
Universe Travel - High School of the dead , Naruto.

After death, God became interested in me. He gave me a game system. Gave the opportunity to travel between worlds. Gave immortality. The price, of all this, is very simple. I become his entertainment. +++++++++++++++++++++//++/++++ Original Author: vitotitov https://tl.rulate.ru/search?from=book&t=vitotitov Release: ongoing The work has an age limit of 18+. Login or register to read this work. Genres: harem, litrpg, post apocalyptic, adventure, smut, fantasy, echi Tags: 18+, naruto, hero man, game elements, incest, journey to another world, system, gender reassignment Fandom Naruto Highschool of the Dead ======≠====================== I don't have this fanfic, just trying my translating skills

Vakde_14 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 11 - Chaos

The day after the date

Having woken up from meditation in a wonderful mood and having chased the prana through my body, I, dancing, went to cook breakfast….

New skill learned

Dancer - With each skill level you dance better

(Optional: For each increased skill level, the smoothness and beauty of your movements increases by 10%)

Dancer - Level up!

Dancer - Level up!

Dancer - Level up!

Dancer - Level up!

Dancer - Level up!


Dancer - [Lv 1 ⇒ 10]

Not bad, not bad….

After breakfast and taking everything we need, we go to the academy.

Boring lessons went on as usual ...

Oh, hurry up to go to the club to my, now, ... girl ...

When it was time to stomp into the club, when passing by the men's restroom, I heard strange sounds. Let's check, huh?

After activating "Stealth" and entering the toilet, I saw the following picture ... Three fellows surrounded a plump guy with glasses and "politely asked me to borrow money on a non-refundable basis."

In total, three jackals surrounded Hirano Kohta.

Of course, I heard that the guy was being pressed, but I saw him for the first time.

This trio consisted of Tsunoda, Hideo and Shin.

Typical hyenas, who can only take on the weak in number.

Let's say they never approached me.

If anything, Tsunoda is the dyed guy who was rescued in the anime along with Shido's teacher.

So this Tsunoda seems to be like the son of the Yakuza, nothing serious, an ordinary six, but he himself is so proud of it ...

Just like the father wants to get into the gang. And his two hangers-on are simple idiots who think that if they lick Tsunode's ass, they will also fall into the gang. Well, aren't they idiots, are they?

Yet this is a typical situation in schools, as being a criminal is like working in a prestigious job. No kidding, in labor, and write "Yakuza". The government does nothing about it since everything is bought. The local people are terribly enraged, but they can do nothing.

In general, it is an honor to be a Yakuza and it is popularized ... Fresh meat has always been required.

In theory, these fools should have been expelled a long time ago, but they are constantly covered by this Shido snake, due to the fact that he oversees their athletics club, as well as Tsunoda, his relative three knees down there.

Let's go back to our idiots.

I didn't want to get involved with anime characters once again, but (Saeko and Shizuka don't count) it's a sin to miss this chance. If I help Hirano this time, then it will give me an additional bonus because he clearly will not forget it. Let's make life easier for the guy.

Therefore, under "Stealth" I went to the toilet, took out my phone and started filming this performance.

In the toilet

- Fatty, I did not understand! Where's the money? - said Tsunoda and hit Kohta in the stomach. How professional it beats. So that there are no bruises.

The guy was about to sit down on the floor in pain, but the six grabbed him by the arms and began to hold him.

- I have no more money, I gave you everything! ALL! Leave me alone that I did this to you. - said Kohta on the verge of tears.

- How is it all! You're rich! I know who your parents are! You must have money! And even if not, then I don't care! Steal from them and bring us! - shouted Tsunoda in his face, grabbing him by the hair.

- Never! I'd rather take the beatings than steal from my parents! Hirano flashed with unexpected determination.

- Ahahahahha. You ... Do you think the first person to say that? Before you, there were stronger majors. Why do we need to beat you? We'll just undress you. Let's shake our head naked in the toilet and film it. - he spoke directly into Kota's ear.

After that, the poor guy was on the verge of hysteria. Beating is one thing, such a shame is another, especially for Japan.

However, the whole situation was disturbed by a pleasant but loud voice.

- Cut! -

Turning around, all four were surprised that they could not notice how a two-meter devil crept up to them!

- What emotions! What a passion! You guys are born actors! I think the director and law enforcement officers will appreciate this production! Shiro said with a big smile ...

After the said face, the trinity changed. At first there was bewilderment, then fear and panic, which gave way to determination.

- Grab the phone, otherwise we have a cover! Do not look that he is healthy there are three of us! - said Tsunoda, cheering up his sixes.

At that moment, Shiro put the phone down so that he would take pictures further and decided to wait.

Tsunoda ran up to the hero first and quickly released his fist into Shiro's face. Seeing the fist almost land on the giant's face gave him a grin ...

Which quickly faded away when he finally hit.

On impact, there was a crunch from his hand ... Pain flooded Tsunoda's mind ...

- "His fucking face is made of metal or something!" Tsunoda shouted in his mind.

Only these fools did not understand that they were deliberately provoked with the phone. Deliberately let the blow hit Shiro. Now he has the right to "self-defense" ... The main thing is not to overdo it.

Before Tsunoda even had time to make his face in pain, he received a blow to the face with his palm, similar to a slap in the face. There was a loud bang that even managed to block the ears of the running Hideo and Shin. Then Tsunoda's body collapsed like a sack of potatoes.

However, this did not stop the fools, and they also attacked Shiro and also received a "slap in the face".

The door was opened, so in the end people came running to the sounds and chaos ensued. Teachers came and the showdown began.

Teacher's room

- Mr. Director! I demand the expulsion of student Yuki Shiro! Look what he did to my students! - shouted, almost twisting the soul of Shido ... A born actor.

- Shiro-san has nothing to do with it! They attacked him themselves! He only defended himself! Kohta exclaimed, trying to protect his savior.

- Yes? Where is the evidence? Where is the beatings? He's absolutely whole! Now look at them! The bones of their faces are almost broken to pieces! They will not be able to recover from this for the rest of their lives! - the bastard clearly exaggerated.

- We have proof! Shiro-san, show the video! -

At that moment, Shido had a bad feeling about it.

- Which video? - asked the Director with interest.

At this moment, two policemen visited the office ... The director immediately got up and came up to greet them.

- Hello gentlemen policemen. Are you looking for something? -

- Hello! A call was sent from this site to a certain Yuki Shiro ... -

- Eeee ... - the director stuck

"I summoned you. - I raised my hand - The fact is that I was attacked and I would like to file a statement about blackmail, extortion and threat to the life of a group of people ... -

Then he showed them the video he had shot.

- This means nothing! He deliberately crippled my students! - shouted Shido.

"Master Shido, I don't think you opened your eyes while watching the video. It shows that three of your students mocked poor Hirano Kohta, after which they attacked me in a crowd and even stabbed me in the face. I, in turn, just defended myself ... -

- So what! What a right you had to cripple them! -

- It was self-defense. There were more of them, and besides, there are a lot of creepy rumors about Tsunoda, Hideo and Shina, so I was afraid for my life, as well as for Hirano's life. It was also the first time when I found myself in such a situation, but even at such a moment I took care of the opponent and beat him with a soft palm. - I said sensually and offensively, playing the role of a victim.

- He cared! Look at them! - he pointed to the trinity with bandaged heads who have not yet woken up.

- Well, maybe I overdid it a little bit ... - I said, blinking innocently.

If Shido were a cultivator, he would vomit blood right now ...

And what happened next uuuuhh ...

The father of Miyamoto Rei entered the office, as it turned out Shido had already begun to interfere with the daughter of this policeman. As a result, he was summoned because of the "bad" marks of his daughter, and here it is. In addition, the arrived police officers turned out to be his direct subordinates. Quite influential Kohta's parents followed him, whom he called because he was afraid for me ...

But this was not enough! As if by magic, other victims of the trinity began to enter the office, who, sensing the opportunity to take revenge, decided to "play poor".

Oh, what was going on in this chaos ...

As much as the director and Shido wanted to hush up this case, they did not succeed ... As a result, the three were expelled ... And they were given six months of correctional labor.

Ah ... did a disgusting thing on the heart