
Unknown Genes

Beast_Tamer_ · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 - Tasks

Jun turned around to see who was the owner of that voice, and when he did, he saw a girl who looked to be in her twenties. She had pitch black hair and big eyelashes; her eyes were dark blue, but the thing that added extra points to her looks the most were her long legs. 

While Jun was busy admiring that girl's beauty, the girl walked up close to him. 

"So, are you not going to keep your promise and apologize to me?" She said it out loud, trying to embarrass him in front of the whole crowd, with a smirk on her face. 

For quite some time, no answer was heard from Jun. When the girl had almost reached the peak of her patience and was about to say something, Jun made a movement. He kneeled down in front of the girl and said. 

"I am sorry that I stole your bike. If you're kind enough to overlook my fault, then it's a great deal to me." Jun said this to the girl

with a hint of honesty in his voice. 

"Well, it doesn't really matter to me, but do remember, the next time you want to get somewhere quick, don't steal other people's bikes. Hahaha," the girl responded with little to no care about jun's response. 

Jun, who had been looking at the ground all this time, lifted his head up to look at the girl once again. But the girl had already left. 

"Girls these days sure have attitude," Jun thought while clenching his fists.

Getting up from the ground, Jun noticed that the bus that led them to the training camp had arrived. Wasting no more time, Jun went inside the bus and took a seat in the back. 

Not so long later, that girl, whom Jun had stolen the bike from, entered the bus. 

"So trainees, I am Hana, and I am going to be your training camp's overseer. Just so you guys know, I don't like lies. Don't lie to me, even if it costs your life. Ok, now that the introduction is out of the way, I can now explain all the rules and stuff. First, you guys can't leave the training camp until it is over; second,  you can't harm each other in any way; and lastly, rule number three: any sort of disrespect should not be seen. Now I will explain the part that all of you want to hear, and that is, how to pass the training camp. You guys just need to complete the task that you're given, and you will all pass, but there is one thing: if you don't complete the task, even once, You're kicked out. I will also like to tell you guys that every time in training camps, more than 10 people always get kicked out of the 30." said Ryu out loud.

Time went by, and a few hours later, the bus arrived at the place where the camp would be held. Everyone got off the bus, and after some time, the bus left. 

The bus had dropped them off at a place that looked like a military base. It was in the middle of a forest and was guarded by hundreds of military soldiers. The military base was protected by metallic walls and a giant door. The door was dark, and it had something inscribed on it. 

"Entry gate of the training campus," said one of the trainee's.

Everyone started talking about what it could mean, what ore the door was made of, and many more things. But soon there, Gossips, we're disturbed by Hana. 

"Everyone! Form a line and gather at the entry gate of the training campus," shouted Hana out loud. 

Not wasting much time, everyone gathered up and formed a line in front of the huge gate, which was bigger than all of their heights combined. 

"Everyone, listen up. You all will be given a badge, and that badge will be your entry ticket to this place. This badge will have your room number, and it will also show you the tasks that you have been assigned. It will be taken from you after the camp is over, and if you lose this badge somehow during the camp, you will be kicked out." Hana said it out loud and clear.

Every trainee took their badges and went inside the big gates. Inside the gates, it was just like a military base, just a little smaller in comparison to a real military base.

"All of you can go and rest in your assigned rooms. Each of you will be given five tasks daily, and they should be completed within a day." Hana spoke as she walked away towards the main building of the training camp. 

The crowd slowly started dissipating, and after a few minutes, the ground was left clear.


Jun was sleeping on his bed when he heard a buzzing sound coming from his badge. Soon, the small black badge opened up from the middle. If someone had a close look, they could see that there was a small eye located there. The eye in the badge started rotating, and a hologram came out of it. 

The hologram was of Hana. Hana didn't waste any time and started speaking, but a smirk developed on her face befo she started. "So, Jun, your first task is to learn the basics of swords."

"What! Basics of a sword! Even if it is just the basics, I've never even handled a sword in my life before. How the f-" While Jun was busy complaining, he saw that the hologram of Hana had started disappearing. But that only fueled his anger, because she did not only give him a very difficult task but also left him with a smirk on her face, meaning it was all her doing. 

"Basics of the sword... If I remember correctly, then there was a training robot here in the training ground. If I can just set his fighting mode to basic sword art and fight against him, I might learn the basics a little." While Jun was planning how to learn the basics of swords, he suddenly got distracted by something. 

The badge on his chest, which had already transformed once, was transforming once again. The badge's side opened and small pair of wings came out, and soon the badge started floating above Jun's head. 

"Is this guy supposed to record me like this?" jun thought while staring at the flying badge, which was not looking like a badge from any angle anymore. It looked more like a coin with wings and an eye. 

Jun jumped off his bed and went straight out of his room. Walking fast, Jun Soon reached the training ground. In the training ground, there were many human-like robots that were used for training purposes. Jun got close to a training robot and clicked on the back of his neck. The robot's face twisted, and a screen panel was shown. There were many options listed to choose from, but Jun was here for basic sword arts, so he didn't waste much time and clicked on it. 

The robot's face twisted again, and it went back to normal. Then the robot started moving and went to the weaponry room. Not so long later, the robot came out with two short swords in his hands, both about 2 feet long, with black rims and silver blades. The swords shone like gems. Even though they were just practice swords, they we're still made with high-quality E-metal. 

The robot came close to Jun and tossed one of the swords towards him. Jun, who had no idea the robot was going to throw a sword at him like this, couldn't catch the sword, and it fell to the ground. But as soon as Jun Knelt down to pick the sword up, the human-like robot launched an attack at him. 

Jun, who was busy picking the sword, couldn't dodge the attack, and he took a blow straight to his left shoulder. With an injured shoulder, Jun got up with rage burning in his eyes, Then he ran towards the robot with a sword in one hand, and one hand injured. But instead of beating, One after another, Jun was getting hit by the robot. Without a moment of break, in a few moments, cuts started appearing on Jun's body. Jun, drenched in his own blood, took the next blow head-on with his injured shoulder and dealt a blow with his other hand. 

The robot didn't even get scratched, but it did go back a few steps. Looking at his new achievement, Jun didn't stop; he went on a barrage of attacks. If someone looked up close in this battle, they could see that Jun was getting the lead in this fight. 

Time passed, and two hours later, the robot stopped on its own and dropped to the ground where he was standing. 

"Congratulations! You have learned the basics of handling a sword. You have completed the first task assigned to you."

A voice echoed from behind Jun's back. 

Jun turned around to see who was the

person saying all of this, but to his surprise it was actually not a person but the badge itself. The badge came back down to Jun and fell on his hand. 

"So this is how it works. Not bad, not bad.I think I should go to the healing center before anything else. I don't understand why the robots are allowed to fight even after the opponent is bleeding. Thats just stupi-" Before Jun could say more about the program, his complaints were cut out by someone's laughter.

"Hahahha, if you're scared of this weak robot, then how are you going to face the ferocious beasts on those planets? Ahahah," a voice made fun of Jun.. 

"Huh, who's there? Come out!" Jun shouted as he heard the voice making fun of him. 

Soon his hand started vibrating, and the badge forcefully got out of his grasp. The badge yet again floated above June, but this time, a hologram was also with it. 

"It's you! Hana" Jun spoke with anger. 

"Jun, you need to understand that the problem you're facing here is nothing compared to what you will face there. These are just some cuts, but there, even your death can come by easily." She said Hana with a serious expression.

"Give me the next task already." mustered June. He had realized he was in the wrong, but being the teenager he is, he chose to act tuff.

Seeing the puffed-up face of Jun and his response, Hana chuckles a little before opening his task list. 

"Your second task was to defeat a robot with basic sword skills, but as you can see, you have already completed it. And as for your third task, it was an endurance task, which you can again see that you have completed." As Hana was saying his task list out loud, her face was getting darker and darker. 

"You.. Arghh.. What can I even say? There is only one task left for you, and that is to learn about herbs." Hana said it emotionlessly.

When Hana learned that Jun was the person who had stolen her bike, she decided to make him go through hell, which is why she picked up some of the worst tasks for a beginner like him. But who could have known that this beginner would complete almost every one of them in a single go? 

"So I just need to learn about herbs? Well, that's easy. Even though I might not have been scored good in high school, because of some issues, in reality, I was the topper of the class in my time," Jun said with a loud chuckle. 

The hologram vanished, but the badge didn't go back to his hand and just floated above him. Indicating that his task is not done yet. 

Jun didn't mind the badge and went to the healing center first. After getting his cuts treated and after eating some pills, Jun headed off to the library. 

As Jun got closer to the door of the library, he moved his hand forward to grab the door handle, but before he could do that, the door opened and he accidentally grabbed someone's hand instead. 

Jun instantly took away his hand and looked up to see who that person was.