
Enter Iolar

Year 2162

Its been 3 years since the ships left this shitshow. 3 long fucking years. Ever since the UN sent out the 'vaccine' for the viral outbreak that they themselves caused, Earth has become literal hell. Even now as I walk towards the Family home, I can see the monstrosities that happen on the daily here. Fathers selling their wives and daughters for scraps of food. Friends, quite literally, stabbing each other in the back. Sighing to myself, I ignore the dealings that, before were deemed improper and amoral, are now their reality. Times like this I feel as if that old bastard was right. But none of that matters now. Faolan is gone, a contingency for what may happen, was all I was told. Fucking bastards. If I had him with me I could easily take control of this area. He was more tactically in mind then me. Like he used to joke, I'm the one to call when something needs to be punched, repetitively.

Not much that can be done for that now though. I need to report to the Don and let him know that everything had been taken care of. Just as he asked as well, overly bloody and body parts on the floor. I don't enjoy needless killing, nor do I believe that that family should have been mutilated but I'm not the one who makes the call. And while blood, organs and death don't bother me, I will never understand how the others were more then willing to rape the mans wife and daughters in front of him before they killed them. For fuck sakes one was only ten years old, and Darius seemed to be overly delighted that it was a young girl. Feeling sick to my stomach, I lean over as bile rises up my throat. I swear once I can, I'm getting out of the Family. Even if it means being hunted. That man didn't pay once and this is what happened.

After collecting myself, I continue to the Dons home. In an area that was clean and locked down to keep the dregs from showing up, I walk past the guards. They don't even try to stop me, they know that when I'm not on a job, even they could be target by me. I still have my dignity and honor even if they threw them away for the basest desires.

"Iolar, welcome brother, how was the job?" Garrett came up and asked. Now this was the perfect example of a piece of shit. Only eighteen, yet he already enjoyed killing others. From what I've heard he also tends to enjoy fucking the corpses as they turn cold. Controlling my facial features, I turned to look at him.

"Garrett, it was a job, nothing more nothing less." I replied to him.

"Really? I heard from Darius that the guy had three daughters, all real lovely too." Laughing Garrett smiles, "Man I wish I could of been there, I would have had so much fun." Ignoring Garrett I keep moving forward. "Hey you are you not going to talk to me?"

"No, the Don needs to a debriefing." I reply, not stopping to look back. I did not notice the change on his face, as it went from smiling to holding hatred. Nor did I notice when he flipped me the bird before walking away. Going through the French doors that lead into the dining room, I found the Don eating with his daughter on the couch as they watched an old cartoon. Think it was called 'Samurai Jack' or someshit. I stood at the doorway, not wanting to interrupt the Don from his only remaining family, I turn around and go to the back patio and light a cigarette. After three cigarettes the Don comes out onto the patio with a forlorn look on his face.

"Hey, brother Iolar, I heard about what happened. I did not know Darius and the others were do that. It was just supposed to be a bloody kill for the man, the women were supposed to be brought back to marry into the family. Not used and killed like that." He stated.

"Don't worry Mikeal, they will get whats coming to them." I responded, as I handed him a cigarette. Mikeal takes the cigarette and I light it for him. After taking a hit from it he looks at me, with questioning eyes.

"You know I'm getting old, and my daughter is just now reaching adulthood. I have one final mission for you." Mikeal stated, I raise my eyebrow at him getting old, he is only 45 and still looked like he was in his early 30's. As for his daughter she was turning 18 in a few days, but her sharp mind was shattered after seeing her mother and older brother get mutilated in front of her eyes by the monstrosities that now roam this earth. Strangely enough whenever I was around it seemed as if some of her mind returned. Even if only for a few minutes. "I want you to take her and move inward. Go towards Kansas if luck prevails then Elena's grandparents and uncle are still alive. I am sure Katalina would prefer for her to be with her family as apposed to mine."

I look at him shocked. "Wait, if I do that I can't protect you."

"I don't matter, the men below me no longer respect me other then you. And I know you have plans on leaving the Family and I will not stop you, I just want you to take Elena with you."

"Ok, I get that, but why did you emphasize that she was reaching adulthood?" I asked. This caused Mikeal to show a rare smile.

"Iolar you and your brother, were like sons to me. And while I know that Elena loved your brother, she also loves you. And as a father the only thing I want is her safe and happy." Mikeal started, "If you are able to get her to Kansas, I want you to marry her. You are the only man she still trusts other then me." Mikeal's face falls, "But you will need to leave tonight, and you will be hunted. No one would believe that I willingly let her leave my side. Speaking of which thank you for waiting for me to finish what limited time I have with Elena, Darius told me everything in front of Elena. If it wasn't for the fact he was my biological nephew I would have had him beheaded for describing everything in front of my daughter. And for taking liberties that were not his. As of now he will only be receiving the cat, 35 whips from it." Shaking his head Mikeal looks at me. "Can I trust my daughter to you?"

"Absolutely, but you were wrong about one thing. Elena has always viewed me as a brother, she had her heart set on marrying Faolan." I told Mikeal.

"Ah, but time changes things. She acts like a teenager who found their first crush when she notices you." Mikeal informed me.

"Fine, but I won't make her do anything she doesn't want to do. Other then leave that is." I get up from the seat, "Let me leave and go make preparations, I will be back around 2330 to pick her up. That should give me 4 to 5 hours of headway against the brainless idiots and a chance to evade whatever monstrosities are in the immediate vicinity." Mikeal nods at me, with determination in his eyes.

"See you then Iolar."