
Unknown Badass Mafia Queen

Loretta_Warren · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Stone cold killer

Roselyn, the stone-cold badass mafia bi-sexual queen, doesn't think twice about taking a life. She thrives on power and the control she has over her victims. Her cold and calculated demeanor can put fear into the hearts of even the most hardened criminals.

With her sleek black hair and piercing eyes, Roselyn commands respect from all who encounter her. She's a force to be reckoned with, a woman who demands loyalty and obedience from those who follow her.

She's the type of woman who can kill silently without any emotion, and then go back to sipping her favorite whiskey like nothing happened. Her clients pay top dollar for her services, knowing she'll deliver the justice they seek.

But Roselyn isn't just a stone killer. She has a softer side and she's not afraid to let people in, especially those who prove themselves worthy of her trust. She knows how to have fun too, and can let loose on the dancefloor, dancing the night away in one of her favorite clubs.

Don't let her sexuality fool you though. Roselyn is a queen, and she's not afraid to let anyone know it. She commands respect and admiration from her followers, and she's not afraid to take on anyone who dares to challenge her.

In the world of the mafia, Roselyn is the boss, the queen, and the one who calls the shots. Her name strikes fear into the hearts of many, and she's not done yet. With her sights set on even greater power and control, there's no telling what she'll do next. Just know that if you cross her she won't hesitate to take you out, and that's a fact.