
Fifty seven

The movie is about a Agnes, a middle class girl, and Clinton, a! spoiled rich boy. clinton fell in love with Agnes at first sight. But Clinton's mother doesn't want her son to be with a middle class girl.

Agnes's mother wanted Agnes to be with Clinton, she then found out that Clinton's dad used to be her lover before she got married.

Agnes's mother was pregnant for Clinton's dad, but he didn't want the child. Mama Agnes ran away with the the child.

Papa Clinton is supposed to get married to mama Clinton, so his company status would grow bigger and better. And if people were to find out that he is having a child with another woman, he won't get that partnership from mama Clinton's family company. So he decided to trace mama Agnes.

Mama Agnes got hit by a car, sent by papa Clinton. And it was then, Agnes big sister or brother, had died

After that incident, mama Agnes went to another city, and there she met papa Agnes, the owner of a well known bakery shop.

Clinton is a Universal student that loves hanging out with his friends all day, and love partying at night. He has five girlfriends, and the five of them knows themselves. clinton does not know how it feels to be in love, but the first day he saw Agnes ran not her first day of school, he suddenly felt something in his chest. His heart was beating really fast, and from there, he befriended her the more, and liked her even more.

Agnes is a carefree and intelligent girl. She very good at baking wand cooking. She had joined ed many cooking competition, and won each an every on of them. She wants to have her own restaurant, and she herself will be the chef, and that's because, she does not want to teach anybody the way she cooks. Agnes won't fall for Clinton that easily, but as you all know, the heroin always falls in love with the hero.

Back to Amanda. Amanda and Praise just finished reading the whole story...

" con be like say, na Philippine film we won act ( it looks like a Philippine movie) " Amanda said confused.

" I dey tell you " Praise supported.

" oh my God, there's a kiss scene " Amanda yelled surprised. Praise hurried to pool at it.

" EHWO " Praise yelled while holding her head. " you're going to kiss this handsome guy, Amanda, I'm jealous " Praise said with a childish voice.

" and we're gonna kiss passionately " Amanda said, and now, she is blushing.

" ahhhhh, I'm jealous " Praise screamed.

" nice right? " a voice from behind. Amanda and Praise turned, and saw...

" Achiever " Praise called.

" yes? " he replied.

" my brother, you're gonna enjoy your kiss with this beauty beside me " Praise said, then smiled.

" you fowl " Amanda said,then hit Praise head. " let's continue our acting, it's the second scene now " Amanda said, then walked away.

" and the last scene for today " Achiever said then followed her.

After the second scene was over, they all appreciated each other, then went their separate ways. When achiever entered his car, he saw Amanda and Praise looking for a taxi. He stopped the car, in front of them...

" do you guys need a lift? " Achiever asked through the window.

" for free ride again?, why we no go enter? ( for a free ride?, why won't we enter?) " Amanda replied. Praise smiled. Achiever opened the front door for Amanda, then the back door for Praise.

" so, where are you guys going? " Achiever asked.

" take us to Lekki, we want to look for a nice house there, closer to Davido " Amanda replied.

" how are you sure Davido lives there? " he asked.

" I just know " Amanda replied boldly. Achiever smiled.

While Amanda and Achiever were talking, Praise just sat in the back observing the both of them...

* cough cough cough * Praise faked it. But they did not even look at her.

" you guys are forgetting me " Praise whispered. Amanda turned to him.

" what? " Achiever asked.

" nothing " Praise replied.

" Amanda, let's just go home. I'm not feeling well. blood has started flowing " Praise said, then winked at Amanda. Amanda nod her head...

" yes, we should go " Amanda said.

" yes, he's, we should hurry " Achiever panicked.

" you understood? " Amanda asked.

" no " he said trying to hid his nervous look.

" liar " Amanda said, then laughed. Even Praise laughed as well.

" stop laughing " Achiever said trying to hold his laughter.

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