
Unknown Gift I Got In Fictional Universe Made Me OP!

He always had a truly terrifying luck around him. However one day, he died saving a child. However that wasn't the end. Since his death was not something the universe expected, it gave him a chance. He is allowed to choose or random choose one gift. and got one extra as a service. After he randomly chose one, he was sent to the universe of anime and movies. there he saw that his gifts are.... _______________________________________ The characters from each anime and movies are not mine. I'm just borrowing them for some fun. Also, he sometimes go to other universe to pass the time during each world main events. It won't be the worlds given below. Though if you have any recommendations, just comment the latest chapter! Though I won't be using their characters that often, they will still be in the story. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________ World's : 1.) One Piece (Currently!) 2.) Tensura 3.) ??? 4.) DxD 5.) ??? Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from these anime,series or movies. The only thing I own is my own characters, (OC)

Mad_Crazer · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter - 28 [ #V1.11 : Danmachi : Guests! ]

Ishtar familia, Pleasure District!

"What did you say!? Someone stole our slave!?"

"I apologise, Ishtar-sama. When we sensed their late arrival, we went outside and only found a bloody cart and body parts. We think they were attacked by a strong wild beast. They were only level 2 and level 3 after all."

"Damn it! That Renard was the source of my new entertainment! Now she is gone! Go! Find me some new ones!"


While the girl left, another one said,

"I have something to report, Ishtar-sama."

"What is it?"

"We have found a new God and his familia in Orario. Shockingly, he made Contact with Freya-sama and Hephaestus-sama."

"Don't call that bitch with respect!"

The girl could only nod. As a mortal, how can she call them normally? Besides her goddess was someone with loose screws.

Sighing, Ishtar muttered,

"A god? Freya and Hephaestus was interacting with him? Hmmm.. he must be someone both of them have met before. May be an interesting one... I wonder if he will moan under my body~~"


Ash and Haruhime appeared Inside Eternal Manor and she was still gripping his shirt, as she was new to this place, she has a lot of fear.

"This is Eternal Manor. This is where my familia live. Though all of them are inside the dungeon now, when they return after a week, I'll introduce you to them. For now, choose any room from the second floor."

She turned to look at his face and said,

"Where is your room, Ash-sama?"

"Hm? On the third floor?"

"Then is there any other room in that floor?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Then, I'll take a room near you."

He was amused. Although he didn't do anything other than to save her, she feels overly attached to him already.

"I don't mind, but some of the rooms near mine are already taken."

"Huh? Who are they?"

"My lovers and future lovers?"

This made her both shocked and blush. She was shocked because he already has lovers. And she blushed because he didn't mind her including her in his future lovers list.

She didn't say anything and went to choose her room. Ash stood there like a statue as he, although wasn't dense, he didn't really thought she would think about such feelings so suddenly. So he was ignored her feelings for now. She still needs a few days to relax after all.

As he was thinking about it, a ringing was heard from the outside. Someone is here.

"Who could it be?"

Although he could have checked beforehand, he didn't want to lose any surprise so he went with it. When he opened the door, he was sure surprised as he saw someone he never thought to see again so soon.

It was Hephaestus! She was fidgeting while glancing at him time to time. She also was blushing like a maiden in love. Near her was a tanned beauty who he knows as Tsubaki.

'Did I gained her love and affection of millions of years or what?'

Throwing away his thoughts from his mind, he smiled and said,

"Hephaestus. I never thought you would be visiting. You should have told me. And you must be the Captain of her familia."

She stood there like a statue as she didn't thought he wouldn't be angry. Tsubaki also smiled neutrally and nodded with respect as the other party was a god. Especially someone her goddess respects.

"Are you not...angry?"

Hephaestus asked with a little fearful look. Ash was slightly confused. But then he remembered her face and his reaction. He smiled and said,

"Although I was sad, I understood why you would be angry when someone touches you so suddenly. I apologise."

When he bowed, Tsubaki was showing a shocked face, not because he bowed, but because he said something. He touched Hephaestus!

As for Hephaestus, she was looking like an idiot. She was confused!

"Wait! When did i say I was angry at you for touching me?"

This made Tsubaki turned to look at her goddess in shock. Is it alright? To suddenly touch you without permission?

"What? Weren't you angry at me for touching you?"

"No. I was hopeful... But feared that you couldn't heal it... That was it...."

He sighed.

'Maybe I'm an idiot. Well, I'm in no way a perfect person. So, this is a good lesson.'

"I see... That's good. I thought you might've hated me..."

Panic visible in her face, Hephaestus said,

"No no no! I will never hate you! In fact i lik—! No it's nothing! By the way, I'm here to thank you! And yes, this is the captain of my familia. Her name is Tsubaki!"

[ Image ]

Hephaestus who was about have a verbal slip, saved herself by casually changing the subject to her gratitude and her captain!

Tsubaki looked amused at her goddess while Ash was holding himself back from laughing seeing her flustered face. She was looking a little panicky with flushed face and she kept holding her cheeks to hide her blush.

"I see.. but, let's get in before talking. Come in. Welcome to Eternal Manor."

Hephaestus and Tsubaki entered after excusing themselves. While they were taking a seat, Ash went towards the kitchen via a clone and made some tea. He sat down opposite to them and began to talk about casual things.

First things they talked about was about his familia. And he talked about them and told that they are in the dungeon now.

The door opened and another Ash appeared with four cups of tea with him. The presence of another Ash made the two mature women to blank out, and look at him.

"It's my clone. Since there is no one else is here, and I can't let my guests to leave without treating them."

They nodded and took each glasses.

"Why is there an extra?"

Tsubaki asked. She wasn't polite, but that was how she talked with the gods in the first place. Besides, Ash never cared.

"Ah, there is a girl living with us. Her name is Haruhime. She is currently new to Orario. She wants to join a familia, but she said she will decide after living here for a while."

As he finished talking, Haruhime wearing her Red obi appeared and stared at the two women with confusion.

"Come here, Haruhime. They are two guests of mine. The beauty with red hair is Hephaestus, the goddess of blacksmithing and the goddess of Hephaestus familia. Near her is the captain of her familia, Tsubaki. Girls, this is Sanjono Haruhime, a Renard."

Hephaestus coughed in embarassment while Tsubaki smirked at Ash. Haruhime bowed when she learned the other party was a goddess. She respected gods always so it was natural.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Hephaestus-sama, Tsubaki-sama. My name is Sanjono Haruhime. Please call me Haruhime if you don't mind."

Both the goddess and her captain nodded their heads. Haruhime sat beside Ash making Hephaestus look at her with Questioning gaze. Haruhime only smiled in return.

"So, do you want to join my Familia, Haruhime?"

Hephaestus asked this earnestly. Because she too could feel the potential in her. Though not as a blacksmith but an adventurer. Haruhime smiled, but she politely bowed,

"I politely refuse, Hephaestus-sama. I'm planning to join Ash-sama's Familia. But he told me to decide after seeing and experiencing more. That's why, I refused."

Hephaestus shook her head and said,

"No no. It's your choice which familia you want to join. Besides, I think your talent as an adventurer will be wasted on me who is more likely to train more capable blacksmiths."

Ash smiled and said,

"By the way, Hephaestus, do you want to try making a divine weapon together?"

This made everyone turn their head towards him in various emotions. Shock, Confusion, and Awe.

Hephaestus was obviously shocked because making a divine weapon was easier said than done. Even she can't guarantee to make one without failure. Because divine weapons are very powerful and the resources it needs to make is even more rare!

Tsubaki knew about Divine Weapons, but she doesn't know about the deep meaning of how valuable it is. Compared to her, Haruhime simply guessed that it is a weapon that only a god can wield. And to make it, one must be amazing!

"Yeah.. may be with the two of us, it would be possible, but you know how hard it is to do it, right? Considering you asked me this, I presume you know about it especially with your blacksmith divinity that's close to mine..."

Tsubaki and Haruhime had varying reactions. Tsubaki never thought there would be another god near her goddess in terms of blacksmithing and Haruhime was once again certain that she was fated to be with him. Unfortunately for her, the world will has already decided her future to be with bell. So, unless Ash decide to make her his, she will eventually follow that fate.

"Yeah, I know. But if it's the two of us, we can definitely do it."

Although he can do it alone fine, wouldn't it be fine to have a company...? Especially a beautiful woman like Hephaestus...

"When do you want to do it? According to the weapon details, we may need a lot of time to complete it. My only free time is the coming two months. After that, we may need to attend the Denatus. Although it is fine not to attend it, by doing so will be outright disrespecting other gods."

He smiled and said,

"Then let's start after my familia returns from their raid. And you don't have to worry about time. As I can control time, I can convert the time in our forge to from month to years if we want. How about it?"

Hephaestus was once again curious about his divinity. He can even control one of the primordial laws of universe, time! Just what is his divinity?

"Yeah. That's fine. You said they will return in a week of time, right? Then, I'll wait for you in my office. By the way, are we gonna use my forge?"

She asked the last question with a small blush. Because it's her personal forge, no one other than she and Tsubaki has ever been there. Besides the other party was a male. She felt a little shame in knowing he will know about her more in that place. Besides it smells like her sweat and metal all the time even though she clean them. Although if it was before, she wouldn't have worried. But after meeting him, it was a change.

"You don't have to worry about that. I have one of my own forge with tools and other utensils. Tell me if you are fine with it though."

She nodded.

"Then, I'll come to get you after a week."

Ash gave her a handshake which Hephaestus didn't hesitate to return. Tsubaki also asked if she can be there when they were working, he said it is no problem, but Tsubaki may needs to leave for many familia related problems. So, it was a no from her goddess. Tsubaki teased the red haired goddess if she was making things like this purposefully. To that, Hephaestus just hid her face and pulled Tsubaki out of Eternal Manor after bidding farewell to Ash.