
Universe Saga: The Black Angel

A Stand Alone, Also Book One of Universe Saga Luka's existence was plagued by an unfathomable curse: he perished on his eighteenth birthday, reborn again and again, only to meet the same fate. Each life erased his memories, leaving him oblivious to his haunting cycle. But everything shifted when Luka awoke in the ethereal realm of Heaven, surrounded by familiar faces he never knew existed. Their enigmatic presence unraveled the enigma of his own existence, hinting at a purpose he had yet to comprehend. Yet, his newfound sanctuary was short-lived as Xavier, his soulmate and the formidable ruler of Hell, arrived to claim him. Bound by an otherworldly connection, their destinies were entwined, traversing a realm of curses, divine missions, and profound prophecies. But amidst the turmoil, deceit lurked in the shadows, threatening to shatter the fragile equilibrium of their entangled lives. Life-altering secrets, waiting for their opportune moment, hovered like specters, destined to alter the course of Luka's existence, for better or worse. While love blossomed between Luka and Xavier, its potent embrace raised a daunting question: Could love truly conquer all, transcending the harrowing challenges that lay before them? As they navigated treacherous realms and encountered insurmountable odds, Luka would soon discover whether the redemptive power of love could heal even the deepest wounds. "It's just that sometimes... love isn't enough." [cover made AI] Currently undergoing heavy editing

SagharShirazi · LGBT+
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94 Chs

Chapter 21: Random Blurting

"We're going to have a child," Xavier whispered, his voice filled with dreams. "A little one, a combination of you and me."

"Oh, trust me, Xavier, I'm well aware," Luka replied, rolling his eyes but smiling nonetheless. "But it's not the right time."

Xavier sighed, both of them knowing that they would have to have this conversation sooner or later.

Luka's pregnancy made him vulnerable, an easy target. But the child growing inside Luka was an integral part of Xavier, and between his soulmate and the baby, he would always choose Luka, no matter what.

"It is dangerous, my love," Xavier said, his fingers caressing Luka's cheek. "The timing may not be right, but we will make it right. We are in this together, and I don't know how many times I need to say it, but we are together."

"I know, it's just..." Luka paused, gazing up at the black sky above the Narcissus Garden. "We don't even know what the mission is. We don't know where Alexander is, and I don't know who Kaiden is. William can't provide any answers either. It's all so messed up. I'm done with this. Why can't we have a day without worries? I think I deserve that after everything I've been through."

"It will pass," Xavier whispered soothingly.

"But when? It has been going on for so long. For years!" Luka's sadness had transformed into fury. "We know there is a god. We know there is someone who is supposed to bring justice, but where are they now? All these terrible things happen, and yet angels have the audacity to question why humans have lost their faith?"

The black sky grew even darker, and the red glowing stars disappeared. Luka's eyes turned completely silver, and his black wings were exposed for all nearby demons to see.

"Calm down, Luka," Xavier pleaded, taking Luka's hand in his own. "Calm down." The devil wished nothing more than to unleash destruction upon the world for subjecting them to such a fate they didn't deserve.

Raindrops began to fall from the sky, accompanied by loud and continuous lightning. "You're transforming," Xavier realized, his face filled with realization. "The silver blood is activating."

Luka simply stared at Xavier, unable to bring himself to ask what his soulmate meant. Deep down, though, he understood what Lucifer was referring to.

"Luka!" William burst into the garden, with Jonathan following closely behind. "I sense the energy of wizards!"

"I suppose that's coming from me," Luka muttered, taking a seat once again, this time on Xavier's lap. "I guess being extremely angry triggered it."

None of them knew what to make of the situation. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but none of them had witnessed a wizard accessing their full strength before, and they had no idea what would happen next.

"By the way, the baby is going to be a little devil with powers from both angels and wizards," William broke the silence. Xavier immediately shot him a glare. Luka had enough to worry about, and he didn't need more mysteries. "Okay, maybe that wasn't the wisest thing to say."

"Oh, God!" Luka suddenly doubled over in pain, or at least that's what the others thought.

"Luka, baby, are you okay?" Xavier held his soulmate tighter, wishing he could alleviate any pain that came with the wizard transformation. If it was going to be painful, they couldn't prevent it, but Xavier could at least provide comfort by showering his soulmate with affection through their bond.

"Mhmm," Luka moaned, and the devil looked down at his mate with a bewildered expression.

"Did he just... moan?" Asmodeus, the demon of lust, remarked.

"Xavier, take me to our room!" Luka suddenly spoke up. The scent of arousal hung heavily in the air now, and Xavier didn't need to be told twice. He scooped up his mate, spreading his white angel wings, and disappeared.

"Will they be alright?" William asked his mate, but he received no response. "J, where are you looking?"

"At a certain someone's cute and sexy ass," Jonathan smirked, wrapping his arms around William from behind. "His name is William, and he's incredibly sexy. Will is the only one for me, and I've lost him. Do you know where he is?"

William smirked, fully aware of the game Jonathan was playing, but he had no intention of playing along. He wanted to create his own game. "He's in his lover's room, Jackson." William wanted to burst into laughter, but he held it in. He had to continue the game, and after everything they had been through, it wasn't a sin to have a little fun. A brief respite would do them good.

Jonathan leaned down and placed gentle kisses along William's neck, savoring the taste of his skin. The playful game they had started had quickly turned into an intense moment of passion between them.

As they kissed fervently, their connection deepened, each touch igniting a fire within them. The demons around them couldn't help but watch, amused by the display of desire and love. One demon shouted jokingly for them to get a room, unaware that it was exactly what Jonathan wanted.

With their lips still locked, Jonathan pulled William closer, his hands slipping beneath the fabric of his shirt, exploring the softness of his skin. Their bodies intertwined on the ground, the passion between them growing stronger with each passing moment.

As Jonathan's hands moved lower, he heard William's pleasured moans, music to his ears. The demon continued to mark his soulmate's neck, each hickey a reminder of their connection and ownership. William cried out, overwhelmed by the pleasure coursing through him.

Their mouths parted momentarily, and Jonathan smirked at William's words, teasingly asking for clarification. The half-angel's desire was evident, and Jonathan was more than willing to oblige. He was determined to give his soulmate everything he desired.

With a surge of lust in his eyes, Jonathan positioned himself above William, capturing his lips once again. Their tongues danced in a battle for dominance, Jonathan's determination prevailing as he explored every inch of William's mouth.

Their need for privacy became apparent, and Jonathan growled at the demons around them, silently demanding their departure. Rosalind, understanding the hint, ushered everyone out of the Narcissus Garden, leaving the two lovers alone.

Breathless, they broke apart momentarily, their desire undiminished. "Maybe we should get a room of our own," William suggested, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

Jonathan returned to ravishing William's neck, enjoying the mixture of love and lust that emanated from his soulmate. He whispered possessively against his skin, claiming him as his own.

Desire consumed them, and Jonathan's hands found their way beneath clothing, exploring each other's bodies with a hunger that had only grown stronger over time. William's moans fueled the fire within Jonathan, his arousal intensifying with each pleasured sound.

Unable to resist any longer, Jonathan descended lower, leaving kisses along the sensitive skin of William's thighs. Their connection deepened, their bodies melding together in an explosion of passion.

William's cries of pleasure grew louder, his longing for Jonathan undeniable. The demon straddled his soulmate, his eyes filled with love and lust. He couldn't bear the thought of anyone else touching William in this way.

With a surge of urgency, Jonathan positioned himself between William's legs, their desire reaching its peak. "Please," William cried out, his words filled with need. He wanted Jonathan inside him, filling every inch of his being.

In response, Jonathan's eyes darkened with lust. Without hesitation, he thrust into William, still woft from their morning session, their bodies joining in a fervent dance of pleasure and release.

William gasped, a mix of pain and pleasure washing over him, but Jonathan remained still until he was assured that his soulmate was ready.

Their rhythm built gradually, a torturous delight that pushed them both to the edge. William's moans of pleasure filled the air, their union becoming a symphony of desire.

"Jonathan!" William cried out in frustration, craving more. The demon smirked, delighting in the sound of his name on William's lips. With every thrust, he drove them both closer to the precipice of ecstasy.

Desire burned within them, and William moved to meet Jonathan's every thrust, a display of his own overwhelming need.

He kissed Jonathan passionately, their lips melding in a heated frenzy.

In the midst of their passion, William found the words to voice his deepest desires. He wanted Jonathan to take him with wild abandon, without holding back. With each heated proclamation, their lovemaking grew more intense.

Jonathan wordlessly obliged, spreading William's legs wider and thrusting faster and deeper, losing themselves in the pleasure they created together.

Their moans mingled in the air as they reached their climax, the intensity of their release leaving them breathless.

They lay intertwined, their bodies still buzzing with the aftermath of their passion.

Jonathan disregarded the destruction around them, knowing that the Narcissus Garden would recover. In that moment, all that mattered was the incredible connection they shared, their souls entwined in a love that defied all odds.

"I love you, Will," Jonathan whispered, his voice filled with tenderness as he placed a gentle kiss on William's forehead. The adoration in his eyes was unmistakable, a reflection of the deep love he held for his soulmate. "You mean everything to me."

William's eyes glistened with unshed tears, his emotions threatening to overflow. "Baby, why are you crying?" Jonathan cooed, his heart breaking at the sight of William's tears. He pulled him closer, holding him tightly, and pressed a comforting kiss to his hair.

Through his tears, William managed to speak, his voice filled with vulnerability. "It's just... you never said it! I thought... I don't even know what I thought..." His words trailed off, but Jonathan understood the unspoken fears that had plagued his soulmate.

"I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner," Jonathan murmured, his voice sincere and filled with regret. "But please know that I've felt this way since the moment I laid eyes on you. I thought the depth of my love was understood, that it didn't need to be spoken. I know now how wrong I was, and I'm truly sorry."

A sense of relief washed over William as he listened to Jonathan's words, the weight of uncertainty lifting from his heart. "It's okay," he whispered, his arms encircling Jonathan in a tight embrace. In that moment, they both felt the undeniable connection between them, the bond that transcended words. "I love you too."

Jonathan's smile lit up his face, a mix of joy and relief flooding his being. The simple act of hearing William reciprocate his feelings was a gift beyond measure. In that moment, he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

With a gentle unfurling of his golden wings, Jonathan enveloped William in their protective embrace. He knew they were safe in this secluded corner of Hell's mansion, shielded from prying eyes. No one would dare disturb their intimate moment, their shared vulnerability.

As the night sky stretched above them, they lay on the soft grass, finding solace in each other's arms. The gentle murmur of the nearby Phoenix's River serenaded them into a peaceful slumber, carrying them away to a world where their burdens didn't exist.

In their dreams, they escaped to a world untouched by pain, where Alexander and Kaiden were absent, and the weight of their mission was lifted. It was a perfect world, albeit fleeting and imaginary, where William could have lived a little longer. For a blissful moment, they found respite from reality, basking in the love they shared, and the promise of a brighter future.