
Chapter twenty two

After church

Amanda called Anthony to know what's going on. He picked the call then they started talking for hours.

While Justin called Kelly. " hey kelly"

" hey Justin"

" you called this morning "

" yeah. I wanted to tell you that Amanda's uncle died and she cried alot. But she's fine now"

" wait Uncle David ? " Justin said shocked.

" oh you know him "

" oh my God. I'll call you later. cut call " Justin said the Kelly cut the call.

boys campus. Fabian's room.

" Fabian " Justin called. Fabian turned to him.

" hm? " Fabian replied.

" Uncle David is dead " Justin rushed it.

" hmmm? "

" Uncle David is... " Justin yelled but got interrupted...

" I heard" Fabian yelled. " Amanda " Fabian said then rushed out. Justin followed him.

the girls campus. the Praises room

After Amanda had finished making her call, she got a text from Fabian, saying " come outside ". Amanda changed her clothes from her church outfit to her outing outfit. Amanda, Kelly and Praise went outside the campus, where they met the boys. Fabian quickly walk and hugged Amanda.

" I herd about Uncle David " he then took a deep breath before removing her from his hug. " are you alright? " he asked.

" yeah I'm fine " she replied nodding her head.

" so what happened " Justin asked with a low voice.

" he was shot" Amanda replied.

" what " Fabian said surprised.

" that means he didn't die by accident, but a plan work " Justin said angry.

" when I called Anthony today, he said the CCTV camera caught the tattoo on the man's left side of the neck. It was a dog " Amanda said.

" where did he die? " Justin asked.

" his office " Amanda replied.

" I will send my guys to look for any man with a dog tattoo on his left side of his neck " Fabian said angry.

" there are more than one person that's gonna have a dog tattoo on his neck" Praise said.

" I know. that's why they will be tortured until they tell the truth. You know we Nigerians, if we know that someone's going to kill us if we tell lies, we will surely say the truth. And if we have any accomplice, we will bring that person out " Fabian said.

" you are right " Justin agreed.

" I didn't know you had guys that do things for you" Amanda said confused.

" you nor ask o ( you never asked) " Fabian replied.

a week later


Praise and Kelly were having their class. The lecturer entered the class and wiped out the little things written on the board by the lecturer that entered the class before him.

" students, today we will start with what kind of treatment that are given to patients that had a car accident " the lecturer said then he started writing the topic on the board.

" first, why do you want to be a doctor or surgeon instead of a lawyer or a engineer " the lecturer asked calmly.

" why did you become a man instead of a woman? " one of the student from. behind yelled. Everybody started laughing.

" this man don too much ask that question ( he ask this question alot) " Praise said still laughing.

" that's enough, let's start " the lecturer said.

Amanda's class

" you don't just act the character, you'll be the character " the lecturer yelled.

" he's always saying that" Amanda said resting her head on Clements shoulder. Clement smiled, he felt like touching Amanda's hair, but he couldn't.

after classes. Girls campus. Amanda's room

" ah no be small thing they do for my class today o ( they were doing something absurd in my class today) " Amanda said while dropping her phone.

" wetin happen oo ( what happened) " Praise said while rushing to sit beside Amanda. Same goes to Kelly.

" there they watch blue film ( they were watching porn) " Amanda said.

" Jesus " Kelly yelled.

" why you dey talk Jesus? ( why are you calling Jesus) " Praise asked annoyed.

" yeah what are you shouting Jesus as if you haven't watched it before " Amanda said then took a sip from her fanta.

" because I've not watch it before " Kelly whispered.

" ehhh? " both Amanda and Kelly yelled.

" serious " Kelly said.

" oh God. Don't worry dear, I will start downloading it in my phone then I will give you to watch " Praise said then picked her phone.

" why do you guys watch those kind of things " Kelly asked irritated.

" because it's interesting to we girls. But satisfying to boys. Something like that " Amanda replied.

" do Justin watch this kind of things? " Kelly asked curious.

" yes, even Fabian " Praise said. " oh, I should call them, we should go to an hotel then use Fabian or Justin's phone to watch it " Praise said.

" HOTEL " Kelly yelled.

" okay, we should go to Anna's house " Amanda concluded.

" well that is better " Kelly said. Praise messaged the boys, they agreed, and they all decided to go the next day.

the next day

They all went to Anna's house. They all sat on the couch accordingly, apart from Praise. Kelly sat next to Justin, Amanda sat next to Fabian, Anna was in the middle of Praise and Collins who is her boyfriend. Fabian purposely sat next to Amanda without Amanda realizing it.

They watched it for two hours. Kelly was starting to enjoy it. While the boys were enjoying it like seriously enjoying it. Collins took Anna out to the room. Justin put his hand on Kelly's shoulder but as her stood up to pick Kelly, Praise stopped him.

" wetin na ( what ) " Justin asked already annoyed.

" where are you going? " Praise asked.

" we dey go the other room ( we are going to the other room) Justin replied.

" see eh, when you are taking her to do this thing. You must be a real man" Praise said smiling.

" but I'm a real man " Justin said.

" when a real man is having sex, he shows action that when he's done, the girl won't be able to walk " Praise explained.

" that is correct " Amanda agreed.

" why don't I show you that I'm a real man" Fabian whispered in Amanda's ear. Amanda face turned red with her eyes opened wide. Fabian burst into laughter just looking at Amanda's expression.

" no... no" Amanda replied shy.

" I hear. I will show you that I'm a real man. Kelly let's go" he said then dragged Kelly to the other room. Praise just picked her phone then called Kelvin.

" oh Praise, I was about to call you " Kelvin said through the phone.

" really " praise asked excited.

" yeah. hang up do I will call you. I don't want you to use your recharge card " Kelvin said then Praise hang up then Kelvin called back. She went outside so no one would tease her.

While Amanda and Fabian was inside the house alone.

" Amanda... I... I really like you" Fabian said blushing.

" I can't believe you're blushing " Amanda smiled.

" yeah, to show how much I really like you. And I've been having this feeling since we were young " Fabian said holding his phone and looking at it.

" I thought you didn't like me because the day I went to tell you that I like you, you were smiling and sweet talking a girl" Amanda said.

" wh..." Fabian paused as he remembered.

" yes I sweet talked that girl, but I did not have any feelings for her and I did not ask her to be my girl" Fabian just kept staring at her.

" are you doing this because of what's happening now? " Amanda asked curious.

" no. I'm doing this because I planned it " this word made Amanda smiled.

While Kelly and Justin was still staring at each others eyes. He was on top of her. Kelly was blushing because will be her first time doing this with Justin.

" are you sure you want to do this? " Justin asked just to make sure he was not forcing her.

" yes I am " Kelly showed a fake smile just to cover her nervous look. Justin knew that she was nervous, but he fears that if he asks again and again, then she might make up her mind that she doesn't want to do it anymore.

Justin gave her a light kiss on the lip, then went down slowly to her neck, then to her chest. He hold her waist tight as he made his way to her boobs.

He wasn't comfortable with her clothes on, so he pulled her clothes, leaving her with her pant. Kelly then remembered in the porn, the girl was the one pulling the guy's shirt and in other movies that she had watch. She pulled Justin shirt and was rubbing his back slowly as she felt his mouth on her left nipple. She groaned slowly as she was feeling different kind of things in her body.

Justin raised his face up to look at her, he rubbed her lip with his right thumb. Then went straight line down to the elastic band.

I can't believe I wrote this kind of stuff. But I did it for you all so do something for me by voting, liking and commenting. thank you

Celina_doctorcreators' thoughts