
School Days (Part 3)

"Mr Midoriya?"

Frisk wanders around the school, trying to find the green-haired boy. They contemplate asking Iida if he'd seen him, but they decide against it.

Iida said he needed time. God, I hope he's okay.

"What's bothering ya, punk?" A voice calls from behind them. Frisk spins around, startled.


The fish girl smiles, showing her sharp teeth, but then her smile drops.

"Yeah, it's me. You were staring off into space. You never do that. What's wrong?"

Frisk tenses.

"I...I'm looking for someone."

They sit down on a bench, and Undyne sits down beside them.

"Who? Why?"

"Midoriya. Remember him? The green-haired boy in our class?"

"Yeah. You got a crush on him, punk?"

"No. No, I don't," Frisk answers quietly. They start to cry, but they try to hide it under coughing. Undyne notices anyway.

"Really, Frisk, what's wrong?"

"He...he feels hurt. I just want to help him..."

Undyne stares at them for a moment, then smiles to herself.

Awwwwwwww. Typical Frisk. So kind.

"You've never been wrong about that gut feeling, punk. I'm sure that he'd really appreciate help."

"I...what if I can't? What if I mess up? What if I..."

Frisk bursts out crying and hugs Undyne. Undyne awkwardly hugs back.

"Shhh, it's okay. You can do it. I know you can."

"Undyne, he...he's not the only one I got that feeling from. The tall blue-haired one, Iida...the half-and-half, what was his name...Todoroki? The...the one with spiky purple hair...but to a slightly lesser extent...and...and the blond who was yelling at you yesterday...Bakugou..."

Undyne glares into space.

"I would tell you not to help that damn jerk, but...I can't sway you, can I."

Frisk chuckles softly.

"No, you can't."

"Then I'll help you however I can, Frisk. You've done so much for me."

"T-Thank you, Undyne..."

"Just take a few deep breaths, okay?"

Frisk takes a few shaky breaths. Undyne tenses and lets go of Frisk, clenching her fists like she's going to summon her spears.

"Undyne, what's wr-oh..."

Midoriya is standing right in front of them, expression concerned. He has a notebook and pen in his hands, but he's ignoring them.

"Frisk, right? Are you okay?"

Frisk looks up at him and fake-smiles.

"I'm fine, Mr Midoriya."

Midoriya looks down, clearly not convinced. He looks at Undyne.

"You're the one Kacchan was yelling at yesterday, right?"

Frisk and Undyne look at each other.

"Who's Kacchan?" Undyne asks. Midoriya fidgets with his pen.

"Er...sorry, I meant Bakugou."

Undyne rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, that's me. The name's Undyne. Nice ta actually meet ya."

"It's nice to meet you too." Midoriya says with a smile. Frisk stands up.

"Mr Midoriya, can I talk to you...privately? It's...important."

Midoriya looks at them, confused.


Frisk nods and glances back at Undyne. Her expression is hardened, but also soft. Frisk can't explain it, but they know what she's trying to say.

Good luck, punk. If he hurts ya, Imma kill him.

Frisk smiles at her and walks to a bench a little bit away. Midoriya sits down.

"What happened?" Frisk asks. Midoriya looks at them, confused.

"What do you mean 'what happened'? I'm alright!"

Frisk's eyes harden.

"Please don't lie, Mr Midoriya."

Midoriya looks away.

"I don't even know what you're talking about."

Frisk clenches their fists.

"You feel hurt. That's actually another part of my pow-uh, quirk that I didn't mention. I've never been wrong about this, and I've felt it more times than I can remember. I have some sort of sixth sense. It feels like a tug in my gut and a voice in the back of my head. With it, I can tell if someone's hurt, or get information about people around me. And you're hurt. I know I'm not wrong."

Midoriya smiles.

"Well, there's a first time for everything, right?" He says, clearly nervous but trying to hide it.

"Mr Midoriya, you're not fooling me. What happened, and what can I do to help?"

Midoriya looks down and laughs sadly.

"You really won't drop this, will you. Even if I tell you I'm fine a million times."

"No, I won't, 'cause you're clearly not."

Midoriya sighs.

"It's...it's nothing."

Frisk stares at him with a 'you've got to be kidding me' expression.

"Mr Midoriya, what happened?"

"It's just...K-Kacchan...I want to be friends with him again, but I..."

Frisk cocks their head to the side slightly.


"We were really close friends when we were younger. But he...he started making fun of me...for not having a quirk...but now that I have a quirk, he...he thinks I was faking my...my quirklessness...trying to show him up or...or something ridiculous like that..."

Frisk looks down at the ground.

"Can you tell him? That you...that you really didn't have a quirk then?"

Midoriya shakes his head 'no', and Frisk notices that he's crying. They wipe their own tears off their face.

"Do you want a hug, Mr Midoriya?"

He nods 'yes'. Frisk gives him a big hug and tries to calm him down, but that feeling tells them that Bakugou did...something else...that hurt Midoriya. They back up.

"Did Bakugou say something specific to you that...that hurt you?"

Midoriya freezes, then he tucks his entire body into a little ball and bursts out crying. Frisk looks around, but no one else is here. They place a hand reassuringly on his shoulder.

"He did...didn't he..."

"Yes..." Midoriya mutters, but Frisk almost can't hear him because his voice is so muffled.

"What did he say?"

Midoriya untucks his body and looks down at his lap. Tears are still dripping down his face.

"He...he told me that I...that I should be dead...to go k-kill myself..."

Frisk freezes, their mind filled with anger. They hug Midoriya tightly.

"I'm going to...to go have a...a 'talk' with Bakugou..." Frisk spits.

"Okay..." Midoriya mutters.

"You're my friend, Mr Midoriya. If you need to talk, I'm always here, okay? I promise."

Midoriya nods and sniffles.

"T-Thank you, Frisk..."

Frisk nods at him and grabs their backpack. They have to have a 'talk' with Bakugou.

*Okay, so now Frisk and the others are in a training session for their 'quirks', and they're gonna spar some other people*

"This uniform SUCKS!" Chara shouts. Like the others, they're wearing a blue track sweatshirt and blue pants, with the letters 'UA' written on them in white (along with a few other white lines) and blue gym shoes. Iida rushes over to them, but before he can say anything, they turn to him.

"Leave me alone, Captain Rule-Addict," they snap.

Iida grits his teeth, clearly angry but determined to keep his composure. He walks away stiffly. Frisk frowns at them.

"Chara! That was mean! Say sorry!"

Chara rolls their eyes.

"I'm not gonna, Frisk."

Frisk does their pleading puppy-dog eyes. Chara sighs.

"Fine. I'm sorry," they call. Frisk walks over to him.

"Are you feeling better, Mr Iida?"

Iida smiles at them, expression more relaxed.

"Yes, I am. Thank you."

"I'm always here for my friends, Mr Iida. If you need help, I'll be right here."

They walk away and fidget with their outfit until it's time to practice with their powers. Frisk stands between Midoriya and another boy with spiky purple hair. He's either Kaminari or Shinsou. Frisk can't remember which one has purple hair and which one has yellow hair. They nudge Midoriya with their elbow.

"Who's that?" They ask quietly, pointing at the purple-haired boy.

"That's Shinsou. He has a mind-control quirk."

"Okay," Frisk replies, but then they do a double-take.

"Wait, what?! Mind control?!"

Midoriya shrugs.

"Well, it's more like he can order your body around against your will, but your mind is foggy. You usually can't remember much afterwards."

Frisk bites their nail.

I *hate* being controlled. I...I could've...I could've gone G-Genocide...no, no no no no no...

"Frisk? Are you okay?"

Frisk snaps out of their small panic attack.

"Your breathing was weird."

"I'm alright, Mr Midoriya. Just...painful memories. How does he activate it?"

"Well, he-" Midoriya begins, but the teacher interrupts.

"Okay! We're going to spar, to practice for the upcoming tournament. First up, Frisk and Shinsou."

Frisk completely freezes, and another panic attack seizes their heart. Their breathing speeds up, and they start shaking.

No...no...no no no no no nononononononononononononononono!!


"Frisk!" Midoriya shouts. He grabs their shoulders and shakes them hard. Chara and Sans rush over.

"They're having a panic attack. They need to leave. Now," Chara states quietly.

"May I escort them to the bathroom, sir?"


Chara looks at Frisk, who's still breathing heavily. Their eyes look glassy.

"Come on Frisk, stay with me...don't pass out...Sans, could we use a 'shortcut'?"

Sans nods. The three walk to nowhere, and all of the sudden they're in a little room with a comfy chair. Chara places Frisk down, who's still having a panic attack. Sans gives them a hug.

"Shhh, kid, you're safe now," Sans whispers.

After a bit, Frisk blinks a few times, and then looks around, confused.


Chara grabs their hand.

"You had a panic attack. Given how severe it was, it was about Ge-*that* Route, wasn't it..."

Frisk nods shakily.

"Shhh, it's okay, Frisk. Take a deep breath, okay?"

Frisk obeys. After a minute or two of deep breaths, Frisk stands up shakily, but they're stable. Only their hands are shaking...specifically their left...the 'FIGHT' button...

"Let's...go back..." Frisk says. Sans cocks his head to the side, and his eye socket twitches.

"Are ya sure, kid? Ya look...bone dry. Here, have some water."

Frisk laughs a bit at Sans's horrible pun. They take the bottle of water that Sans is holding and drinks all of it in about three swallows.

"Okay, I...I'm feeling better now..."

Sans's smile twitches. He's happy.

"Alright. Should we go back?"

Frisk nods.

"Okay then, kid."

They 'shortcut' back to the training area, where Undyne and Kirishima are in the middle of a sparring match. Kirishima's skin is sharp and jagged, and Undyne's spears can't pierce it. They don't shatter, but they fall to the ground uselessly, like sticks hitting a rock. Slowly, he moves closer and closer to her. Being Undyne, she refuses to back up. Eventually, he gets close enough to swing at her. His fist hits her right in her blind eye. She staggers for a moment, and he punches her in the gut. She's about to summon a spear and run him through, but the teacher stops the sparring match.

"Alright. You two are done."

Kirishima instantly turns his skin back to normal, and offers his hand to Undyne.

"Hey man, are ya hurt? I hit ya pretty hard."

Undyne smiles at him and stands up.

"No, I'm good. That was actually pretty fun! Wanna do it again sometime?"

Kirishima smiles, revealing his sharp teeth.

"I'd be up for that, bro."

The two walk back to the waiting line.

"Okay, since the first match was interrupted, we're going to try this again. Frisk and Shinsou."

Frisk tenses, but they manage to take a deep breath.

It's just a sparring match. He's not going to order you to do anything crazy...right? And maybe you can avoid getting controlled at all!

Frisk walks out and looks down at the ground, tensing and relaxing, clenching and unclenching their fists. They look at Shinsou, but the voice isn't saying anything yet. Frisk raises their arms in a defensive position, but Shinsou doesn't attack them, or even move at all. Instead, he just starts talking.

"Wow, a panic attack? Are you really that scared of me? That's pathetic, isn't it? You really are weak, aren't you?"

Frisk opens their mouth to answer, but Shinsou does something really weird. He smirks at them. They close their mouth, and the voice starts talking.

Don't answer.

Frisk walks towards him slowly, trying not to have another panic attack. Shinsou glares at them.

"Say something!"

Frisk continues to walk forward, their hands still up in a defensive position. Shinsou crosses his arms.

"You won't answer? That's rude. Didn't your mother teach you any manners? Or is she as pathetic as you are?"

Frisk bites the inside of their mouth to keep from answering him, to keep from screaming their heart out at him for insulting Toriel. They keep approaching, one hand over their mouth and one hand raised defensively.

Stay calm, the voice tells them, he's just trying to make you angry so that you answer. Stay silent.

Frisk closes their eyes tightly and continues to approach Shinsou. Once they get close, he runs at them. Frisk's eyes snap open, and they roll to the side on instinct. Shinsou tries to grab Frisk's shoulders, but they do a backflip and dodge again. He tries to punch them, but they knock every punch away. They don't punch back. Frisk smirks at him.

Yeah. All this practice dodging while I was in the Underground.

Shinsou grits his teeth.

"You won't fight back?"

Frisk almost answers, but nightmares of Genocide Route flash through their mind. They shut their mouth as tears well up in their eyes.

I refuse to be controlled again.

Instead, they hold out their right arm. A glowing orange button with the word 'MERCY' on it shows up out of nowhere. Frisk presses the button, and Shinsou falls unconscious for a second or two. Frisk rushes over and catches him. He wakes up, sees Frisk, stands up, and smiles at them. He turns to the teacher.

"They win."

The teacher nods.

"Okay, next two, Uraraka and..."

As if a switch has been flipped, Frisk bursts out crying and grabs their head in pain. They stumble backwards. Sans 'shortcuts' a chair for them. They fall down onto it, still crying silently, breathing heavily. Shinsou walks over to them.

"Hey, I didn't mean anything that I said. I was just trying to win. I'm sorry."

Frisk looks up at him.

It's safe to respond.

"T-Thank you...Mr Shinsou..."

Shinsou leans on the wall next to them.

"Why did you react like that?"

Frisk tenses up. Shinsou notices, and he scratches the back of his spiky purple hair, almost unconsciously.

"Don't worry, I can turn my power off. I promise it's off right now."

Frisk nods at them. They don't really want to tell him the whole story, so they just settle with what they normally tell people when this situation comes up.

"I...I'm uncomfortable with the idea of being...of being controlled."

(Okay, holy mother of god, I didn't notice how long this was. Next part'll be with Bakugou. I hope you liked it!)