
Unknown Gift I Got In Fictional Universe Made Me OP!

He always had a truly terrifying luck around him. However one day, he died saving a child. However that wasn't the end. Since his death was not something the universe expected, it gave him a chance. He is allowed to choose or random choose one gift. and got one extra as a service. After he randomly chose one, he was sent to the universe of anime and movies. there he saw that his gifts are.... _______________________________________ The characters from each anime and movies are not mine. I'm just borrowing them for some fun. Also, he sometimes go to other universe to pass the time during each world main events. It won't be the worlds given below. Though if you have any recommendations, just comment the latest chapter! Though I won't be using their characters that often, they will still be in the story. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________ World's : 1.) One Piece (Currently!) 2.) Tensura 3.) ??? 4.) DxD 5.) ??? Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from these anime,series or movies. The only thing I own is my own characters, (OC)

Mad_Crazer · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter - 39 [ #V1.22 : Danmachi : Denatus-Troubles! ]

[ BONUS CHAPTER (10/??) ]


Today is planned to have Denatus. And as a new God, he is going to participate. Entering the hall filled with seats in a circular order, Ash just sat on one random seat.

After some time, the other gods also entered. However they all stared at him since it was the first time they seen him. Although he was wearing a mask, his posture and aura made him noticable. Hephaestus entered together with Hestia and took a seat near him confusing some gods and goddesses as she was smiling like an idiot while Hestia was smiling awkwardly.

After everyone was in, they started off with a bang! Laughing and enjoying time together. Freya also came at last, but seeing him her indifferent face showed a smile which attracted the attention of others. He ignored it though. Then sensing their curiosity, Ash stood in his place and introduced himself,

"I guess introductions are in order. First of all, I'm Ash, The God Of Infinity. Pleased to meet you all. My familia is called Ash Familia and we have total of 7 children."

After he was done he sat back down. Everyone was murmuring now. So, as the head of all the gods here, Uranus, asked,

"Ash, God of Infinity.... Hmm. I've never heard about such a god... Can you show us your face?"

Ash nodded and said,

"It's natural that you don't know about me, Uranus. After all, a Celestial Body is not something anyone can see or meet easily."

His disrespect made the others squint their eyes at him, but Uranus, and some of the early generation gods and goddesses ignored it and listened to his words with a shocked face. When he was finished it made Uranus bulge his eyes out comically. He being a Primordial God, how can he not know about Celestial Bodies which is said to be the supreme height of a divine spirit, in other words, them.

Seeing his reaction, almost all the gods and goddesses who were from later generation were shocked and intrigued. Why can he show such a reaction. What is a Celestial Body?

"I see.. I never expected such a person to join us in this small place. I hope you aren't here with any malicious intent..."

He wasn't ordering, rather requesting after standing from his seat making the others shocked once again. He was one of the oldest gods in existence and if he has to stand and respect the other party, he has to be older and higher in position than him! Though his words may seem a threat to others, Ash knew he was desperately asking if he have some kind of ill intentions with Eden.

"I don't have such thoughts. I just brought my family, my children to enjoy their time. I'll leave in may be a few more months or may be an year. So, don't worry too much. As for my face, it isn't a problem."

He took a glance towards Hephaestus and she pouted but sighed and nodded. He then glanced at Freya with a playful smile under his mask and removed his Mask. When he removed his Mask, all the goddesses gasped and the gods were shocked. Seeing his face, even Freya who was called the goddess of beauty could only stare with a blush. She understood now why he said she isn't worthy.

'May be I was too arrogant...'

That was her thoughts. Ash smiled and put his mask back. He turned towards Hephaestus and saw that her eyes have become hearts while Hestia was drooling making him smile wryly. Uranus being the senior god, he changed the topic and continued the Denatus!


After two days of enjoyment, the Denatus was formally finished. He told them how strong was his familia. But he also put forward his desire not to mention this to the public yet. When asked why they are so stronger, he said it is because of his blessings and that wasn't a lie. So, they believed in him.

When the meeting ended, he saw Freya with a thoughtful expression. She must be thinking about plans to change. As for a certain petite prankster goddessess, she felt a little remorse in how she acted against him when she saw the respectful standing of Uranus. And when he showed his face, she felt regret.

He returned home, he sensed his familia inside.

He heard how they wanted to push forward to deeper floors and was planning a long term leveling inside the dungeon.

They surpassed their past selves easily as Raven wasn't fighting a human with specific flow of actions, but monsters with low intelligence. So, he became more stronger in the field of swords. Even Tatsuya was shocked by his strength. Within the training ground prepared by Ash, they trains now and then, polishing their skills and some times trying out new strategies.

Ais was more clingy than normal as just in two days, she began to miss him. And in the future, they are going to be in a long term leveling in the dungeon so, she may not be able to see him more often.

He gave them some tasks, to reach level 9. When they reach level 9, he will grant them any wishes, as long as it is not too Overpowered. For example, they can request him to improve their already existing skills to a new level or have another ability. But they all needs to reach level 9 before that.


A month later...

He trained them in this month and sent them off to their new long term exploration. After Denatus, nothing interesting happened. Hephaestus comes sometimes with Hestia and enjoys their time together. After Denatus, Hestia apologized for being rude to him, but he waved her off saying he doesn't mind. But he told her how she will have a new familia in a few more months and she was very happy.

As that month ended, his familia left to conquer more floors. Since there was nothing he has to do while waiting for them to return, Ash decided to go and meet some of his favourite characters from this world.

As he walked towards the Hostess Of Fertility, Ash stopped as he saw another familiar face. It was a girl. She has long brown hair, purple eyes, dog ears, and a tail. She wears a skirt from which her tail sticks out and a peculiar shirt with asymmetric sleeves, with the left being short and the right being long enough to cover her entire arm, in addition to a glove on her right hand. She was Naaza Erisuis, a member of the Miach Familia! She was carrying a box.

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Maybe because he was staring at her, she turned to look at him and walked towards him.

"Hello... Do i know you?"

"No.. I felt a little familiar with your face. Probably someone else. May I know who you are?"

"Oh, forgive me. I'm Naaza Erisuis, a member of the Miach Familia. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm called Ash, God of the Ash familia."

"Oh, you are the new God who appeared some months ago. My god mentioned to go and talk to you sometimes. My god is often busy doing his own things... I'm sorry..."

Though she wasn't showing any kind of emotions with her face, he knows she was a kind girl, so he didn't felt anything wrong.

"No, Don't worry about it. I see that you are working on some kind of medicine. If you have any doubts, you can ask me. I have a little knowledge of them myself."

Her droopy ears twitched in response as she asked,

"Really!? Then can I ask you when I'm free?"

He nodded and gave her the address to his Manor. After saying her farewell, she returned to her familia. Ash shook his head and continued on his way towards the cat shop.

When he reached the place, a certain black cat ears perked up and ran towards him.

"Welcome back nya~!"

"Hey, Kuroneko-chan, I'm back..."

To this, she pouted and turned around ignoring him. He could only chuckle at her behaviour, but said,

"Sorry, Chloe. I was just teasing you.."

She stopped and turned to look at him to see if he was lying or not. Seeing him still wearing his mask made her unable to check his reaction though. But she nodded with a smile and came to his side. As he walked inside, she stood beside him. He also noticed her ears twitching sometimes making him feel the urge to pat her. And he didn't held back this time. He patted her as if it's the most natural thing, and for the surprise of the other girls and Mia, they saw, Chloe doing nothing, and especially fawning under his hand raised their brow in shock.

He pulled back his hand and sat on a free chair. Chloe who snapped out her trance coughed and immediately followed behind him and waited for him to order.

"It's been almost two months since you've been here. Were you busy-nya?"

"Hm? Yeah. I was collaborating with a goddess to make something. It took us two months to succeed."

"Is that so-nya? By the way, Ash...-sama? Why are you wearing the mask-nya?"

Ash shook his head and said,

"There's no need to use 'sama' or the likes. Just call me by my name. As for the reason why I'm wearing my mask....."

He stopped in silence earning a curious eyes from her. Then he said,

"... because I'm handsome!"

She blinked twice and laughed out loud!

"Nyahyahahahah~~! You are a narcissistic god!!"

He also joined her in her laughing.

"Though it may seem like that, I was telling the truth. I'm afraid of random women jumping at me for various different reasons..."

Hearing him, an amused smile appeared on her face. She snickered and asked,

"What about me~? Will I also act like you think?"

He nodded to her surprise but apologized,

"Although it's not because of my divinity nor the effects of charm, but that's how my face really is."

"Can I see?"

He was the surprised one this time. Even after he warned her, she wants to see him? Seeing him looking at her even though it's through the mask, she said,

"I believe I have enough will power to resist even a god's charm.."

"That's not how this works, Chloe. If you have positive thoughts towards me, then my face will be more attractive to you, but if you have negative thoughts about me, then it will slowly change your way of thoughts about me."

She raised her brow.

"So, you are not doing it intentionally, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah. That's why I'm hiding my face..."

She was now even more interested. She sat near, opposite to him. He looked at her curiously. She smiled and surprised him once again by touching his mask. He understood what she was going to do. So he decided to do something. As she slowly removed the mask under the eyes of many others, her face showed confusion. Because when she removed his mask, there was another under it.


She once again removed the second mask, but it happened again. She felt a little angry so she screamed,

"Stop doing that Nya~~!"

He chuckled making even the others laugh. He then nodded and removed the illusion. When he did so, he saw her eyes widening marginally and her cheeks reddening.

In Chloe's eyes, she saw the most handsome man with, silver hair, golden eyes with some kind of characters around his iris, a smile that looked both kind and teasing. There was a loud silence in the entire building. When he used his power to look around in 360°, he saw that everyone was looking at his face with shock, and awe. Even men were looking at him like that which made him shiver in response. He pulled his mask from her hands and put it back on.

Chloe and everyone else snapped back to reality and felt embarassed.

"See? Although not everyone maybe affected by it, it's still dangerous to walk around without the mask on..."

Chloe who was fidgeting now understood why he said that. Although he wasn't using any kind of mind control of anything like that, simply having interest in him made her think about many things in this split second. From her current self to a future where she has children...

She lowered her head and blushed, but nodded. He turned around and apologized, but everyone didn't mind and said there's no need to apologize. He sensed the gaze of one certain troublemaker like Freya. It was Syr Flova, the Clone Freya made to live among the humans hiding their godly self. But at a time, she abandoned using her, and now Syr have her own consciousness and will. She is Freya, but at the same time a different persona.

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And because of her relation with Freya, Syr have a light sex related divinity in her. Thus having a powerful charm only weaker than Freya herself. But she control it unlike the goddess.

Now seeing someone with Charm, or something that similar to it, and one stronger than her own charm, Syr felt interested and curious.

He also sensed the elf. But he didn't want to give her a chance because he wanted atleast someone to help Bell in the future. But he will still leave everything to fate.

Arnya and Lunoire Faust was also blushing lightly, but he could only shake his head in defeat. Although he can change his face probably, he will hear an earful from his lovers for doing something so stupid.

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He silently ate his fill after ordering. Chloe at some point left everything in Mia's care. Mia also apologized for the sake of her waitress. He also apologized for making such a ruckus and left after saying he will return again.