
Unknown to Fame

Life is not ordinary. Life is not easy. Life is unpredictable. Indeed Life is just a psycho. Everyone thinks she is crazy because whatever and whenever life takes her she rocks it. Once Life gets attached to you there is no bad thing you can feel in your life.

Joda_Riii · Urban
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14 Chs

Nosy Landlady's Granddaughter

*knock knock*

Who is this again? As time pass by my life is getting nosy and nosy. Who is this knocking at my door on midnight? Urgh.

As I looked through the window viewer. Oh it's the crazy one. 'What do you need? ' I asked her and she replied ' Can I just stay with you for tonight? Please it's just because Grandma isn't here tonight and I am quite scared to sleep at our room alone 😟.' Here's she mentioning Grandma again. I don't know what happened to me that everytime I hear Grandma I just feel happy. Also every time this girl ask something to me as long as it is something that Grandma would be happy about I just can't say no.

' ok you can but only for today ok? ' I said to her and she agreed with it as well.

I told her that she can sleep on my bed. and I'll just sleep on the couch but she said no. ' No I am fine I can just sleep on the couch. I don't want to bother you more. 'I'll be fine in here 😊' she said. A must because this is my place and my bed I said to my mind.

After minutes when she began to be comfortable she started talking about her grandmother about how great her grandmother is. To be honest I cannot disagree with her because she is right. Grandma is just too good for all of us. Not only to her family but also to everyone who is staying at her apartment. I just love how considerate she is. She started telling stories again on how grandmother raised her since she lived on grandmother for years when her parents had to work abroad. She also told me on what grandmother gave her on her 18th birthday and she said I won't believe what it was. and I asked her what is it out of curiosity. But she didn't replied. i asked her again and no one's answering again. sh made me stand up and I looked at her and just find out that she slept on me. How can she sleep while talking to me? Am I that boring to talk to for her to just sleep in me? Urgh. This girl is challenging my patience.

alarm clock ringing

As soon as I turned off my alarm clock since we have a class I prepared some breakfast for both of us before she lives. I probably did our breakfast for an hour and she is still sleeping 😴. How great sleeper you are girl.

I woke her up and we had breakfast together. Since we still have class she left after we as breakfast for her to get ready so do I? afterwards I am done getting ready on myself and someone's in front of my door again. I hate it to be honest because I am not used to it. As expected it is Gab.

' I will wait for you here. Let's go to school together. Take your time.' she said and as usual I replied 'nah I'm good' and she talked back 'nah ur not' like wtf bro.

After a while I am now done and ready heading out to school and as I open my door. Urgh. She is still here?? So nosy.

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