
Unknown Gift I Got In Fictional Universe Made Me OP!

He always had a truly terrifying luck around him. However one day, he died saving a child. However that wasn't the end. Since his death was not something the universe expected, it gave him a chance. He is allowed to choose or random choose one gift. and got one extra as a service. After he randomly chose one, he was sent to the universe of anime and movies. there he saw that his gifts are.... _______________________________________ The characters from each anime and movies are not mine. I'm just borrowing them for some fun. Also, he sometimes go to other universe to pass the time during each world main events. It won't be the worlds given below. Though if you have any recommendations, just comment the latest chapter! Though I won't be using their characters that often, they will still be in the story. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________ World's : 1.) One Piece (Currently!) 2.) Tensura 3.) ??? 4.) DxD 5.) ??? Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from these anime,series or movies. The only thing I own is my own characters, (OC)

Mad_Crazer · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Chapter - 52 [ #V1.35 : Danmachi : Against The Nemesis! 2 ]

[ One Eyed Black Dragon's POV ]

I never thought the daughter of that man will appear here. Well It was natural since I did kill him after all.

But what I'm surprised about is her strength. It must have only passed a few or maybe hundred years after that incident. So I'm wondering how did she get so strong. In fact the strength I'm feeling from her aura is that of a demi-god, in other words the same us me. Though she and the other humans are one small realm lower than me. But I can tell they are capable of defeating me if I were to underestimate them.

Besides their strength, the others with swords, I can tell that what they have is also dragon slayers. Especially that man with a long sword on his back. It feels like he can cut me into two without any strain, which is hilarious. But I can't afford to be careless.

I saw the Wallenstein girl pointing her sword at me. The wind element around her began to form around her like a spherical shield. Then the next moment, she disappeared from my eyes!

Where!? How did she become so fast suddenly!?

Then I saw her again appearing in front of me. But I could feel a slight pain on my right leg. When I looked, I saw that it was slashed. Although not severed, I can see a fatal injury. Since it was from a dragon slayer, I can't regenerate. It seems If she were to land a serious hit on me, I'll die.

Slightly feeling anger, I breathed in and shot a powerful dragon breath, without holding back a bit. I can see that the ice was still fine which was shocking, but I can see the dungeon walls are beginning to melt under the temperature. As for the girl in question, her skin is a little burned, but she was fine. I can see the wind elements protecting her.

So she was loved by the spirits or something like that huh. Even if that's so, how did she managed to stay alive under that hot temperature and breath?

Then I saw her burns slowly healing itself. May be it's the power of their gears? Even so, it seems I'm in a unfair position. But what can I do? I don't want to die yet. So I'll use that.

"Girl, it seems I still underestimated you. Fine. Let's go all out. I'll be using a special power. It can even destroy the soul of a low level god, not fully though. But if you underestimate it like before, you will die!"

I activated my new power, a released my aura of divinity which I'm trying to mend into a perfect one so that I can ascend to Godship. Although not perfect right now, I can easily reach limits of peak of Demigod realm or even see the beginning of divine soul realm with it.

My body began to raise in temperature, the air around me began to melt as if it is an object. My divinity was of destruction, and tyranny. With the destruction as my Trump card, I can defeat this her.. no, I can defeat Ais Wallenstein!

"Destruction : Destructive Element of Fire!"

I used my remaining Mana and pushed it to my limits. Although I won't die from this, at most i will have to sleep for a few years. But they won't be safe from it as well!

A fire aura began to cover my self. It had a dark mix which was destruction element. I released my aura of fire with the remaining mana a charged.


[ Tatsuya's POV ]

Seeing the Dragon Emitting a very dangerous aura, I told Orna to strengthen her barrier. Although I was worried about Ais, I'm sure Ash wouldn't allow her to die.

The dragon said something.

"Destruction : Destructive Element of Fire!"

The aura that was covering it's whole body had a mix of dark colour. The next moment, it released the massive amount of mana it charged. The aura began to release in a shockwave making even Orna's barrier to move backwards. Ais was protected by the wind element of her Ariel. But I don't think this is enough to protect her from it.

But then I heard her mutter,

"Sword Tempest..."

A massive amount of mana, presumably her full capacity. She brought in front of her. Her sword was covered in the wind element, no! Divinity related to wind?! Did Ash gave it to her?

Then her sword began to take the shape of a giant sword. The wind slash it was releasing now and then was cutting through Orna's barrier with ease which used Spatial Element! We knew it then. She can kill it with this attack. But what about her? Would she be fine taking that attack head-on? By activating her Sword Tempest, she lost her wind barrier. Although she can make one, she decided to use everything she has into this attack.

Suddenly we felt the whole world turn white as the two attacks met each other. The ground began to crack due to sheer pressure and power!

The dragon's attack tried to melt her sword. But her sword sliced through the attack. The next moment, each of them was covered by each other's attack.


We all had to cover our ears to stop it from destroying our eardrums. After a few minutes, we looked towards to see a massive space filled with nothing but destruction.

On one side, stood the dragon with its neck having a red thin line. On the other side, we see a terrible sight. Ais was covered in black ashes. She lost a leg and a hand. Her skin was black and red mixed. We know what happened! She was burned!

Then we sense the dragon moving it's head slowly.

"It seems...this is..the end....for both..of us.."


Ais didn't said anything. But the next moment, we saw something that made us cry. Ais with her almost destroyed body, showed a smile for the first time apart from being by 'his' side and said,

"I win, dragon... I will not die..."

It wasn't arrogance or overconfidence. It was trust she, no we have towards that person.

Seeing her smile, the dragon opened it's mouth wide and said,

"I see...."

Then it's head fell to the ground with a thud! Its body exploded into blue particles and entered Ais's body. But she wasn't in a condition to be happy. As we were about to reach her and heal her, a silhouette appeared near her. It was Ash!

"You did well... For now, just leave everything to me..."

She smiled once more and let herself fall to his embrace. Seeing him, we were all happy. Because we can make sure she is fine with his help.

[ 3rd Person's POV ]

He was feeling really proud of them. Although the others didn't fought the dragon, they were confident in their sibling. That was enough for him.

"You all did well. Now, let's go home."

But before that, his eyes scanned the hidden part of the Dungeon. He shook his head because it was not time yet. He teleported them back to eternal mansion.


After returning from the final battle, Ash healed Ais and also checked her status even though he doesn't have to do it. He also did for the others. She was tired, so Ais went to sleep for a while.

After resting for a few days, Ash told them that they will be leaving to Raven's, Orna's and Flare's Home world to have fun.

After Ais was awake, she pounced on him and cried so much. As her reward and promise, he resurrected her parents, Albert Wallenstein and Aria. But he told her that they will live in his soul universe and will not be able to leave that place.

Ais was okay with it. Her parents even began to bow towards him, but he stopped it. She said she wanted to stay together with them. So, he let her. When returning to One Piece, she will be still in with her parents.

"By the way, Raven?"

"Hm? Yes?"

"What do you think about true justice in your world? Is the World Goverment or navy really followers of Justice?"

Raven looked surprised. But he shook his head.

"I don't think so. Not just me. Many other know for a fact that the word government has many secrets that they want bury.. Well, i didn't like them from the start..."

Ash nodded. 'Maybe i should also try to join in Luffy's journey for a while or till world government is no more. Well, we will see...'


[ Danmachi Part 1 Complete! ]

[ Danmachi (1/?) ]

(A/N : Let's return to One Piece~~!! Also, I'm writing a new original novel! Not a Fanfiction! It's a story with OP MC, and his adventures of his second life. If this msg gets more than 100 comments, I'll post the first chapter~! Remaining has to wait~! Well, thanks for reading~!)