
Unknown Deity

In the world of fantasy, supernatural creatures roam freely, and humans with extraordinary abilities are not an uncommon sight. In this world of magic and wonder, Robert, a young man from the mundane world, found himself reincarnated in an alternate reality. As he awakens to this new world, he discovers that he possesses unique abilities that allow him to see and interact with the supernatural beings that coexist in this reality. With his newfound powers, he embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of this mysterious world and to discover the truth behind his reincarnation. As he delves deeper into this world of magic, he uncovers a prophecy that speaks of an unknown deity, a being of immense power and great importance to the balance of the world. Despite being shrouded in mystery, Robert senses a deep connection to this deity, and he soon finds himself drawn into a dangerous and epic quest to uncover its true identity. Along the way, he must navigate the treacherous political landscape of this world and face numerous challenges, including battles with supernatural creatures and powerful adversaries who seek to destroy him. As he struggles to uncover the truth and fulfill his destiny, Robert must also confront his own inner demons and reconcile his past life with his new identity. Will he be able to fulfill the prophecy and uncover the truth behind the Unknown Deity? Only time will tell in this thrilling tale of magic, mystery, and adventure.

Nuno_Menezes · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

The Ritual

As Mary stood in the midst of the battle, her eyes blazed with an otherworldly light.

Her once serene countenance now twisted with determination as she tapped into her newfound powers, drawing energy from the nuns around her.

The air crackled with electricity as she channeled the energy, her hair standing on end and her robes billowing around her.

John being the skilled marksman that he is, took aim at the nuns with his trusty revolver.

He knew that stopping her from drawing power was crucial to turning the tide of the battle.

He fired bullet after bullet, each one expertly aimed at the demonic nuns surrounding Mary.

The bullets found their mark, disrupting Mary's concentration and causing her to falter in her power gathering.

Robert joined John in the effort to disrupt Mary's power source.

He shot his revolver with a fierce determination, injuring any nun who dared to get close to Mary.

John's revolver gleamed in the dim light of the battlefield, a beacon of hope for his comrades as he shot down the ranks of the enemy.

The other soldiers, inspired by John's skills, followed his lead.

They formed a protective circle around Kline and Akira, fending off the nuns with their revolvers, buying precious time for Kline to recover, and for John and Robert to disrupt Mary's power source.

Akira, the master of arcane arts, had been patiently biding her time, gathering energy for a devastating counterattack.

She chanted incantations in ancient languages, her voice carrying over the din of battle.

Her hands danced in intricate patterns as she summoned fireballs from the ether, each one growing larger and more powerful with every passing moment.

The ground shook as Mary unleashed her shadow sword attack, a dark and deadly weapon that sliced through the air with a malevolent hiss.

The nuns who were unfortunate enough to be caught in its path were cut down in an instant, their screams echoing through the battlefield.

But Akira was ready, and with a wave of her hand, she sent her fireballs hurtling towards Mary, aiming to intercept the deadly attack.

The fireballs streaked through the air like meteors, their heat and brilliance blinding.

Mary's eyes widened in surprise as she realized the danger she was in.

She tried to redirect her shadow sword attack towards the incoming fireballs, but her concentration was shattered by John and Robert's relentless assault.

John's bullets pierced the air, finding their mark in the nuns who were closest to Mary.

Robert's and the other soldiers revolvers shattered the enemy lines, creating a path for Akira's fireballs to reach Mary.

The heat was intense, causing the air to shimmer and distort as the fireballs closed in on Mary from all sides.

With a cry of desperation, Mary unleashed a final burst of power, hoping to break free from the onslaught.

But it was too late. Akira's fireballs collided with Mary's shadow sword attack, creating a cataclysmic explosion that shook the battlefield to its core.

The shockwave sent soldiers and the nuns alike flying, the force of the explosion rendering them unconscious.

As the smoke cleared, Mary was nowhere to be seen.

Her powers spent, she had vanished, leaving only a scorched crater where she once stood.

Akira stood triumphant, her fireballs dissipating into embers that floated gently to the ground.

She looked around at the battlefield, her heart heavy with the weight of the battle.

Mary's disappearance remained a mystery, but the soldiers knew that they had won a hard-fought victory, the Mother's chosen was dead or so it seemed.

Akira, with her usual efficiency, swiftly tended to the wounded, she bandaged those who most needed and gave instructions to the other soldiers to do the same.

She carried a small vial of a potent restorative potion, which she carefully administered to Kline, one of their comrades who had been gravely injured.

Kline's eyes fluttered open, and he gasped as the potion coursed through his body, revitalizing him. He looked up at Akira with gratitude, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Thank you, Akira," he murmured, his voice filled with appreciation. "I owe you my life."

Akira smiled, a mixture of relief and satisfaction shining in her eyes.

"You're welcome, Kline," she replied, her voice gentle. "Just doing my duty as a member of The Order."

Kline struggled to sit up, his strength slowly returning.

He looked around at the battlefield, his eyes widening at the destruction that was taking place.

As the nuns dropped dead, their demonic forms dissipated into wisps of black smoke that hung heavy in the air, adding an eerie atmosphere to the battlefield.

The pool of blood they left behind seemed to have a life of its own, as it began to move, swirling and flowing towards a central point.

Mary's laughter, tinged with madness, echoed through the battlefield, taunting Robert and The Order soldiers.

"Thank you, little maggots,"

Mary sneered, her voice carrying over the sounds of battle.

"For hastening the ritual. Now you shall witness the glory of the Mother."

Robert, ever the vigilant commander, scanned the battlefield, trying to locate Mary.

But she seemed to have vanished into thin air, leaving behind only her sinister laughter.

The blood continued to flow towards a particular spot, as if drawn by an invisible force.

The commander's booming voice echoed across the battlefield, urging his soldiers to move towards the location of the ritual.

"All available soldiers, move to the ritual's location! It must be stopped, no matter the price! Follow The Blood!" The urgency in his voice was palpable, as he knew the stakes were high.

Akira with her reputation for her tactical prowess, yelled to those around her, urging them to move quickly.

"Move, people! We must stop Mary and put an end to this madness!"

Her voice carried authority, and the soldiers around her responded with renewed determination.

The battlefield was in chaos, with explosions, bullets flying through the air, and blades clashing.

The ground trembled with the force of the battle, and the air crackled with energy.

John and Akira led the charge, rampaging through the hordes of demonic heretics that followed Mary and The Mother.

They fought with skill and precision, their movements coordinated and strategic.

John, the sharpshooter, provided cover from a distance, taking out any threats that approached from afar.

But Mary was nowhere to be seen. Her laughter taunted them, her voice echoing from seemingly all directions, as if she was playing a cruel game of cat and mouse with The Order.

The blood continued to flow towards the ritual's location, drawing them closer to the epicenter of the dark magic.

As they approached the center, the air grew colder, and the stench of death and decay filled their nostrils. The ground was slick with blood, and the sky above seemed to darken, as if shrouded in a foreboding veil.

The soldiers of The Order pushed forward, determined to put an end to Mary's nefarious plans.

Akira channeled her arcane energy, casting powerful fire to clear a path for their advance.

Fireballs erupted from her fingertips, engulfing groups of demonic nuns in flames.

Ice spikes shot up from the ground, impaling others.

Her eyes blazed with determination as she fought with all her might, using her expertise in her ascendant path to gain an advantage.

Kline wielded his sword with expert precision, cutting through demons with swift and calculated strikes.

His armor glinted in the dim light, deflecting attacks from all sides. He shouted orders to his soldiers, urging them to press forward and stay focused on the task at hand.

John's bullets whistled through the air, finding their mark with deadly accuracy.

He targeted the heretics that tried to flank their group, taking them down one by one.

His sharp eyes scanned the battlefield, searching for any sign of Mary, but she remained elusive.

As they fought their way closer to the center of the ritual, Mary's laughter grew louder, more taunting.

"You fools!" she cackled. "You cannot hope to stop this! The Mother's power is unstoppable!"

Her voice echoed through the battlefield, sending chills down the spines of The Order soldiers. But Robert and Akira remained resolute, leading their troops with unwavering determination. They fought through waves of demonic creatures, pushing forward against all odds.

The blood that had been flowing towards the ritual's location seemed to thicken and darken, pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Mary's laughter grew even more maniacal, as if she was reveling in the chaos and carnage she had unleashed.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the midst of the swirling blood. It was Mary, her eyes glowing with an unholy light, her form distorted and twisted by the dark magic she wielded. She raised her arms, and the blood rose up in a violent surge, forming a grotesque, humanoid shape.

"I am the vessel of the Mother's power!" Mary declared, her voice echoing with a dual tone, as if she was speaking with two voices at once. "None can stand against me!"

Kline and Akira exchanged a determined glance, their resolve unshaken.

They charged at Mary, their weapons and magic blazing with power.

The battlefield erupted into a fierce battle, as The Order soldiers clashed with the abomination that Mary had become.

Mary's powers were formidable, as she unleashed torrents of shado spikes, sending waves of destruction towards The Order soldiers.

But Kline, Akira, John, Robert and their allies fought with unwavering courage and skill.

They used their combined strength and tactics to disrupt Mary's attacks, inching closer to her with each passing moment.

As they closed in on Mary, she became more desperate, her attacks growing more ferocious. The ground shook, and dark clouds gathered overhead, crackling with malevolent energy.

Mary's laughter turned into manic screams, as she unleashed all her power.

But The Order soldiers refused to back down.

They fought with all their might, using every ounce of their skill and determination to counter Mary's onslaught.

The battlefield became a maelstrom of energy and steel, as the fate of the town and the civilians lives hung in the balance.

The sight before them was both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

The blood had coalesced into a swirling sphere, pulsing with dark energy, and the air crackled with malevolent power.

The soldiers of The Order exchanged determined glances, steeling themselves for what lay ahead.

"We must stop the ritual," Robert declared, his voice carrying over the din of battle. "No matter what it takes."

Akira nodded, her eyes scanning the scene with intensity. She could feel the dark energy emanating from the sphere, and she knew that time was of the essence.

"I'll focus on disrupting the ritual," she said, her voice steady.

"Kline, John, Robert, cover me."

Kline, John and Robert nodded, moving into position to protect Akira as she approached the blood sphere.

Akira drew upon her path, channeling her energy into powerful forms to disrupt the dark ritual.

Her hands moved in intricate patterns, and her energy echoed through the battlefield.

The sphere of blood trembled and faltered, but Mary's laughter echoed in the air.

"Fools!" she taunted, her voice echoing with malice.

"You cannot stop what has already been set in motion. The Mother's glory shall prevail!"

Robert and Kline engaged in a fierce battle with the remaining Heretics who were trying to defend the ritual site.

Akira's concentration never wavered as she continued to disrupt the ritual, her energy weaving through the dark energies with precision.

She could feel the strain of the battle, the weight of the dark energy pushing against her, but she refused to falter.

She had trained for years to hone her path abilities, and she was determined to use them to protect her comrades and thwart the Heretic's evil plans.

As the ritual faltered, Mary's laughter turned into rage.

She appeared from the shadows, her eyes blazing with fury, and her power radiated with a sinister aura.

"Foolish rats!" she snarled, her voice dripping with venom.

"You dare to defy me? I shall show you the true extent of my power!"

Mary unleashed a barrage of shadow blades, sending numeroes blades of energy towards everyone.

The battlefield erupted into chaos as The Order soldiers scrambled to dodge the attacks and retaliate.

Akira's focus remained on disrupting the ritual, even as she defended herself against Mary's onslaught.

Kline fought with all his might, his weapons clashing against Mary's dark blades.

They moved in unison, their teamwork and skill evident as they pushed back against Mary's relentless assault.

Akira's efforts bore fruit as the blood sphere finally shattered.

Mary's demonic form convulsed, her power waning as her hold on the battlefield weakened.

It all seemed like it was over, but the tension in the air was palpable.

Due to health problems, the chapters have not been released as fast as I wanted.

As I recover chapters will be released faster

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