
6 I Want You And Only You

Leo grabbed her hand and kissed it. "You're right. I didn't want to give you up, so I searched for what felt like an eternity. Your move was already determined when we met, wasn't it?" Leo looked down at Kitty. 'I could never hurt her even if I was ordered to, but I can't escape my past.' Leo was no longer sure if he made the right call in hunting her down. He now risked not only her safety but their baby's safety. "Kitty…" Leo hugged Kitty gently. "Get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up. We'll talk more then."

"My move was already predetermined. There was no way around it." Kitty yawned and looked up at Leo. "Thank you, Leo." Kitty closed her eyes and passed out. Her soft, gentle breathing clearly showed that she was asleep.

Leo got out of bed, picked up his suitcase, and opened it up in the kitchen. 'A fox demon. The information on them is very minimal indeed.' He pulled a thick book out of the bag and flipped to the single page of information they had. 'Fox demons blend in with humans the best. No one can expect them to be living real creatures. The only time one can catch a fox demon is when they are with child.' Leo stopped reading, went to the bar in the room, pulled out the whiskey, and poured a drink. 'Can a baby be born from a human and a demon?' Leo looked back at the bedroom. He took his drink to the couch, where he sat down and read until she awoke.

Kitty woke up about an hour later and walked out to the living room. "This is where you were, Leo." She smiled and came and sat down next to him. "Research about our situation won't do much good." She looks at the old books on the table. "Unless your books have more information than the detailed rosters back at my place."

Leo looked over at Kitty. "The only thing I found out is that you're in a volatile period and that you never gave me your real name." Leo sighed. "Is it even possible for a human and a demon to have a child together?" He looked down at his books.

"Although I have never heard of a demon hunter baby before. Of course, it's possible." Kitty giggled. "How else would we be able to survive? My race is ancient. We've avoided hunters for a rather long time. If I give you any information about my race, it'll get added to your books and then we'll become hunted like the rest." Kitty never gave a confirmation of her name. She grabbed Leo's hand and placed it on her belly. "The baby is kicking. This is the life we created together. I will protect our baby at any and all costs, Leo."

"I want to help you but, at the same time, I can't because of my background. I want you to trust me, Kitty. I can't give up on you." He felt the baby kicking for the first time, and he looked up at Kitty. "I don't want to lose you." His eyes started to cloud over.

"Can you leave your hunter life behind and go into hiding? Being a hunter means you can not run away and hide. Could you keep the secret that your partner isn't human but is actually a fox demon? It's not easy to keep secrets, Leo. If you truly want me in your life…" Kitty never got to finish her sentence because Leo started kissing her. Leo's tongue slides into her mouth and entwines with hers. "Mmmm, Leo."

Leo refuses to give her up. He ends the kiss when they are both out of breath and panting. "I want to protect you, Kitty. You know I can't go into hiding, but I can take fewer jobs and slowly back out from being an active hunter. I would do everything in my power to protect you and our baby Kitty." Leo's eyes are shining, "I want you." He takes off the shirt Kitty is wearing, stands up and takes off his shirt. He picks up Kitty and carries her to the bedroom. Gently Leo places Kitty on the bed, takes off her pants and panties. He took off his belt and used it to tie her hands to the headboard. Then finally, he takes his pants and boxers off. "Kitty." He moves up to her and slowly forces his cock into her vagina.

Kitty doesn't fight Leo. She shivers in delight, and then finally Leo enters her. "LEO." Kitty was unable to move due to being tied up and lets Leo dominate her completely. Feeling the rhythmic movements from Leo moving in and out of her, Kitty struggles with the belt. Not wanting to break the restraint but also wanting to touch Leo made Kitty feel helpless.

Leo pinned her tied wrists to the bed. "I'm not letting you go." He rasped in her ear. Holding her down, he hit her G Spot, and Kitty moaned louder than before. He felt her climax. It turned him on even more. He increased his movements and finally felt the tension leave his body as he cummed deep inside her. He got off of Kitty, untied her hands and brought her body to his so that they were spooning. "Kitty." He said, breathing into her hair. "I wanted to see you so bad. I missed you. I don't care that you are a demon. I want you and only you."

Kitty relaxed in Leo's arms. "Will you bear the mark of a demon?" Kitty was looking towards the wall. 'A demon hunter. Can it work, or will my mark override the hunter tattoo?' Kitty gently pushed his then sat on top of his belly.

Leo was silent when asked this question. 'Bearing the mark of a demon. It would mark me as a target if they ever saw it but, I can't live without Kitty.' He felt the baby move slightly inside the belly. "Will it work? I'm branded a hunter for life." He moved his free hand and looked into Kitty's eyes. While one arm was pinned under Kitty the other, he used to trace the tattoo on the right side of his body.

Kitty shifted on top of Leo before looking down at him. "I want to mark you." Her eyes were silver now. Kitty leaned forward and kissed over his heart. She cut the palm of her right using her nails. Her blood started to drip over his heart. With practiced skill, Kitty used her blood to draw the symbol on his chest. She licked her hand, and the wound closed up. Carefully she leaned over and kissed the symbol finishing her mark. She got dizzy from using her powers again and gently got off of Leo. As soon as she laid down beside him, she passed out from the coursing pain going through her body.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

--Eleanor Roosevelt

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.


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