
Chapter forty

A week later, it was now time for them to go school, while Kelvin is soon going for his NYSC ( National Youth Service Corp ).

Praise was getting ready to go back when Ebi and Francis entered her room.

" Praise afa, are you going with Amanda? " Ebi asked as he sat on her bed.

" no" she replied with a grumpy voice.

" are you guys still quarreling? " Francis asked.

" as you can see, i no longer talk with her and I'm not going with her, so what do you think? " she replied rudely.

" a simple yes or no was better than those many words you just said " Francis said.

" Praise, I hardly spend time with you, so I would like to spend this little time I have left with you, to talk. Praise, you can't be arguing with your best friend because of a boy " Ebi paused.

" how... " Praise got interrupt.

" Kelvin had spoken to me " Ebi said.

" oh" was the only thing Praise could say.

" as I was saying, Amanda has been your best friend for years, and now you are breaking up with her just because her brother doesn't like you..." Ebi got interrupt.

" she helped him to ask that other Praise to be his girlfriend " she yelled.

" you said it yourself, another Praise " Ebi said then breath in and out, then continued.

" she thought it was you. While he was talking about that girl, Amanda was talking about you. So don't blame her. If you were in her place, even if you knew I was talking about someone else, you would still help me, wouldn't you? " Ebi asked.

" I would " Praise replied with a sad voice.

" you should apologize to her, and get your best friend back " Ebi said, then stood up.

" Francis, let's go " Ebi left the room.

" if Amanda was my age, I would have asked her to be my girl " Francis whispered in Praises ear.

" she won't say yes " Praise replied.

" you are a bad sister, you can't even give me hope " Francis said then left the room.

Utuoke ( University of Bayelsa)

Amanda just reached the school, and this time, she came alone. Fabian was the first person to welcome her.

" Amanda baby " Fabian yelled as he rushed to hug her.

" Fabian darling, why did you go two days after new year? " Amanda asked with a grumpy voice.

" oh, don't be angry. I just wanted to range my stuff inside my house, before you come, so I will spend time with you " Fabian said with a childish voice, then put his two hands on both sides of her cheek.

" I want the both of us to go out, do you have that chance? " he asked.

" okay, I should drop my things first okay? " she asked smiling.

" okay" Fabian replied.

" see you later" Amanda said then gave him a dry kiss on the lips, then left.

" she kissed me on the lip. It's the first, I'm so happy " Fabian whispered to himself, the jumped up and down.

" maybe tomorrow, she'll give me a wet kiss" Fabian said, then stood to think.

" why am I sweating?, I'm just thinking about it and I'm sweating. This is not the first time a girl has kissed me" Fabian said as he put his two hands on his cheeks. he was blushing.

" o my God " he said with a girly voice, then ran off.

Amanda reached her room, and was surprised to see Kelly there.

" ah Amanda, na you be that? ( ah Amanda is that you?) Kelly asked surprised.

" no na Ariana Grande be this( no, it's Ariana Grande) " Amanda replied in a rude way.

"no vex, it's just that you've gotten fat " Kelly smiled.

" I'm not fat" Amanda yelled in a childish voice.

" na me dey look you now, and I dey tell you say you don fat( I'm the one looking at you now, and I'm the one telling you that you are fat) " Kelly said.

" that means I will start my exercise again o" Amanda said.

" so afa your plan? " Kelly asked.

" I will go and audition in Nollywood soon" Amanda replied.

" okay, what about Praise? " Kelly asked worried. Amanda hissed before she replied.

" I'm not the one at fault, so I'm not gonna apologize. I've already explained myself, but she chooses to unfriend me. And the worst thing is that she did it because my brother didn't like her, and because I helped him. I'm saying this again, even if I knew it wasn't my Praise, I would have still help him " Amanda said angrily.

" but... " Kelly got interrupt.

" I'm going out with Fabian, bye " Amanda said then left.

Few hours later, that evening, Praise entered the room.

" Praise " Kelly called.

" afa" Praise said with a dull voice.

" why is your voice like that? " Kelly asked worried.

" have Amanda reached this side? " Praise asked nervous.

" yes, she went out with Fabian " Kelly replied. " what's wrong? " Kelly asked worried.

" I want to apologize to her" Praise replied. " I have wronged her " Kelly said as tears flowed down her eyes.

Praise and Kelly waited for long, it was already 11:25 and Amanda isn't back yet.

" looks like she'll be staying in Fabian's house " Kelly said before she slept off.

While Fa'idah was in Kohwo's house, she was still in pain, but did not let the pain stop her from studying and fulfilling her dreams of being a doctor. Not just a doctor, but the best doctor in the world, according to her. But I don't know if she can accomplish it.

While the pregnant Provider decided to continue going to school, even though the father of the child was there. And he had denied the child, so Provider will have to take care of the child by herself.

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