
Unknown Gift I Got In Fictional Universe Made Me OP!

He always had a truly terrifying luck around him. However one day, he died saving a child. However that wasn't the end. Since his death was not something the universe expected, it gave him a chance. He is allowed to choose or random choose one gift. and got one extra as a service. After he randomly chose one, he was sent to the universe of anime and movies. there he saw that his gifts are.... _______________________________________ The characters from each anime and movies are not mine. I'm just borrowing them for some fun. Also, he sometimes go to other universe to pass the time during each world main events. It won't be the worlds given below. Though if you have any recommendations, just comment the latest chapter! Though I won't be using their characters that often, they will still be in the story. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________ World's : 1.) One Piece (Currently!) 2.) Tensura 3.) ??? 4.) DxD 5.) ??? Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from these anime,series or movies. The only thing I own is my own characters, (OC)

Mad_Crazer · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 30 [ #V1.13 : Danmachi : Small Blooming Feelings~! ]

(A/N : Congratulations to myself! 🥳 Today was my Japanese Language Test and A skill exam!! And I passed on the first try!! Probably within some months, I'll be going to Japan for my new job!! Since today was a great day, I'll be Uploading a few more chapters as Bonus~


Thanks for reading this Fic!)

[ BONUS CHAPTER (1/??) ]


He only had to wait for a few minutes before Chloe returned with the ordered food. She wasn't still angry at him for teasing her, but in fact she looked like she enjoyed his company.

"Here's you order, Ash-nya!"

He thanked her and was about to eat when he noticed that the black cat was staring at him with varying emotions in her eyes. Interest, confusion, wonder, curious and more. He patted the seat near him and said,

"Why not join me if you are not busy?"

She looked towards Mia and she got an okay from her gaurdian. Chloe nodded and took the seat near him.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me more about Orario?"

This made her cat ears twitch. He resisted his urge to pat her and waited for her to answer.

"You are new to Orario?"

Although she also thought at first, she removed that thought when she saw how he know about Mia. But it seems the other party is someone with background.

"Yeah. I am. I mean, I came here from Heaven just three days ago..."

He casually said as he continued to eat the delicious food. Even though it is delicious, the food Orna made was even more tasty. But he didn't comment on it.

Chloe and even the other customers were shocked hearing his words. He said he came from Heaven! Doesn't that mean...

"Are you a god-nya?"

She tilted her head cutely and asked. He patted her head this time without hesitating. Chloe wanted to evade, but he was too fast and after he touched her head, she felt like her earlier tiredness has left her. She was full of energy! Since he was patting her with relaxation, and healing in mind, it affected as such.

"Yeah. I am a new God. What? Do you want to join my Familia?"

Although she was enjoying his caress, while mewling and purring softly, she snapped out of her trance before answering,

"Your familia-nya? But we are not adventurers anymore-nya.."

She was saying the truth. Chloe and Anya was both assassins, while Ryuu was in a familia in the past.

"Is that so? Then forget about it. I won't force anyone to return to their past."

He pulled back his hand, he and the others could see a slight disappointment in her eyes. Anya was now even more interested. Was it that good? Would it feel good to be petted?

The remaining time, he talked with Chloe and enjoyed his time. When he was about to leave, he placed the money on the bench and bid farewell to Chloe and Mia. The others still haven't made contact with him yet. So there was no need to do it himself.

Seeing his departing figure, the girls all felt wierd. Sure, they were not charmed by him or anything. But they felt like he knew about them beforehand which is not a lie. As for Mia, her instincts warned her that whatever he was talking was the truth including the fact that he is older than her goddess!

'It seems an interesting one appeared... I wonder what will you do, Freya-sama?'


On his way, Ash bought some snacks for him and Haruhime. And he was planning something,

'Let's see... I guess I'll have to make a forge for the two of us. With some modifications, we can continue, and be alone for some time.'

He wasn't really doing this to get some time alone with the goddess. Instead he wanted to make a divine weapon for fun. But sensing the goddess's emotions even without using his powers, and with his interest as a factor, he wanted to see through it.

He teleported back to Eternal Manor and looked for Haruhime. She was in the main hall, reading a book with her ears sometimes moving. But when she saw him, she stood and bowed. And the tail behind her began to move like a fan creating a small gust on the couch.

"Hey, Haruhime. I'm planning to do something. You wanna come?"

She doesn't know what he was going to do, but she confirmed her desire to go with him. He snapped his finger and the two of them disappeared from the Manor and reappeared inside his inner universe.

He chose a new planet and teleported into it. Haruhime who was seeing a new scene looked around to see if she can remember about such a place. He chuckled at her reactions and said,

"This is not a place you may know, Haruhime. This is a universe inside my soul. So, it's like a portable universe which I can carry all the time with me."

She looked stunned, but nodded as she remembered that her master was a god and a super mysterious one.

"What are you going to do here, Ash-sama?"

"I promised Hephaestus to arrange a forge for us, right? I'm going to make this planet solely for the purpose of smithing."

She nodded. And he snapped his finger to clear out a large land. It became a planar land. He pointed his finger at left to right and a giant Wall from four side was created. It had the shape of a rectangle. It was too big for a forge, but he was planning to make accomodations for them to live during their time.

A screen appeared in front of him which Haruhime also was able to see. He could see the shape of the wall he made. He touched the screen and began to modify it to a great place. He made two bedrooms attached with two different large bath. Each bath had normal shower, bathtub and even a small hot spring pond. In the two bedroom he made beds, table, chairs, wardrobe and etc.

Next was dining room. He made a large round table. In the middle of the table, there was a part which can be used to serve food. Next he made a kitchen, large enough for more than twenty people to stand at the same time without any discomforts. He made a futuristic stove, utensils, appliances like fridge, freezer, and many others. He filled the fridge with vegetables, ingredients, sweets, and drinks. In the freezer he filled it with many ice creams, deserts, and cakes under a special room specifically created for them.

Next was the room for smithing. He opened the door to the long room and nodded in satisfaction. He then snapped his fingers again to make a large forge, two cupboards filled with resources of different type and quality. He arranged two anvils, many molds, two hammers, and many other tools.

Haruhime who was seeing all this looked too shocked. Although she knows her master is a god, how can he create anything from nothing?

"Ash-sama, are you a god of creation?"

Ash turned towards the nervous looking Haruhime and said,

"No. In fact if I want to, I can pretty much do anything. So, creation divinity is only a perk."

She was amazed. But she didn't ask anything more. He smiled at her and startling her, walked towards her. She has a blush on her cheeks thinking of various possible activities of her with her master. But she only flinched when he hugged her softly. He held her like a delicate piece of glass, patting her head and ears comfortably. She closed her eyes and enjoyed his caress. Her tail went forward to his other hand and began to graze him into the mood.


He didn't shy away as well, as his hand began to softly pet her tail, earning soft pleasing moans from her mouth. Her hands tightly hugged his waist. He put his face above the space between her ears and began to smell her fragrance. Her green eyes looked glazy due to the pleasure she was feeling.

Although they weren't doing anything extreme, for demihumans, touching their sensitive place is a sign of marking their mates. So, from Haruhime's point of view, Ash just claimed herself as his. As for her allowance, she was okay with it as long as it is him.

And Ash wasn't going to go forward with their relationship that easily. Even though she is his servant and a future lover, he wouldn't do 'let's have sex!' like in the hentai. At least he knows that unlike the girls from High school DxD, the girls from other worlds like to go through the process of falling in love, enjoying their time together before having sex!

But that doesn't mean they can't have a little intimate moments for themselves. They were all alone in this world, just the two of them. Both were concious of each other. Of course they will feel such way.

He felt a tug on his shirt and stopped his hands look down. From his perspective, he could see a teary eyed Haruhime looking at him with anticipation. Her face was rosy, but she had a small smile, her lips were trembling. He stared at her face for a while and instantly felt a small charm from her eyes.

'Is it because of her orgins as a Renard or her future as a a nine tailed fox? I don't remember her having a charm ability in the original.'

But he decided to think about it later. His hands cupped her face. She put her own hands above his affectionately. He wondered if it is possible to fall in love so easily. He for sure know that he wasn't charmed. When you see a gorgeous girl looking at you with glazing eyes and anticipation, and when that girl is someone who has affection towards you, what else can you do?

He stared her face before his eyes attracted the attention of her cherry pink lips. It looked so supple and alluring. His finger moved towards her lips. As his finger grazed her soft lips, her body trembled, not in fear, but in happiness and pleasure.

Before he could move away his finger, he sensed her wet lips opening itself inviting him to put his finger inside her mouth. But he didn't as it was too soon. If they were to go forward, neither of them would be able to hold back.

So seeing her disappointed face, he sighed inwardly and brought his face towards her. Her face immediately bloomed, her fallen ears perked up, her tail began to wag in anticipation. And that happened. Their lips touched.

Both could feel each others feelings and heat through that small connection. He didn't pulled back, neither does she pushed him away. Instead, she hugged his neck and surprising him, opened her mouth a little.

He wondered if the people of this world knows about that way of kissing. But he was never a person not show the affection the other party needed. His tongue slowly made its way towards her lips and her body only shook once before she opened her mouth little more allowing him to go forward.

As his tongue touched her's, he saw that in her eyes, there was happiness visible in them. She closed her eyes and enjoyed it. He pulled her closer to him by hugging her waist tightly. She in response put her hands inside his shirt and touched all over his muscles.

Their tongues began to fight for dominance. He also felt her aura exploding like a tidal wave trying to swallow him up. But he dominated her by giving her more love, rather than pleasure. When he pulled back, there was a small line of saliva connecting them together. He saw that she was looking at him with a small drool from her mouth.

He chuckled and hugged her to his chest earning a yelp from the embarassed Renard. He then whispered,

"I never thought myself to be so easy, you know? If I knew, i wouldn't have told you to make me fall for you...but it's fine. But you know, you really are a naughty girl~~"

She hid her face using his chest and punched him like a child. He smiled at her and continued to hug till they both felt that it was too dangerous to continue.

After telling her that they need to wait and be closer than that to continue in the way she wants. And she accepted it since she got a positive reaction from him. And after enjoying some time together, they returned to the Manor.