
chapter fifteen


Collins, Amanda, Fabian, Praise and Justin reached the river side. They saw Kelly standing at the edge, staring at the water.

" Kelly please don't jump" Fabian said joining his two hands together.

" Kelly... " Justin paused.

" what? " Kelly asked confused.

" Kelly I know what he did to you was awful. We already took care of it. Both Ese and his friends have been expelled so don't do this " Praise said trying to get through to her.

" Kelly" Justin called. I... like you so much. So please don't take your life " he added.

" yeah Justin do like you. Don't do anything stupid okay" Collins said. Kelly turned to face them. Her eyes was filled with tears.

" I'm sorry " Kelly pleaded.

" okay okay so now come" Collins said going closer to her.

" please don't jump. Please don't do it Kelly " Amanda almost burst into tears.

" why would you say that? " Kelly said trying to take in her own tears.

" weren't you the one saying you don't want to live live like this anymore? " Praise said confused and cleaning her tears.

" and you were apologizing to us. The same time telling us thank you on the phone " Fabian added.

" yes I was thanking you guys for what you did for me. And I apologized for making you guys worried that time. Oh and I didn't want to be bullied anymore, that's why I said I didn't want to live like this anymore " Kelly explained. She came down and stood there looking at all of them.

" when I said we were coming, why did you say it would be too late " Amanda asked.

" I thought maybe I would have gone back before get here" Kelly replied.

" so you were not trying to kill yourself ?" Justin asked.

" no"

" thank God" Justin said in relief. Kelly walked and stood in front of Justin, looking directly at his light brown eyes.

" you said you liked me" She said smiling while holding her hands behind her.

" yes"

" so? "

" so what? "

" aren't you going to ask me? "

" well...."

" it's still early for this. Let's go" Amanda dragged Kelly and left.

the next day ( second semester)


the girls had already gone to their various classes, Amanda has a new show to act by the weekend, so she will be coming back late or she will be in school for a whole night. After Kelly and Praise had finished their class, they went to their room.

" being a theater student is really hard" Kelly said combing her hair.

" that's why Amanda likes it" Praise responded.

*ring* *ring* Praises phone started ringing. She picked the call without seeing who it was.

" hello? "

" hey Praise " . Praise heard a familiar voice, the one that made her okay mood a very happy mood. The voice that can make her blue dark face turn pink.

" Kelvin? " she smiled.

" yeah"

" um... um... why... why are you... I mean what's up? " she asked nervous.

" I couldn't reach Amanda's phone so I decided to call you"

" oh yeah. Amanda has a show this weekend, so she will be very busy "

" oh. So how are you? "

" fine. And you? "

" cool" after Kelvin replied, they didn't know what today next. So Praise come up with something.

" are you in Port Harcourt now? " she asked.

" yes. School has resume so I rushed back"

" it's your final year right?"

" yeah. After schooling, I'm going to do my NYSC ( National youth service corps ). Then after that, I will do my masters "

" still many" Praise cried out.

" what "he asked confused.

" oh I meant that we still have many things to do after university "

" just NYSC and Masters "

" still much" Praise said with a serious look on her face and a serious voice. It made Kelvin laugh.


While they were talking, Amanda was busy acting her voice out.

While the boys were in their room operating their phones.

" my woman don pay ooo ( my woman has paid) Fabian yelled jumping up and down happily.

" how much? " Collins asked.

" one Milli ( 1 million) " Fabian replied still jumping.

" my man, big boy. Odoghu ( leader) " Justin yelled bringing out beers from the refrigerator.

" so how you wan spend na ( how would you like to spend the money? " Justin asked.

" I will take Amanda out tomorrow, then I will buy ice cream for her. You know she loves ice cream " Fabian smiled as he explained. " then I will let her hold the money because women knows how to spend more than men. They buy all the necessary things. While men spend it on nonsense. Amanda will helpe spend the money wisely because she has always been the one advising us on how to spend our money. And everything she ends up saying are always true" Fabian added.

" and because she's the woman of your dreams since you were little " Justin smiled.

the next day at school

" Praise, Kelly" Fabian called. He was running behind them, trying to catch up with them as they kept on walking.

" praise " he yell louder in the hallway. Praise turned back and saw Fabian running to her direction. He reached her and stood in front of her, breathing hard.

" na your ear you dey use dey waka ( are you using your ears to walk? " Fabian asked still breathing hard.

" abeg no vex ( please don't be angry) " Praise replied.

" I dey try to call Amanda since last night, but she no dey pick ( I've been trying to call Amanda since last night, but was not picking) " Fabian said worried.

" you no come school yesterday?, you no know say theater art students stay for school till day break ? ( weren't you in the school yesterday?, didn't you know that theater art students stayed in school overnight ?" Praise asked.

" because of the show this Saturday? " Fabian asked with a sad voice.

" yes " Kelly replied.

" if Amanda sick because of this people..." Fabian said angrily, then walked away.

" fear that boy o. When it comes to Amanda, um that boy na craze ( you should be scared of that boy. When it comes to Amanda, that boy will become crazy) " Praise said.

" later they will say they are best friends when they actually like each other " Kelly said as they walk away.