
Unknown God in Danmachi

Kim Hyunwoo, a CEO of Tokyo Industries was killed by the assassin while during the speech. Was reborn in the world he remembered -- Danmachi, Kim Hyunwoo or Shoofy will travel throughout the world, make strongest familia?? make richest familia?? make funniest familia?? Credits: Fujino Omori for Danmachi

LeafPanda · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: The (Mis)Adventures of Thunder Breathing

I had been pondering ways to further boost Yoshimoto's potential. If my divine powers couldn't attract adventurers, perhaps some good old-fashioned strength and skill could. I had recently stumbled upon stories of a legendary technique from another world called "Thunder Breathing" from a tale known as Demon Slayer. It was ideal! Except for one small hiccup... I didn't actually know how it worked.

"Yoshimoto," I started one morning, trying to sound knowledgeable, "How would you like to learn an ancient and powerful technique?"

His eyebrow raised, salt-and-pepper hair glistening in the morning sun. "Does it involve running?"


"I hate running."

I sighed. "You'll be like... a human thunderbolt!"

He paused, "Will there be lightning? Because I was once struck by lightning. Didn't care for it."

Ignoring his comment, I continued, "It's called Thunder Breathing! You harness the power of thunder and—"

"I breathe thunder? Wouldn't that just cause indigestion?" he interrupted.

"It's symbolic!" I snapped.

Over the next few days, I made valiant attempts at teaching Yoshimoto the "Thunder Breathing" technique, despite my limited knowledge and his abundant skepticism. Our training sessions were a delightful mishmash of misinterpreted instructions, slapstick comedy, and unexpected results.

One day, I tried to show him the first form. "Imagine you're the storm. Feel the energy, the power!" I exclaimed, trying to demonstrate a powerful stance.

Yoshimoto watched, then imitated, standing firm with clenched fists. Suddenly, he let out a fart that echoed around the room.

"That," he said with a smirk, "felt like thunder."

It was hard to argue.

Our endeavors continued. I'd read that the thunder forms involved powerful strikes akin to lightning bolts. But Yoshimoto's interpretation was different. Instead of a rapid bolt-like move, he'd often end up doing what looked like the Macarena.

"What in the world of Danmachi was that?" I exclaimed after a particularly flamboyant move.

He panted, wiping sweat from his brow, "I thought I felt the lightning... turns out it was just a cramp."

Despite the comical errors, there were glimpses of progress. Yoshimoto's agility increased, even if his interpretation of the techniques was... unconventional. Still, I felt the need to set a rule.

"Remember," I said sternly one day, "You mustn't use these techniques in public. Not until you've truly mastered them."

He looked puzzled. "But why?"

"Because we don't want to make a spectacle," I replied. "Only when you're strong enough, we'll unveil this new power to the world."

Yet, in true comedic fashion, "not making a spectacle" proved difficult. On more than one occasion, Yoshimoto's attempts at stealthy practice ended in public hilarity. Once, while practicing near the fountain, he tripped, sending a cascade of water onto a group of unsuspecting adventurers.

"The thunder god brings rain!" someone shouted, holding a makeshift umbrella.

Another time, he startled a group of pigeons while trying to harness the "power of thunder." The flock took flight, leaving behind an... unexpected gift on Yoshimoto's head.

"Is this the blessing of the Thunder God?" someone in the crowd mused, barely holding back laughter.

One evening, as we secretly practiced in an alley, a group of local children stumbled upon us. They watched in awe as Yoshimoto attempted the third form. Instead of the powerful move I expected, he ended up tangled in a heap on the ground.

The kids, however, were inspired. Soon, the streets of Danmachi echoed with children "practicing" the art of Thunder Breathing, though it looked more like enthusiastic play than disciplined training.

Yoshimoto and I shared a chuckle as we watched the young ones imitate our flawed techniques. It was clear we weren't about to change the world with our version of Thunder Breathing. But in these moments of laughter and camaraderie, I realized we were creating something equally powerful – memories, joy, and a sense of community.

So while we didn't end up as the legendary Thunder Breathing warriors of Danmachi, we did earn a reputation as the most entertaining duo the city had ever seen. And sometimes, that's just as heroic.