
Universe Maker

Amidst the complexity of reality, after death, he, who do not even remember his own name and have only general knowledge about some general subjects of earth human knowlege, shall become a universe creator. Indeed, a lucky opportunity to set free his wings of imagination, enjoy his deep desire for creation, and see a new reality unearth under his initiative to pursue not perfection, but the infinity of the word "could". This image is not mine, here is the link: https://br.freepik.com/fotos-gratis/fundo-colorido-da-galaxia-com-estrelas-brilhantes_15670165.htm#query=universe&position=34&from_view=search&track=sph

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 8 (the first four mortal species)

I decided to put rational life on the middle planet first. And left the remaining two as a reserve for when rational life starts expanding to outer space. The first specie that I decided to introduce was humans that I was most familiar with.

The problem is between the soul of an animal to a rational being there is a major leap, that I do not have the necessary knowledge or control, and precision soul-making to perform. So I decided to start with creating demigod humans first. They would not be the same kind of demigod as Ana and Shanda were because they will not be connected to a full true form of a god.

They will be more of a simulation of what would be a child of a god with the specie that I wanted to create first, having an incomplete true form that is completely fused with a human body, forming the body that is neither of a god, nor a mortal.

By nourishing the first demigod's body with qi the first ones will naturally have souls and when they reproduce souls will naturally be formed on their own for their children. How much closer a demigod is genetically to a god, less its form will resemble its mortal specie, and the more it will a god.

With human demigods that are fifty percent gods, varying in height between three to nearly five meters, that's about the variation between nine point eight feet and sixteen feet, with men seeming like they were some world record bodybuilders, and women having lean muscles that hide unimaginable strength, and depending of the appearance of the form of their godparent, they may even be born with some divine treasure attracted to their body, though this may happen with any type of demigod.

The first humans will be all adults, with all males being demigods with the domain of fatherhood and woman with the domain of motherhood to ensure the specie survival. In the end, I put the mortals in a plane terrain plane filled with a hundred men and a hundred women.

With most of the land animals and most plants being designed to help feed mortals, and a lot of river life forms and even ocean life forms as well, it will be easy for rational mortals' life to thrive on this planet.

Later, I created a specie that Siraj requested me to do, with some ideas I have. A precise way to describe them would be plant-skinned humans. They were human-like, but with a much smaller digestive system that do not have some annexed glands like the pancreas, bile, and several others. They were only able to digest proteins and absorb water and some vitamins with this system, so being carnivores. Among the vitamins that they eat some come from eating meat, but most steams from soil that they will occasionally have to eat.

They could produce their own carbohydrates with their skin that was filled with chloroplasts. Their skin was red colored. And their height is not much different from humans. They have a small biological rock-like structure, in their forehead area, with a blue marine color. It only has a decorative purpose.

Their bones were made of something I called biological gold, which makes them much more flexible than calcium ones, creating them took me some days.

They do not have a coccyx and appendix, as well. Their hair resembles a human one, but its structure was closer to a nail than a hair. They do not have any body hair. Siraj was the one that decided their specie name which would be emberhumans, about their ember skin color.

I created one hundred of each sex from this specie, as well, and put them in a separate continent. Like all species, they would start as demigods, but all of them have the domain of animal husbandry. And their first generation's height will variate between five meters, about sixteen feet, and eight meters, about twenty-six feet tall.

A human's motherhood domain can only be inherited by females, while fatherhood can only be inherited by males, so a human can inherit the domain of one of its parents, with its domain percentage being cut by an average in half in each generation. While this process will be largely slower with the emberhumans.

It would actually happen because of the larger fertility that mortals have, so gradually the ones with a bit fewer divine genes would end gradually having more children. Turning throughout thousands of years the demigods are rare, but not extinguishing them.

But I did not make any adjustments to make the two species balanced, because humans would have a much larger population, because different from other demigods their domains connected with father and motherhood, don't reduce their fertility but increases it by a large margin. So in this way, the species will have a somewhat balanced power.

At last, at least for now. I decided to create a specie of demihumans that would be beehumans. This specie would consist of females that would only be able to give birth to females, and when they become adults, they would be able to magically create one male with mainly qi and a bit of mana that they accumulate in a special gland that they have behind their neck.

The male being would be their husband, like the equivalent of a drone, but without it being their child genetically. The males would be born with adults and somewhat mature personalities and would copulate with their wives giving them daughters.

They although humanoid-like, would not have the possibility of possessing the earth humans' darwin's tubercle, wisdom teeth, auricular muscles, coccyx, arrector pili muscles, and appendix. They would have, however, a bigger and properly working vomeronasal organ than what some humans have. They will intuitively be able to make honey by mixing up pollen and nectar.

I made only ten females of them that I spread to their continent. And keep the balance by making them being born with a body that is seventy-five percent, god, though each generation will have on average half of the amount of the previous one just like humans because the males will not have domains.

So I put them in some small stone castles that I made so they could have a development advantage. And their first generation's height will variate between four meters, about sixteen feet, and five meters, about thirteen feet tall. The females will have the domain of ruler.

I forgot to add the middle world has five continents with two without any mortal species yet. The emberhumans continent is in the northern hemisphere. The human continent is a continent that is in between the emberhuman and beehuman continents, the first being in its west, and the second in its east. It also has its half in the north and its other half in the southern hemisphere.

The beehuman continent is in the southern hemisphere. The first extra continent is in the northern hemisphere going until the north pole and its east of the emberhuman continent. The second extra continent is in the southern hemisphere going until the south pole and its west of the beehuman continent.

After, doing all this I finally have an idea of a specie that may prosper in the last of the three worlds.

It will be a specie with a diplobiont life cycle just like plants. I would explain this life cycle as having two adult phases, with one consisting of a 2n being( life form with pairs of chromosomes "types") and the other being an n being(life form with a sole chromosome from each "type"). The reproduction of the 2n will end with the formation of an n being. And two gametes produced by n beings will end up making a 2n being.

So inspired by this life cycle, I make a crazy one combining animal with plant genes, where two human-like n beings, with the male having a different chromosome will produce a 2n being that will be a plant, which will produce these humanoid beings. It was hard and confusing at the start, but I made with much effort the plant genes only expressing in the 2n (diploid) beings and the humanoid doing it in the n(haploid) beings.

Only the haploids will be rational creatures. The diploids will be only a magical plant and quite a strong one, it will have both the ability to fend with space magic like the Ygdrassils and with magical lighting. They also don't have a coccyx and appendix.

I made their first generation have ninety percent of god genes, with each having either the hunter or botanic domain. I decided to name them haploidhumans.

A thing interesting to add is that different from humans the emberhumans, beehumans, and haploidhumans will have both sex demigods having lean muscles.

I think I can fill up the rest of the solar system with life later. It was a long time since I saw Ana, Shanda, and Themis. I think I got myself too caught up in my work. Maybe I'm becoming too much like Themis in this regard or I was always like that whole knows.

"Siraj, come with me I will present you the other gods." I said.