
School Days (Part 1)

(Boku no Hero Academia & Undertale, Boku no Hero Academia)

"Bye mom! I'll see you in two weeks!"

Frisk smiles at Toriel as they grab their backpack and throw it over their shoulder.

"Do you have everything, my child? Phone charger, books, extra underwear?"

Frisk blushes.

"Yes, mom! Stop embarrassing me!"

Toriel laughs.

"Okay! Goodbye, my child! I love you!"

"I love you too! Come on Sans, let's go!"

Frisk skips towards the weird-looking door outside of their house. Chara, Sans, Undyne, and Flowey follow closely behind, all far less excited. Flowey took a more humanoid form, so he can walk, but not his true Asriel form.

I wonder why Asriel chose to be Flowey today. Eh, I'll ask him later.

"New school, new friends!"

The five walk through the weird-looking door, and it's as if the floor was pulled from under them. They feel as though they're free-falling for a few seconds, before their feet touch solid ground. They're outside a school building. Undyne falls to the ground, panting.

"I...hate...motion...sickness..." she grunts. She sits up, grabs a water bottle from her bag, and drinks about half of it, before splashing the rest of it all over her body. Her scales glimmer. Frisk offers their hand.

"Are you okay, Undyne?"

The fish girl smiles at them.

"Don't worry about me, punk. I'm tough." Undyne responds, in her usual 'tough-girl' voice. She stands up. Frisk smiles, then looks around.

"Is this the right place?"

"Yep," Flowey answers monotonously. Chara rolls their blood-red eyes.

"Can we just go to wherever it is we're staying?" They ask, before grabbing a chocolate bar from their bag and unwrapping it.

"Yeah, kid. Let's go. I'll use one of my shortcuts," Sans responds. He walks towards nowhere, and the other four follow him. Suddenly, they're in a house. It's well-kept, but no one has lived here for a while, and it shows.

"Drop your stuff and let's go." he says, before winking.

"We don't want to be numbskulls because we missed class!"

Chara glares at him.

"Shut up, comedian."

They drop their stuff and, using Sans's 'shortcuts', they show up back in front of the school. The name is plastered above the door.

'UA High School'

Frisk opens the door and skips in, energetic as usual. Chara rolls their eyes and follows them. Frisk takes a quick peek at their phone, before skipping off in some direction. The others follow.

"Are you sure that they know where they're going?" Undyne whispers.

"Yes," Sans whispers back, "they gained a great sense of direction after all the traveling they had to do in the Underground. Mostly running away from you."

Undyne looks down at the ground.

"I said I was sorry!"

"Don't worry, they forgive you," Sans says. His permanent skeleton smile twitches, showing that he would actually be smiling if he could.

They walk in silence to a classroom.

'Class 1-A'

Frisk opens the door and walks in, the others following. A weird man with long black hair in a yellow sleeping bag looks at them. He turns to the students, who are sitting at their desks or sitting at tables with one or two others.

Some of them look weird enough to be monsters, Frisk thinks.

"Okay, these are our new students. Introduce yourselves."

Frisk takes a step forward, looking over the students. A happy-looking male with green eyes and green hair, an angry-looking male with red eyes and spiky blond hair, a calm-looking male with a scar on the left side of his face who Frisk can only describe as two people stitched together, one on the left and one on the right...and that is just the first few. Everyone in the class has something interesting about them, whether it was visible or not. The green-haired male especially. He feels powerful. Frisk clears their throat.

"Hi! My name is Frisk! I hope we can be friends!"

They back up and Chara takes their place.

"My name is Chara, now leave me alone."

"It is not appropriate to snap like that at other students," a blue-haired, tall male with glasses and what look suspiciously like faded knife scars on his face whispers, just loud enough for Frisk to hear.

Then it's Sans's turn.

"I'm Sans. Sans the skeleton. I make plenty of humerus puns!"

That earns a groan from most of the class. The half-and-half looks at Sans, a hint of annoyance showing on his face. The spiky-haired blond looks like he wants to rip Sans's nonexistent face off. Sans backs up, and Undyne starts talking.

"Hey punks! My name's Undyne, and Imma beat all of you in everything!"

The spiky-haired blond stands up.

"You really think so, you extra? Come at me!"

He spreads his palms and little sparks start flashing. Before he can do anything, the weird man glares at him, his long hair sticks up like he was electrocuted, and the sparks disappear as quickly as they arrived.

"Sit down, Bakugou."

The kid called Bakugou sits down, but not without some grumbled swearing. Undyne clears her throat and keeps talking.

"So if you want to be friends, I'm up for it."

She runs her hand through her long red ponytail as Flowey steps forward.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!" He says with his usual fake cheerfulness. In no more than a second, he drops the act and glares at the students.

"Now leave me the hell alone."

He walks back behind Chara. The blue-haired male mumbles a bit more. The weird man blinks a few times.

"Okay. Imma put you guys next to some of my students who WON'T KILL ANYONE," he states, while glaring at Bakugou. Bakugou rolls his ruby-red eyes. The green-haired student raises his hand.

"Yes, Midoriya?"

Midoriya turns to Frisk and their group.

"What are your quirks?"

Frisk and the others look at each other.

"What's a quirk?" Undyne asks quietly.

"He means your powers. That's what they call them here." Sans whispers.

"Oh, okay! I'll go first!" Undyne whispers. She holds out her hands, and two glowing turquoise spears form. Frisk winces. Even after all this time, Undyne summoning her spears still startles them.

"You should not use a weapon-summoning quirk in class," the blue-haired, scarred student mutters, a bit more loudly. Bakugou turns to him.

"Shut up, Four-Eyes," he spits, "just because you can't break the rules doesn't mean that the rest of us have to listen to your stuck-up ass." He then turns back just fast enough not to see 'Four-Eyes' glaring at him with enough frustration to incinerate his whole body. The teacher clearly sees it, but he doesn't get involved.

"I can also freeze people in place. They can move their upper body, but they can't move their legs."

Undyne steps back, and Sans takes a step forward. His nonexistent eye twitches.

Should I show them...? You know what, I will. Frisk hasn't done a...hasn't done a Genocide run anyway...ever...not my Frisk, but I...I still feel pain when thinking about it...shut up, Sans!

He holds out his left hand, and a bunch of bones and a dragon-skull-like object appear. It opens its mouth, but Sans de-summons it.

"It shoots a laser, but it's very dangerous and destructive, so I won't show it. I also have one other power, but I can't show it without a...living target, human or monster. It increases gravity's effect on the target, kind of like standing on a planet bigger than Earth. I can also choose which way said force of gravity points."

Sans steps back, and Flowey steps forward. His signature 'Friendliness Pellets' hover above his head, and spiked vines wrap around his legs.

"Don't make me angry," he mutters, before backing up. Chara takes his place. They snap their fingers, and two daggers appear in their hands. They snap their fingers again, and the daggers disappear.

"I have one other power, but...it's far too dangerous to show, and too complicated to explain."

They back up, and Frisk takes their place.

"I...I have t-this thing called D-DETERMINATION...I c-can set 'save p-points' like in a v-video game, and if I d-die or something goes w-wrong, I can R-RESET and return to that 's-save point'. No one r-remembers but me...well, a-almost no one..." Frisk stutters as Chara and Flowey lower their heads, "and...I c-can project my S-SOUL." Frisk holds out their hand, and a blocky red heart appears. Frisk drops their arm, and it vanishes.

"Okay, so I'm going to pair you up with my students. Frisk, sit next to Midoriya. Undyne, sit next to Bakugou and Kirishima-"

"You have got to be kidding me! Fish Sticks?!" Bakugou interjects, but the teacher just glares at him. He sits down again.

"Damn extras."

'Fish Sticks'?! That little-

"Anyway, Flowey, you're with Iida, the tall one with blue hair and glasses. Chara, you're with Todoroki, the calm one with red-and-white hair. Sans, you're with Kaminari and Shinsou, the two at the front table to the left. Go to your seats."

The five of them nod at the teacher and walk to their seats, pull out their notebooks, and start to take notes.

*Time skip lol, after class*

"That was so boring," Flowey grumbles.

"I know, right?" Chara responds, "I don't even like biology! Seriously, I might just fall asleep!"

"That is not an option," a voice states commandingly from behind them. They turn around, only to see Iida right behind them. Chara flinches.

Wasn't he, like, six meters away just a second ago?

Iida polishes his glasses.

"I am sorry if I startled you, but you need to do your work. Sleeping in class is not an option."

Chara rolls their eyes.

"Okay, Captain Rule-Addict."

Frisk walks up to them.

"Hi, Chara!"

Iida shakes his head in frustration and turns to walk away, but Frisk stops him.

"Wait, Mr Iida, quick question."

He turns back.


"What's your...you call them 'quirks', right?"

"Yes, they are called 'quirks'. Mine is...I suppose it is easier to show you."

He takes a few steps away, and he's already out of Frisk's line of sight.

"Wait, weren't you gonna show me your..."

Iida rushes back, not even out of breath despite the fact that he was running really quickly. One of his pant legs is rolled up, and Frisk can see gray metallic tubes sticking out of the back of his calf.

"...quirk. Are those...engines?"

"Yes. That is how I 'appeared' behind your friends. Please give me a moment."

He rushes away and back again, and his uniform is completely fixed. Spotless. Not that it wasn't before, of course. Frisk smiles.

"You seem like a good person, Mr Iida."

"As class representative, it is important that I display that which a 'model student' is, both in the realm of academics and treatment of others. This is a hero class, after all. I have the responsibility to act like it. Especially since..."

Iida trails off, but Frisk doesn't hear him. They blink.

"A...hero class? Does...everyone in the class have...quirks?"

Iida nods.

"This class is one of two classes consisting completely of students who wish to use their quirks to become heroes."


"I do not know where you are from, but here, it is usually illegal to use your quirk in public, as many can be used to destroy property and harm others. Did you see the sparks forming on Bakugou's hands while he was yelling at your friend earlier?"

Frisk nods.

"That is his quirk. He can create explosions. As you can probably tell, that can be quite destructive. Thus, the government decided to hire people to be 'heroes', whose job it is protect people. They can legally use their quirks in public, as they get a 'hero license'. They usually protect people from 'villains', those who use their quirks illegally and with the intent to break other laws as well. My...my older brother..."

Iida falters. He looks down at the ground and tugs at the sleeve of his uniform, and for the smallest millisecond, Frisk could swear that he looked like he was in pain. Iida traces his finger along one of the longer scars on his face, then suddenly looks back up and clears his throat, like he just noticed what he was doing.

"N-Nevermind. Be kind, and most of us will be kind back. I...I need to go now. Goodbye Frisk, Chara, Flowey. Do not forget to finish your homework."

"Bye, Mr Iida! Thank you!"

Iida nods distractedly.

"Of course, it is my duty as class representative..."

He rushes off, still murmuring to himself.

"What a weird guy," Flowey says.

Chara shakes their head 'yes'. Frisk frowns.

"Don't be mean, guys!"

"Yeah, true. You're the weird one, kid," Flowey mutters.

"I heard that!"

Frisk lowers their head and thinks.

Something's bothering him. Why else would he just rush off?

...what happened to his older brother?