

"That's enough!"

Everyone immediately stops talking. Kento's grandpa gets up looking straight at me. I felt like running to a hill and hiding forever.

"Samantha. You are Stephan Houston's daughter right?"

"Um. Yes. That's my father." I quickly answered.

"Weren't you supposed to marry my son?" "He sent an Invitation I promptly ignored."

His words leave me wondering why they didn't attend the wedding and why he sounded so cold when talking about his own son.

"Answer me child!"

"Y-yes. I had no choice. He said he'd save my father's company-"

"Uncle tried to marry her because he knew of our relationship. He did it to spike me grandpa." Kento cuts in lying for the hundredth time.

His grandpa looks at him with an unreadable expression. "So you mean Haruto knew you and this girl were dating? But he forced her to marry him?"

"Yes grandpa. Uncle also was behind her fathers company going bankrupt."

Mr Sakurada is deep in thought for awhile before turning to his wife who had began crying.

"That son of yours will never set a foot in this house again. Do you see how evil he is?!" "He can never change even after being banished!"

Micheal has been banished? Is that why when he brought my family to Japan we stayed in a fancy hotel and his daughter came with a nanny?

"Haruto will never see the error of his ways no matter how long he is kept away from the family!"

The look on kento's face leaves me confused. He had a small grin on his face but quickly made himself look upset or maybe I'm seeing things from losing blood.

"How do we know he's telling the truth father? What if he's lying so you never allow him back home?" Mitsuki accuses Kento.

"Why would my son lie about that poisonous man?!" A beautiful woman enters the tea room dressed in a Morden blue dress. She had her hair in lose curls and wore elegant jewellery.

"You and your son could be lying for all we know!" Mitsuki bitterly said. Unable to stand anymore I drop to my knees.

"Nick. Take your wife to go rest." His mother says giving me a warm smile. Kento rushes to carry me bridal style.

He leans in and whispers. "I'm sorry you got hurt but I'm glad you came to protect me." I hold onto him smiling up at him. "I thought we were a team..."

"We are." he gives me a sincere smile causing my heart to begin racing. I have definitely lost too much blood.


Nick bandages my foot gently making sure not to hurt me. After hearing his mom call him Nick I thought I should also call him Nick instead.

Nick looks at me. "Are you feeling better?"

"You always ask if I'm feeling better or if I'm okay. Tell me how do you feel?" I ask truthfully because Nick always shows concern for me.

Sighing he rests his head on my shoulder catching me offgaurd. I decide to let him rest on me.

"My family doesn't exactly care about my mom and I. They hate that I'm the heir and not uncle who was banned from coming back as punishment for kicking mom out while she was pregnant."

"Nick. It's not your fault Michael is an awful human being." I tell him what I really thought.

"Yeah but some members of this family want him back, cousin Kazuha for example hates my guts because she thinks my mom lied that uncle was the one who kicked her out."

"I think I have just been dragged into hell just like you said...this whole thing is crazy."

"I know... I'm sorry you got hurt...Grandma threw me with her cup but missed." He says with a pained expression on his face.

Nick really has a messed up family. They are this close to beating mine.

Without thinking I hug Nick to console him.

"Thank you Sam. Without you I would be a mess right now." He said making me feel weird inside.

There's a faint knock before Nick tells the person to enter in Japanese. To my surprise it's his mother walking in carrying a tray of food. Nick gets up to help her.

"Mom. You shouldn't have!" He says placing the food on the short table. She looks at me smiling.

"I didn't bring the food for you Nick. I have a daughter now." She walks over to me.

"Hello my dear. I'm your second mother Meisa but just call me mom okay?"

I nod feeling at ease. She sits beside me taking my hands into hers. "I know what you've done for my son and I'm thankful. Marrying a stranger must have been so hard for you."

The shock on my face causes her to chuckle. "It's okay. I still want you to be happy and comfortable around me. You have helped my son get one step closer at getting what he deserves."

"Nick helped me more."

She shakes her head no. "You were the one who had to sacrifice so much. For that I'll be grateful forever Samantha."

I began to tear up when she says this to me. "Thank you."

"Enough of all this talking. Please eat first and rest up." She pats my head lovingly. "Remember you're not alone in this house."

"That's enough mom. Let us eat please."

She hits Nick playfully. "Don't be jealous I have a daughter now."

"Whatever mom." He jokingly says. She rolls her eyes at him before walking out. His relationship with his mother is the purest thing I've seen in such a long time.

"Let me carry you over here." Nick picks me up like I weigh absolutely nothing. He smiles showing dimples that I'm coming to like.

"Thank you."

"I'm your husband. Its my duty to look after you."

I roll my eyes at him. "Whatever you say Nick."

"I liked it more when you called me Kento."

"That's too damn bad Nick." I tell him emphasizing on "Nick" to get my point across.

He pinches my nose. "Call me Kento!"

"No!" I laugh as Nick places me gently on the mat so we can eat. Nick sits besides me.

"Maybe I'll tickle you until you call me kento."

"Don't you dare. I'm hungry." I warn looking at the delicious food in front of me.

"I hope you don't mind Japanese food."

I shake my head no, "Back when I worked in Korea I loved ordering Japanese food so much that my boyfr-" I stop myself from continuing realizing what I was about to say.

"Your ex boyfriend?" Nick pushes unable to see that sadness in my eyes. "It's okay you can tell me."

I grab the chopsticks ignoring him and shoving rice into my mouth. Nick watches me but doesn't talk.

The more I felt like crying the more I shoved food down my throat. This wasn't right, I wasn't supposed to still get like this when I thought about him.

"Eat slower. You might choke." Nick tries to warn me but I continue assaulting myself with the food.


The room was cold and nothing but the beeping sounds of the machines could be heard. I sat in the room alone for hours crying for the person laying unconscious.

The hospital was a place I had liked and disliked and this situation added to my disliked. The smell that only hospitals had filled the air leaving me desperate for fresh air.

I walk up to his bed feeling defeated seeing his once youthful face void of life. His gorgeous dark hair was gone, replaced by a bald head. You could see his veins clearly showing how sick he was.

"Don't die please." I begged although it was not his choice. He wouldn't want to leave me. That I knew.

I held his hand, the hand I've held millions of times before but now felt nothing like what I was used to.

"I need you. You know that I love You more than words could describe." Tears fell as I spoke.

I slowly let go of his hand. "As much as I love you. I can't sit here and watch you die...I'm sorry but I'll go back to the states...dad said that's the only way to save you."

I grab my purse from the sofa. As I turn to leave the brother of the man lying in his death bed stands at the doorway with tears falling too.

"You're selfish." You harshly said.

"I know."

I try to leave but he grabs my arm. "Please don't go. Stay till the end."

"I'm not going to let him die!"


I sat up in bed after having another dream about that day. Sighing heavily I turn to see Nick asleep.

He was peacefully in dreamland not realizing the kind of monster he married.

Getting out of bed I wear a gown to cover my thin silk dress to go get some water and fresh air. Opening our door I walk into the hallways having no clue where to actually go.

"Maybe I should have asked Nick to show me where the kitchen is." I said to myself looking around.

I see a light in the distance so I decided to follow it since someone in that room could give me directions to the kitchen or even better that might be the kitchen.

Entering the room that had no door I smiled realizing it was art studio with walls made of glass giving you a view of the huge garden.

"You?" I hear a familiar voice say but I knew it was impossible to hear him.

Slowly turning around like I was at gun point I faced him. As soon as our eyes met I dropped to the ground.