
Unkept Promises

⚠️This is a sequel to an ongoing book (Nicholas Vials; Unkept Promises)⚠️ Baldwin James Alburn, the only living heir to the Alburn family, is the definition of upright and moral. It's just that corruption is only a fire fueled by events that erode one's conscience. From his sacrifices for Emberline and his efforts to better the world and the duty he holds to uphold the Alburn name. But there remains a yearning for revenge. A bloodthirsty, scolding, cold desire. Nicholas Vials, on the other hand, is the definition of deceit and opportunism. His actions suggest that he doesn't plan on improving his repute. However, he has taken on a path of great peril. To take away the authority from those trying to kill him. And to find Emberline. Yet, neither Baldwin nor Nicholas wield control over their schemes. Like grains of sand in a desert, time slips through their fingers, leaving them grasping for control in a world where nothing is as it seems. Their only hope lies in uncovering the undisclosed—a secret that may hold the key to their salvation or seal their fate forever. Or perhaps it is hidden in plain sight

Melenially · History
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16 Chs

You And I

The air inside the hospital seemed charged with an ominous energy as Nicholas hesitated outside. The last time he entered those sterile halls, it was to confront the chaos within Jeremy's troubled mind. This time, uncertainty was drawn before his eyes.

The last time he was visited was in hopes of having a conversation about Emberline with Jeremy, only to find him sleeping. The doctor who stood by him like a shadow told him something rather odd. He had seemed a little troubled since he was shot, and there were no close relatives who were willing to contribute to putting him at ease. Nicholas thought the doctor was rather ominous and shoal.

He thought it wasn't unlikely Emberline could have been caught with the recent happenings, and couldn't visit him. But it was not quite making sense how he had visited him more than the girl who had searched far and wide for him.