
Unknown Gift I Got In Fictional Universe Made Me OP!

He always had a truly terrifying luck around him. However one day, he died saving a child. However that wasn't the end. Since his death was not something the universe expected, it gave him a chance. He is allowed to choose or random choose one gift. and got one extra as a service. After he randomly chose one, he was sent to the universe of anime and movies. there he saw that his gifts are.... _______________________________________ The characters from each anime and movies are not mine. I'm just borrowing them for some fun. Also, he sometimes go to other universe to pass the time during each world main events. It won't be the worlds given below. Though if you have any recommendations, just comment the latest chapter! Though I won't be using their characters that often, they will still be in the story. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________ World's : 1.) One Piece (Currently!) 2.) Tensura 3.) ??? 4.) DxD 5.) ??? Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from these anime,series or movies. The only thing I own is my own characters, (OC)

Mad_Crazer · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter - 20 [ #V1.3 : Danmachi : A Bond That Heals! ]

Entering the bath, he saw her fully naked cleaning her body with water. Even though she haven't really taken bath for ages, she remembers how to do that.

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As he entered, she turned to look at him and returned to what she was doing. She didn't seem to be embarassed to be seen naked by him.

Ash also sat near her and began to wash his body. As he was doing it, he noticed her not using the shampoo he already made together with the onsen.

"Aren't you going to use the shampoo?"

Ais turned towards him and tilted her head cutely with a confused expression.

'Oh... This world probably doesn't have shampoo. Rather they must have only soap.'

He took the shampoo bottle and showed her how to use it.

"See? You can wash your body with it. It will clean you more and it has nice fragrance."

Seeing him smile and say this, Ais asked,

"Help me." In a flat tone. Ash was slightly startled by her request. Although he kind of expected her to request many things in the future, he didn't it so suddenly.

"You know what it means, right? I have to touch your body. Are you saying that you are fine with it?"

Hearing him realisation hit her. But she looked at his face and remembered his words. She looked at him once more and said,

"It's fine if it's you."

She trusted him. Not because of his earlier words. But from the beginning, he never forced her or did anything that may make her hate him. In fact he always thought about her and gave her the freedom she wished for. Besides, she knows even if he say that he was a man, he won't do anything to her unless she herself give him permission.

"Fine. I'll help you wash."

He first washed himself hurriedly and stood behind her. The kneeling behind her, Ash took a little shampoo from the bottle and said,

"Here I go..."

She didn't say anything. But he could hear an almost inaudible 'Nn.' from her lips.

His hands touched her silky smooth blonde hair. After spreading the lather, he began to massage her head as well as wash it. To his actions, a satisfied sigh escaped her mouth.

He was very gentle and making her feel very calm thanks to his massage. Also, she could sense that he wasn't showing any other kind of emotions when washing her. He was concentrating in that task caring for her extremely as if she is something so frail, so important....

After her head was finished, he poured some water over her head. Then so as not to let her catch a cold, he dried her hair using another towel.

"I'll be washing your body now, okay?"

She gave another 'Nn.' as approval. He smiled and began to use shampoo once again. He dried her hair because he won't be washing her hair until their soak in the hot spring. So, he didn't want her to be cold.

He gently touched her smooth white skin on her back. She slightly flinched but calmed down soon after. He smiled knowing she trusted him enough. He didn't made her uncomfortable with directly touching other than her back.

She requested him to also wash her front, but he refused saying he won't wash her anymore if she were pull a tantrum about it. She reluctantly agreed. Although she doesn't know why she could say she couldn't feel any malicious intent coming from him. Or rather his feelings were of concern, pity, Kindness, and Affection.

Though she wanted to ask not to pity her, but she knew if it wasn't for him, she would be like her previous pitiful self. When did she gave up? Didn't she always wanted to get her revenge?

Unlike her self in the story, Ais wasn't given a chance to get stronger. In the original she was found by Loki. And seeing the flames of revenge in the eyes of small Ais, Loki decided to make a perfect sword for her one purpose. But at the same time, she gave her affections as a goddess of their familia. Especially for Ais.

He was the same. He wanted to make her his. But unlike Loki, he would give Ais right to choose her won choices. After all, he doesn't like forcing anyone.

Unless he comes to like someone who he can never hope to bid farewell, he will force them. For example, if Ais wants to get stronger and defeat the dragon of her horrors, then he will help her. And when the time comes, he will ask her choice. If she wants to come with him, he will take her. If not, he wouldn't force her.

Instead, if Ais and he became Lovers, then he will definitely force her unless she herself denied it strongly. But that would be the last time he will see her. Not because he don't want to see her. But he don't want to feel so much loneliness.

Shaking his head, Ash sighed in satisfaction as he soaked himself in the hot spring. On his right, Ais also was enjoying the warmth of both spring and him. She wasn't showing any emotions, just her stoic expression. But Ash could feel her calm, small happiness that begun to bloom.



"Can I ask you something?"

He looked confused. Although he could have used mind reading, he wouldn't use it unless it is necessary to his loved ones or friends. But he nodded to her question.

"Will you...leave me in the future?"

Her question made him slightly stop thinking. There was slightly nervousness, fear and anxiousness in her voice. Her face frowned slightly with her own thoughts.

"Unless you want to leave me, I will take you with me, wherever I go."

"Even if you go back to heaven?"

To her question, he chuckled and said,

"I won't go to Heaven again. And yes, I will leave somewhere far. But as I said, unless you want to, I will be taking you with me."

She nodded and closed her eyes in thought. He didn't disturbed her. After a few seconds of contemplation, Ais opened her golden eyes and asked,

"After I defeat it, what should I do?"

She was obviously talking about the one eyed dragon.

"Hmm... You can do as you like. Do you have something you want to do?"

She nodded before continuing,

"I...want to find if there's a way to bring my father and mother back..."

To her wish, he smiled gently and said,

"Then I will promise you. If you manage to defeat 'it', I'll grant your any one wish and one as an extra, I'll resurrect your parents. What do you say?"

Although he could make her stronger easily, he decided to spend some time, probably some years in this world. So, it is fine since she needs time to grow physically and mentally. She was still like a child with a 16 year old body. So, she needs time, and interaction with people to grow.

Hearing his words, her eyes glistening with tears, asked in almost excited voice,

"Really!? Can...Can my parents be brought back?"

He nodded.

"Although I can do it now, if i do, you will forget about your revenge. Do you want that?"

Ais shook her head vigorously. He smiled and said,

"Then, I'll help you get stronger than that lizard can ever hope to even reach. But once you are strong enough and defeat 'it', and do defeat it, we will leave this world."

Though she don't know what he meant by leaving this world she smiled sweetly for the first time with definite emotions. Her smile was very attractive. Her innocence and insensitivity and all other because a charm to her.

"Tomorrow Let's go and register our familia in the guild. After that, I'll be calling our other new few family members. They all are either your big sisters or big brother. So, treat them with respect, okay?"

She nodded and to his surprise leaned her head on his shoulder. Her hands crawled its way through the water and caught his hand and intervened with it.

May be doing unconsciously, Ais wasn't embarassed or anything, but both he and Ais could hear the drumming sound of their own hearts thumping in sync...