
Chapter 10 (English)

The next day arrived and we made ourselves breakfast with bread, cream cheese and olives.

Even if it doesn't look like it from the outside, we had a very nice moment together, where we all sat together at the same table and laughed.

"I wish such moments would stay forever", I thought to myself at that moment.

However, life goes on and we still had a lot to do, so we headed out after breakfast.

Shiro took care of the information gathering, as did Ake, but he did it "online".

Nima and I set out, looking for a job.

We searched for a few days, but we were not very successful.

Then, when we wanted to take a break after all that searching and went to Mehmet's store to get something to eat, Mehmet asked us why we were so sad.

< "We just can't find a job. We search and search and search, but in the end we didn't find anything and now we are standing in the void" >, I answered.

< "Oh really? Why didn't you guys come to me directly? I'm looking for employees all the time and since I like you guys a lot, I'd love to have you join us if you'd like" >, Mehmet told us.

With a huge joy I stood up and hugged Nima.

<"Of course we would like to! Just tell us when, where, how long">, I said with joy.

< "Just come starting tomorrow morning when I open, then I will train you" >, he told us.

Nima and I thanked him and headed home to tell the others.

<"I'm really stupid, aren't I?">, I said on the way home.

< "Why do you say that, Jun?" >, Nima asked me.

< "I know that my destiny is written and everything has a meaning and I believe in it very strongly, but still! Still, I despair of situations like this instead of making the best of the situation and waiting for everything to make sense," >, I said looking at the ground.

< "Well I don't think you're stupid Jun. You take care of all of us and we all have fun with you, that's why I don't think you're stupid, I think you're great Jun" >, Nima said and hugged my arm smiling.

I put my arm around her and told her <"Thank you Nima. Thanks to you, I don't feel stupid anymore. It's nice that have a sister like you.">

Then we continued on our way home and arrived a short time later.

Since that evening, 2 months and 3 weeks passed, in which we achieved a lot.

Shiro had collected more detailed information about the 4 families, but I was not very interested in that, because we would sail on soon anyway and this information would be unnecessary.

Ake had been dealing with the onward journey, which turned out to be a bit complicated because the next island was marked by the government as a Forbidden District.

This means that access is allowed only to special people.

According to the documents, the island is said to be inhabited by creatures that are not only abnormal in appearance, but also in size and strength.

So far, there is said to have been no one who has entered the island and left alive.

< "This information I found online is consistent with Shiro's, which is why we need to be careful about the next island. We would also have the option to sail via a detour. To sail directly two islands further, we would need a better boat, which we could never afford in the next 2 years, even if we sell our boat. I tried to consider all options, but the best way is via the Forbidden District," >, Ake explained.

<"Why don't we go via a detour like you said?">, I asked him.

< "Because after the next island, there is no island. That means that on the South Pole, where Luceli is supposed to be according to our mother, nothing exists on the map but water. As I have dealt with the islands next to the Forbidden District and also asked Shiro to find out about it, but just like her, I have not found any information that tells about a supposed way to Luceli. Since the island has been marked as a Forbidden District by the government, I could imagine that they are trying to hide something on this island that will bring us closer to Luceli, but this is all speculation. Also, there must be something to the whole story about the creatures, since there are a lot of articles and supposed eye reports of them," >, Ake answered me.

<"So, I suppose we'll have to set the island as our next destination. had hoped that we could avoid these mysterious and dangerous things, but it seems destiny is written with many adventures">, I said optimistically.

< "Don't worry about anything. As long as we are all together, you have nothing to worry about. So if such creatures exist, you will not only have me, but also Shiro, who will then stand full of strength by my side," >, I tried to motivate everyone, although I was very worried myself.

"Worrying about your family is normal and as the eldest of us, I now have to take on this burden so that the others can continue to have a smile on their faces. So no matter what, I want to protect this family," I thought to myself to give myself strength.

< "I can defend myself! I'm strong enough for that by now" >,Nima interrupted me from my thoughts.

<"That's right. Of course. How could I have forgotten that? After all, you had your special training and that with very good feedback too">, I agreed with her laughing.

Then we headed to Mehmet since we didn't have anything for dinner and we all decided to treat ourselves to something special after we set our next goals.

On the way to Mehmet, I decided to give Ake a treat as he has been very busy lately with future steps but he had to do it via a small older mobile phone while he was always talking about a new laptop.

I've had a lot of extra lessons lately, not only to make his job easier, but also to give him a treat. So it was more or less planned to buy him a laptop.

Shiro, me and Nima were simple minded and we were happy with what we had, but Ake's interests were always in things that not everyone could have and that's why today I want to give him something that will hopefully help him a lot in his future.

So I sent Shiro and Nima ahead and grabbed Ake's wheelchair and headed to an electrical store.

<"Where are we going, Jun?">, Ake asked me.

< "Don't ask, just be surprised. I hope you'll like the surprise" >, I told him and hurried up.

When we arrived in front of the store and entered it as well, Ake knew exactly what the surprise was and I told him < "My surprise to you is a laptop of your choice. What do you think?" >

< "Jun I'm very happy, but can we afford tha...." >, Ake said, but I interrupted him directly and said < "I'll just say it once. I asked you which laptop you want to have.">

Then I saw a smile on Ake's face, which I have probably never seen before, and he chose a model.

After that he hugged me and said < "You are the best brother anyone could ask for Jun. You made me the happiest person in the whole world today. Now I can die in peace.">

< "Don't talk nonsense. I still need you, who else will plan all future events? So! I would be lost without you" >, I told him while he hugged me with tears in his eyes.

Then I took the laptop and told Ake to get out already because it was pretty crowded in here and so Ake wouldn't have any problems with his wheelchair because it could get pretty cramped.

Ake agreed and went outside to wait for me in front of the store.

When he was outside, he felt the cold, from the slowly coming winter and it started to snow a bit.

Ake looked up, enjoying the beautiful moment, as if it was his last.

Then, just after I paid for the laptop and was on my way out of the store, I saw Ake smiling at me and as I was about to smile back, I saw two men grab Ake's wheelchair and run away.

I dropped the laptop out of panic and ran after them.