
Unknown Romance story

Mylar Rodriguez, a simple waitress at a night club finds herself in a tight spot and she couldn't think of a way out. When the solution finally came, it turned out to be the handsome, smart, very cold and arrogant young billionaire who frequented their club every night. He's name, Camilo Wylder. Is he really the solution or just another problem added into her life? Well let's find out. Mylar gets an unwanted visitor and she in greater trouble. Unable to fend for her and the unborn child, she seeks help from her child's father as luck would have it, an heir was being search for in the Wylder family and they took her in with a condition, they will have a contract marriage until a year after the child is born. Would she be able to tolerate the constant ridiculing and insult from the man she is made to live with for her child's sake. A friend arrives in her life when she needed one the most, he became her comforter and protector. He teaches her how to fight for herself and the how to blend in the way of the rich. Mylar becomes what she always wanted to be, a famous model, owned her own car, a huge Mansion and also gave birth to her baby, she began to live without fear and with confidence. She made a name for herself. Camilo started getting more angry because of how Mylar was behaving now, she was no longer afraid of him and that was getting him angry. Mylar forces Camilo to take her and the baby on a vacation to California and that was where she fell in love with him. After the vacation Camilo started liking his child and spending more time with him. At the end he realized his feelings for Mylar and confesses it, she gives him a second chance. The story comes to an end.

Oubukunmi_Jokotoye · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

CHAPTER THIRTY (Life vs death)

"Should I carry her?" Elio asked and Vida yelled at him.

"Are you seriously asking for his permission at the moment?"

Elio picked Mylar up without saying anything again.

Ouhhhhh!!! Mylar kept panting and crying out in pain.

When Mr Julian and Miss Emelda tried to help out, Camilo yelled at both of them and ask them not to.

"Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on Mylar." He yelled.

Elio carried her and Camilo grabbed the keys. They placed her in the back seat leaving Vida to sit with her and both of them entered the front and Camilo drove the car away.

On the way, Elio noticed how Camilo was distracted and couldn't concentrate on his driving, he also saw how Camilo was looking back at Mylar from time to time.

"Stop the car." Elio yelled to Camilo and he stepped on the brake quickly, startled.

"Why? Do you want her to die?" Camilo asked his voice shaking. He was panicking, he face was pale, his limbs and entire body felt as if they weren't his own.

Elio saw how his brother was acting, he felt sorry for Camilo, though he didn't know what being a father was like, he was sure that it was a scary experience for Camilo.

"I really don't want her to die and that's why I am asking you not to drive anymore. I will do the driving now, get down and go to the other side." Elio ordered him, Camilo slowly came out of the driver's seat and went into the passsangers seat leaving Elio to take over the steering.

Elio drove them safely to the hospital and the nurses came out with the stretcher, Camilo picked Mylar up and placed her on the stretcher and she grabbed his shirt really hard with her eyes close.

"Mylar, stop acting like this. You are stronger than this pain, let go of his shirt and let the nurses take you in." Elio said to her and took her hands off Camilo's shirt.

"Make sure you do everything possible to help her deliver safely." Elio said to the nurse with an encouraging look. The nurse nodded in agreement and they hurriedly wheeled her in.

"You will be fine. I won't let anything happen to you or the baby." Camilo kept saying until they wheeled her into the delivery room.

When he tried to go in after her, the nurses asked him and the others to stay outside.

"I will be right here." He yelled as they shut the door before him.

"Why can't they let me in?" Camilo asked Vida frustrated. He continuously pinched his hands as if those little pains will stop the bigger pain he felt.

"It's because you keep panicking. You being in there would only worry Mylar and not help her." Elio replied him and he went to Elio and pleaded with him.

"Tell them to let me in, I promise that I will be calm."

"Are you sure?" Elio asked and Camilo nodded quickly, he grabbed Elio's hands with pleading eyes.

"We need you in the labour room with your wife sir." The nurse said to Elio, they both looked at the nurse shocked.

"Why do they think Elio is her husband?" Camilo asked himself and looked down at his legs not sure what he was looking at.

"This is her husband." Elio told the nurse and the nurse looked at Camilo.

"How is he her husband, he is not even acting like one." The nurse thought to herself, she then said to them.

"This panicking man, he might disrupt our work."

"I promise that I won't panic anymore, please just let me in." Camilo pleaded and Elio vouched for him.

"I promise that he won't cause you any trouble."

"Fine, come with me. She needs you in there anyways." The nurse said finally agreeing. Camilo hurriedly went in after her.

"It's all your fault, you couldn't wait for the party to end before coming to me." Mr Julian blamed Miss Emelda who quickly defended herself.

"But I only asked for a brief moment to talk to you, you are the one who extended the time."

"What if Mylar looses her child, Camilo will end us." Mr Julian said with quite a bit of sadness and Miss Emelda chipped now feeling scared.

"Elio will not let it slide. He cares way too much about her."

"Mylar, this looks difficult." Camilo said as soon as he saw Mylar's open legs with the doctors and nurses in the room looking worried and doing everything they can.

"That's not why we asked you to come in. Please encourage her." The doctor said to him a bit upset by what he said to Mylar and Camilo nodded quickly in agreement. He started saying what he felt was encouraging words.

"Mylar this might be hard but you are way stronger than this. Remember what Elio calls you, great and mighty Mylar so please be mighty right now."

"Mylar, just close your mouth and push with all of your strength." The doctor said to her and the nurse also joined in.

"Mylar, you can do it." Camilo yelled.

After several minutes of trying, a tiny and yet loud cry was heard in the room as the doctor brought out a little precious angel covered in blood.

"It's a girl." The doctor announced and Camilo started laughing happily, tears of joy coming out of his eyes uncontrollably. He took a peep at his daughter as the nurses got to work taking care of the baby while the doctor checked on the mother.

"My..." Mylar wanted to speak but she fainted without completing her sentence.

The doctor panicked and so did Camilo.

Camilo started screaming and roughly shaking Mylar as she laid unconscious.

"Mr Camilo, please leave the room right now." The doctor said to Camilo but he kept panicking.

Hearing all the noise from where they were, Elio and Vida ran inside and saw what was happening. Elio quickly went to Camilo and started dragging him out when he heard the doctor begging Camilo to leave.

"Elio, please leave me." Camilo screamed crying.

"We have to leave the doctor to do his job. Stop acting like a child and come with me." Elio yelled at him holding his hand more tightly.

"Mylar can't die, I haven't even confessed my feelings to her." Camilo said in tears and Elio thought suddenly went blank, seeing his brother's tears meant that what he said was true.

"She can't die. I haven't told her that I love her so much and that I wish for nothing else but to live with her forever." Camilo yelled, Elio let go of his arms and slapped Camilo tightly on his face to bring him back to his senses, then Elio said to him.

"If you don't want her to die, then leave the doctor to do his job and come with me."

Camilo listened, he followed Vida and Elio out still crying. Mylar did fall into a coma, the doctor came to inform them of her condition later. They were all depressed by the news.

"Are you okay?" Vida asked Elio who couldn't control the tears coming out of his eyes.

"Are you?" Elio asked and wiped off his tears.