

Error Code 999. Entity Unknown.

Stephen_Sledge · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

I'm running through a field full of tall grass and flowers. Someone is following me, quickly catching up. I look back to see a girl with long dark hair, covering pointy looking ears. She yanks me back by my short auburn red hair.

"You were too slow my dear," she says as she stares into my eyes.

"Who are you?" I ask, too afraid of the fact that there's no way I could run from her.

"My name is Rose. Now tell me, why do you have the eyes of a God?" I start to tell her I did not know what she means, when I heard three loud thuds, and a startled look appears on her face.

"Wait!" She spoke to no avail, as I immediately woke to the second set of thuds.

Knock knock knock!

" Wakey wakey Hana! You don't need to be late for school again." I open my eyes while peering out from under my sheets, at my mother standing in my doorway.

"Uhhh. What time is it?" I lift my head out from under my sheets and look over to the clock by my bed.

"It's already 7:30?! Why didn't you wake me sooner mom?!"

"You looked like you needed your sleep hun. Now hurry up if you want to get to school on time. It's not my fault you slept in." I look over at my mother with her long red hair and hazel eyes. Great. Last day of high school and I'm still getting bested by my mom. I guess I'm not too surprised though. I throw off my sheets in a rush and start ruffling through my closet for a clean uniform.

"By the way hun, I cleaned your school uniform." So that's where my clothes went. "It's waiting for you in the bathroom."

"Thanks mom!" I rush to the bathroom, thinking of all the days to be late, why today? I throw on my school uniform, stopping to glance at my eyes in the bathroom mirror.

"Maybe I really do have the eyes of a god," I mumur to myself while admiring my amber eyes. I grab my green backpack from my room and head downstairs. I find my mom standing by the front door looking at the car keys with a mischevious look.

"MOM! You're the one that let me sleep in!"

"Oh fine, but you owe me for sleeping in. I didn't raise you like that hun." I sigh, knowing there's no way I'm getting out of this.

"Fine. I'm ready mom. Can we go now?"

She grabs the keys and heads out the door with me, locking the door behind her. After a few tries, the car turns over and we start on our merry way to my last day of public schooling.

"Ya know mom, I can't wait to be done with school."