
Unknown Phenomenon

In a peaceful kingdom, a guy named Azroths live lonely due to his parents death. After giving his all effort to avoid being overpowered by sadness through avoiding dungeons and keep conversing in town instead, a change occurs to him upon receiving invitation of an unknown visitor. Doubting the invitation knowing there are no possibilities he can get one, he read it uninterested. There he had learn something which is unknown! A word "magic! " what could it be? Well, It is not different from Azroths question. It gives him interest as it says magic can give extraordinary power to a person. But aside from it, he knows nothing! Only thing on his mind is... This one sure is an unknown phenomenon!!

Storie_muxica · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Complete DEVASTATION after sadness

"The very moment the thought of my family's safety comes to me, it feels like my blood tensions up and freezes my body.

It is a mix of a sudden urge to go and save my family and a feeling of not being able to do anything.

I feel like I wanted to dash off that instant to save them, but certain death is preventing me, resulting in a feeling of being hardly pressed from both sides by my emotions. The pressure to save my family and the pressure of my instinct stopping me are like two powerful forces colliding violently, and I am the centre of their destructive collision. The feeling of not being able to do anything is crushing me.

That feeling alone is enough to make me cough out blood. "

Niriyir sadly smiled and turned her eyes outside the window.

She then said:

"The distance from here to the town is too great. The very moment I turn my gaze to the horizon that is directed here, I feel like my nose is being entered by an unusual amount of air droplets and it is choking me. Trying every possible way to quickly get to our house, I hadn't realised I am breathing pretty fast, which makes me inhale air that is more than I can take. Seriously, it could even give me a nosebleed.

While at it, a crash sound echoed as a steel plate fell to the ground.

Everyone of us was electrified by fear.

After all, it was a sudden sound in this quiet, mournful place.

After seeing that it was just a steel plate, we felt relieved.

Uncle then pointed to a residence block and told us to go there.

He said he would follow after securing our escape.

Of course we complain about his idea because we cannot leave him alone, but there is no other choice.

When we look around the surrounding area, We can neither feel nor see any beasts nearby.

This could be the perfect chance to run.

The only beasts visible are those figures that are far from us. You could not even tell what kind of beasts they were due to their great distance.

While at it, I heard this howling wind again. It reminds me of the quietness of the town. I look around as I wonder how extremely quiet the whole town has become.

Does this mean almost everyone was killed? Only at that instant? The loud screaming, the chaotic voices, and the painful cries are all gone in an instant. How come they are really all dead? It's not like there are beasts in every residential area. So, why? Why have the people gone so fast?

This question is bothering me as I keep seeing that gigantic beast's figure (Because it's too far away, its beast kind can't even be recognised. The only visible thing is its figure) chasing over a running figure of man.

Now go, everyone! Don't worry, I will be safe here.

Uncle commanded us to escape as he completely set his power stones on his sword.

We just sadly nodded.

When we were about to leave, a bloodied, brown-furred dog walking not far away behind us caught our attention.

It is a dog from our neighbours.

Oh! Did its owner leave it behind? This is too sad.

It is what my aunt said, to which I nodded in response.

Since we are not strangers to each other, I would at least like to pat its head. To calm myself, of course. This place is sad enough. Seeing an abandoned dog and just leaving it alone is just too much. However, we can't bring it with us, so I at least wanted to pat its head.

When I was about to do so, my aunt stopped me and said we should keep going.

We then waved our temporary goodbyes to Uncle.

After a few steps from where we stand, a vomiting sound delayed our hurried walk.

We can't help but take a look.

After we did, we saw that it was the brown dog, and it was vomiting.

As its body waves due to its heave, we are seeing something being released from its mouth.

But first, seeing its saliva creeps us out. Its saliva is red.

Is that blood?

Aunt ask.

Uncle hastily walked towards us and covered us.

It seems Uncle is not sure to let us go alone anymore. Because if he did, he would have immediately ordered us to run. But he didn't, which means he concluded that there is no safe place for us to run alone anymore.

As we observe its puke, we are struck with disgust.

Uncle looked deep into it, then said,

Is that a...

[Huh!!! Haah!!! Gaaah!!! ]

As we analysed what that is, we all reacted with an extremely heavy and disgusted voice.

[Hiiiiih..!!! Hiaah!!! Aghh!!! ]

That is a hand!!!

Uncle readied his sword as he yelled with his teeth gritted out of anger, fright, and disgust.

You could only see a horrified reaction in us as we all readied ourselves.

What crap is going on in this world?

You, what have you done to your owner?

Uncle showed an instance to seriously kill the dog that we used to be friends with.

It is an attack that can kill gigantic bears.

It will surely pulverise the dog.

We are all frightened; we don't even feel pity for the dog, which was very friendly in the past.

Well, I at least close my eyes as Uncle dashes off and deals a slash to it.

As I close my eyes in sorrow, I hear my uncle call to us.

Run, everyone!!!


Of course, I quickly opened my eyes to see what happened.

After I do, I see Uncle in a very serious but frightened manner.

What happened?

Is what I am thinking as I turn to the dog.

The very moment I see

Ha.. huh? .. Gulp... Wha...?!

I have been so utterly filled with shock and fright that I can barely move my mouth.

The dog is almost unscathed, for it only got a few scratches from the bear-killing strike.

Wha... How did it turn out like that?

I am numbly standing as I am filled with questions revolving around one issue.

What is happening? Why is this happening? This is our neighbour's dog, isn't it? Needless to say, why does it have a hand on its mouth? Did it actually eat a person?

I stopped thinking about things and concentrated on what would be the dog's next move as its response.

The dog seemed to not care about us and acted to consume the hand that it puked.

I just contracted my eyes due to the detestable scene I am seeing.

What are you all doing? All of you, run!

Uncle calls to us in a more forceful and angry tone.

[Huh? Uh, yeah... Yeah, everyone follow me! ]

Aunt calls out to us to run and leave Uncle behind.

The dog seemed to get irritated and cautious, so it let out a fierce growl.

Aunt stops and calls out to Uncle in a sad tone,

How about you? Can you handle thi…?


Uncle commanded loudly even before Aunt finished her words.


I called out to Ayrimir because, before we noticed it, the dog had already run at enormous speed to attack him.

Auntie, who is by Ayrimir's side, grabs Ayrimir's hand and drags him, throwing him onto us.

I caught Ayrimir.

While I was still embracing him, a sudden, loud, terrified voice filled me with guilt.



I reacted and quickly turned to my aunt, but when I did,


A splash of blood showered the place as I heard my aunt's scream of extreme pain.


I deeply yell in an unsteady tone.


As I grab my knife with ruthless intent to kill, I hear Uncle calling out to Aunt in a very worried and angry tone.

I then dashed off immediately with my glowing knife in my hand.

When I am in the range of the dog and only about to stab, Uncle also reaches the range with his sword glowing very brightly.

Both of us are yelling really loudly out of blazing anger.


Seeing my aunt's condition, I can't help but grit my teeth, my hand clenching very hard against my knife.

I will surely kill you!

The dog's teeth are deeply engrave on my aunt's shoulder, and it is only a matter of time before the dog sway its head to dismember my aunt's limb.

I shouted with a crying and afraid tone.

No... Haaaaaa!!!

No... Claudia!!!! Uncle, who is the most affected, yells very hard, hoping everything happens, just not this.

Just as the tip of our weapons is about to reach the dog's flesh, what we fear has indeed mercilessly happened.

And what's worse is that it is more fearful than we expect...

While at it, Claudia is sadly smiling; the only thing you can hear from Claudia is...

I'm sorry, Creed...

The dog then instantly thrust itself to the ground to evade our attack.

With its force, the wide road cracked drastically, and its crumbled concrete parts burst out into the air, causing the dirt under it to visibly open.

Obviously, as much as I hate to say it, the body of my Aunt was utterly destroyed.

The dog crumbled the concrete road, which makes it clear that my aunt's body will never be better and will survive.

The worst is that the dog shatters a wide area with only the force of dropping itself to the ground.

Haaa...!!! Haaa...!!! Haaa...!!!

Clua... dia!!!

Uncle's face is filled with tears as he cries very loudly in despair.

Da... mn... you...!!! Ver... min!!!

He held onto his sword using his two hands. It seems he plans to use all of his energy, for there is no reason for him to hold back anymore.

The sword on him glows brightly. The sword is glossing in a shiny yellow colour, which exactly looks like the hair colour of my aunt Claudia.

Now, the crumbled parts of this concrete road are still in the air and are in the process of falling down.

Uncle showed up with a very fierce advance on the dog. The sword in his hands emits illumination as he rushes towards the target.

D... ie...!!!

A sudden flash of light struck the dog.

But this dog only parries Uncle's attack with its harmless paws.

With only that, Uncle Creed has been sent flying to the residential areas. From the great distance of the wide road, Uncle has been sent flying across it. Clearing the concrete road on his way because it gets dug by the enormous force dragging him to the directed area.


Obviously, he spit blood.


I only gritted my teeth upon seeing it.

What exactly happened to this creature?

I immediately focus my whole body, for I know this will come to us after.


I let out a long breath, then jogged.

It is a hunter skill used to follow and match up with beasts absolute reflexes.

The dog began to move swiftly, which I couldn't follow at all, but I remained calm without any reaction.

I heard its presence approaching me from the side, so I did a quick sidestep. While jogging on the ground, I feel like I don't touch the floor at all but am floating instead. You can say that what the dog is seeing—jogging—is only a mere afterimage of me.

But, of course, it will not be that easy.

We are catching our afterimages in the thick smoke. The smoke that the dog's recent thrust has produced.


I tripped over a crumbled stone, which caused me to get out of balance.

The dog with glittering, bloody teeth approaches me without delay.

Running out of choice, I drained the energy of the power stone as I stabbed this fang that is arrogantly closing in on me.


The moment I stab those fangs to the ground, it's like the ground has been stomped by a gigantic foot.

The whole surrounding area shook.

But of course, It didn't hit the damn dog. It was only an afterimage.

Pant... Pant...

I stood up immediately after settling my breathing.

The smoke clears away.

I look around for the dog's whereabouts and... What a very lucky day!

Risha, my aunt and uncle's daughter, has already been devoured, leaving only some of her parts shattered offensively on the ground.

Hiiii.... Aghh... Nooo...!!!

Of course I will cry and groan really hard and heavy.

At the same time...

My power stone, which is embedded in my knife, cracked.

It cracked because the power on it was drained from my last attack.


I just clicked my tongue as I saw Ayrimir on the ground…

And the dog that is licking the blood on its mouth that is leisurely approaching him.

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