
chapter one

People fall in and out of love...

Some people can't love. Like me my name is Lona May Stone, I was born in Montana near the mountain ranges. I was raised in a very religious family. Like Woman and man can only marry. But…. I like this one girl named Katherine Rose. When I asked her out She….. did not feel the same way and she told me, " No one will love a freak like you." I took those words to heart. I never fell in love until now. Let me tell you my story.

"Lona Comeon your going to be late for school." My mom yelled. I got up thinking " another day of hell.." I walk out the door walking to school. When I got there all I could hear were there whispering "look at the emo girl. Why is she here?" But I walked to my locker, put my bag away and got my book for my classes and I walked to class. When class started, there was a new girl with teal hair and green eyes. I felt like something I have not felt in years. But then Katherine Rose walked in and I lost the feeling " What was that feeling." I looked at Kat and she looked at me. Then she sat behind me. I felt nothing.

All I know is that It was lunch and Kat when and got on a table and yelled " Hey everyone. We have a Gay gril In this room. Lona asked me out two years ago." I got up and ran to the bathroom and I cried. Then the new girl walked in "Are you okay?" she said . " I'm fine." I told her. Then I walked away to class.

"Aww was the little gay girl crying. Boohoo.HAHAHAH." Said Kat "Just leave me alone Katherine. I did nothing to you." I said making a sour face at her. "What with the face cry baby. Oh she mad i made the baby mad" Kat said. Kat started to push me around "Come on fight back."

Kat said, Then something in me just snapped I just punched her until she was knocked out.

When my mind came to earth I saw the new girl. Standing there shocked. I ran away in tears. The last thing I heard was "Dang!" The next thing I know I was in the hospital with around ten Doctors around me. But I couldn't talk or move. The only thing I can do is move my eyes. Then I saw the new girl But she had ears and a tail.Then I felt a sharp pain in my lower back and the top of my head. Then I realized they were not doctors, they were scientists. Why was I hear what happened to me? I wanted to cry but no tears were coming. All I wanted was my Mother and my Father. Why am I here? Then it went bark.

I was in a cell with the new girl. " My name is Sam. social. And Monitoring. I was taken from my family when I was four. To find people like me." Said the new girl, I looked Down and saw a tail and I touched my head wolf ears. That's what I felt on my head. "What will happen to me? Why me? I'm scared." I cried, she walked and hugged me " Don't worry I'm here we can be friends. Okay." Said Sam "Okay. We can be friends." I said I could not stop blushing. That's where my story Begins.

"Sam why me please tell me my am I hear." said Lona. "You have some rare Blood. Only 1 in a billion have this type of blood." Said Sam, Then I heard a door slam close and ran to a corner crying. A man In a wight cote came and said " S.A.M. come time for testing." Sam went with him to a Different room. It felt like forever. Suddenly Sam came Back her eyes were Dull " SAM!! WHat did they do to you!" her eyes open and close so slowly "What do you mean they did nothing" Sam said with the fakest smile you will ever see. Sam layed down and fell asleep soon after I fell asleep.

When I got up I was hooked up to many michins putting some