the ground in front of him and creates a crater. He passed out due to the lack of energy and also from the wound caused by falling. 


He fell from a hundred meters height, so it's very normal for him to get heavily damaged by the fall.


But the crater he made was merely a droplet to the sea… compared to what the giant sun he was trying to escape from has caused.


The ball of flames disappeared after a while, followed by the appearance of the two kilometers tall black mushroom cloud in the skies. An eight hundred meters long crater, with a hundred meters of depth. 


The explosion ate away an entire part of a mountain, and even ate some part of the ocean.


The water from the ocean can be seen slowly filling up the crater. It can be expected that in the future, this one kilometer long crater will simply become a large lake.


Luckily, the explosion that caused this was too far away from any human location, so no human was harmed by the explosion. Though, a lot of the forest was eaten away by the sun, which means a lot of animals could have been killed in the process.


Though, most animals would have run away when they sensed the heavy pressure near them. Most of the animals had the ability to sense magical pressures, and were able to save themselves by running to the other side of the forest. 


A lot of them, however, still got eaten by the sun's explosion.


The people at the beach were blinded for a few seconds by the explosion, but now that they were able to see again, they were shocked to see the giant mushroom cloud in the skies, as well as the giant crater that was not that far from the beach.


The knights and the rebellion group were already on the surface when the explosion occurred, and luckily they didn't get affected. Though it was a close one, since they stood only thirty meters away from the crater.


The entire kingdom of Veldonia panicked when they saw the giant mushroom cloud as well as the giant crater at the bottom. They immediately sent knights to investigate.


At the very least, no one got hurt from the explosion.


Not a single person.


After that explosion, the devil was thrown really far away. Somehow, she crash landed in the middle of the ocean. 


She was unconscious for a very long time as she floated around on the ocean, being flown away by the waves.


She was in this state for a very… very long time.






A few hours later, knights from Veldonia roamed the crater's area. 


Everyone on the beach was told to go back home, or to stay at the kingdom for the time being as they investigate the newly made crater. Obviously, nobody listened and wanted to know what happened as well.


The trio of destruction was found the next day. Prym, the lightning mage, was found in the middle of the trees not too far from the crater. Merida and Elbrado were found heavily wounded in a small cave, but they are still alive. 


It was with the help of a captain from the knights of Mazino, that they were able to spot where the two rankers were located. But when the Veldonia higher ups called him for some gratitude, he and his knights disappeared.


The next few days, Prym and the other trio of destruction had awakened from their slumber one by one. Merida and Elbrado had quite a severe condition, but Prym's wounds weren't as bad as them.


However, in terms of mental health, Prym is beyond repair.


The press of Veldonia spoke a few days after. That the Rank 1 ranker, Prym the lightning mage, has decided to retire.


This decision completely took everyone by surprise, because the Rank 1 position is such a difficult rank to obtain. For him to leave that position so suddenly made everyone shocked.


Both Merida and Elbrado had no idea what happened to Prym, but they somehow blamed the rebellion group and the Mazino knights for this.


Merida the witch also placed the blame for the creation of the crater on the rebellion group, which actually made the citizens worried for the rebellion even more.


The press had also mentioned that the witch of death, Rank 1 ranker Merida, had also seemed to have issues with her mental health. This, of course, was well welcomed by the citizens.


Meanwhile the rebellion group, led by Gajah, has left the kingdom and headed towards the Dwarven territory. With the help of the dwarven envoy, Ezerio, they secured a location right on the side of a beach at the dwarven territory.


They started a village, right next to a beach. Now, they can play on the beach as much as they want.


The knights from Mazino who were with them during the mission were also staying to help out in setting up the village. They thought since their mission is now over, they should at least be a helping hand to their new friends before returning to the kingdom. 


After all, the knights and the rebellion had become too close to be separated.


A lot of the rebellion members started to learn from the captain about the use of magic energy in battles, just like how Kirene did. They all practiced at certain points during the day, and the captain is the one teaching them. Meanwhile, Kirene was pissed as to why they didn't just learn from her. 


They all had the same excuse. She is bad at teaching. Very bad.


During the day, the guys are training and building the houses, while the ladies are dealing with the more meticulous tasks. The children also play on the beach during the day, and during the evening, everyone gathered up on a giant campfire in the centre of the village to converse.


Basically, it is all just the same thing every single day, at least for an entire week that they have been staying in this place.


A whole week has passed, and tomorrow is the day that the knights will return to the kingdom.


The captain is teaching some final important stuff about magic energy control to his students, who were part of the rebellion that was incapable of combat. The second bell just rang, and they are currently having a lesson in front of the town hall.


None of them are wearing shirts, and this is done because the captain wants them to get used to the sun's heat, and also to show off their muscles. Included in these lessons are Gajah and Belmar, as well as the other rebellion and knights who came during the subjugation of the undead conjurer.


Everyone wants to get stronger, and they all trained under the captain's authority.


"Gajah! You need to put more into your hand!"


"I'm... trying! How do you even concentrate on this!?"


For a very long time, Gajah seemed to be having issues with enchanting his hand. But unlike him, Belmar is a total talent. He was able to enchant his hand on the third day, and can switch in two days after.


Switching as in, moving the energy from one spot in his body to another, at a very fast rate.


And right now, Belmar is simply watching as Gajah tries his best to light his hand in blue. Not just Belmar, everyone else who is the student of the captain is also watching. They had all learned the ability to enchant. Hence, Gajah is the only idiot here.


"Bahh... Why can't I do it...?"


Gajah cried when his hand just didn't glow. Even the captain is too tired to tell him the tips, because none of them actually worked on him. It did work on everybody else, but not Gajah apparently.


The captain was about to shout some things again at Gajah, but he got cut off by the kids running from the side.


"Mama, mama!!"


"W-What is it, sweety?"


The group of children suddenly ran into the town hall from the beach. They looked quite scared, and some even looked more panicked than the others. 


One of them had approached his mother, who was watching the boys training alongside the other ladies.


"There's a sleeping person on the water!! It's a woman!!!"


The boy cried at his mother. It seemed that the kids were quite scared by this, and nobody knows why.


Except for some, who had a guess.


The captain immediately turned at Gajah, and Gajah turned to Belmar. Everyone else who was with the group that day immediately had their hopes up, and they all began running to the beach, leaving those who didn't understand very confused.


While they are running, Gajah, the captain, everybody else was hoping really hard that what is happening is exactly like what they are guessing.


After running, they finally arrived on the beach. The captain and the others searched on the beach, and about twenty meters from the path they just came from, the children seemed to be surrounding something.


No, someone.