
Universe Maker

Amidst the complexity of reality, after death, he, who do not even remember his own name and have only general knowledge about some general subjects of earth human knowlege, shall become a universe creator. Indeed, a lucky opportunity to set free his wings of imagination, enjoy his deep desire for creation, and see a new reality unearth under his initiative to pursue not perfection, but the infinity of the word "could". This image is not mine, here is the link: https://br.freepik.com/fotos-gratis/fundo-colorido-da-galaxia-com-estrelas-brilhantes_15670165.htm#query=universe&position=34&from_view=search&track=sph

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 6 (a new form of energy)

Origin Realm

I first used the energy in the origin realm to take care of the damage. And then teleported to the barrier realm to see what was going on.

Barrier Realm

The barrier realm was basically a massive barrier with a hundred layers. The barrier was formed by a fusion of mana, qi, and divine energy, with much denser concentrations of these energies than any god in the universe.

The mana is the energy that charges the barrier, the divinity put some pseudo domain that reinforces it, and qi regenerates it.

Yes, the barrier can self-regenerate, so the need to use support from the origin realm shows how much severe the damage was.

The realm seems to work as a form of a mix of a formation and a magical circle, blending the two concepts. There, flys several words in English that are made of divine energy.

Among those, there are "qi", "mana" and "divine energy" that connects the realm to the energies that are transported to it by the mythical realm. I know that divine energy is supposed to be to words, but the realm uses "-" to turn words into one.

Also, there is the word "layers", that divides the barrier into its layers, avoiding the different ones ever colliding, and there are the words, first, second, third,..., that help to form the specific layers.

There are also the words: "anti-space/time-impact", "anti-space-warping", "anti-reality-warping", "anti-elemental-impact", "anti-qi-collision", "anti-divine-energy-collision", "anti-concept-collision", "anti-paradox-deteriorating", "anti-spying", "anti-chaos-collision", "anti-energy-stealing", and many others.

There are also the word regeneration and repair, which are more closely connected with the word qi. The word charger is connected with the word mana. The word reinforces that is connected with the word divinity.

The word connection connects all words.

There are words for the elements that should work as counters to other types, like water which is a counter to fire, reinforcing the word anti-elemental impact. I think that nearly all the words I have ever heard are here.

The meaning that seems to lack words or have words that I have never ever heard, were substituted by sentence-long words.

The words have different sizes depending on their level of importance in the working structure of the barrier. The biggest word is protection that has nearly the size of the earth.

But now the barrier is not functioning properly. Before I used the origin energy the barrier was nearly returning to chaos, if this is even possible. Though at this moment the barrier is being danificated again. This can't continue any longer.

The cause of all this was something that could be called lesser chaos. And the source of all this problem was the universe itself. From what I understood the fault lies with the working mechanism of the mana filter realm and divine filter realm because it works differently from the qi genesis realm.

The qi genesis realm extracts qi from the chaos, that by its chaotic nature does not change the way chaos work, and soon qi in the chaos generates itself.

But in the filter realms, the concept of mana and divine energy, which seems like mana and divine energy strings, is removed, but by making it happens inside the universe where the concept of order is stronger than chaos, the result is the creation of new energy, that's a form of lesser chaos, that is not mana nor divine energy, and do not belongs to chaos, not the universe.

The chaos has no effect on the universe, which is a perfect counter for it, but part of this energy naturally stinks in the barrier realm like a form of dirt and causes a variety of effects in it.

The rest is spilled in all corners of the chaos, showing how it works like chaos but without it being mana or divine energy.

In some parts of here, space is contracted, in some expanded, others are filled with paradoxical connections, in some parts anti-magic, and anti-divine energy takes, in other magic is stimulated to the point of offer charging and exploding, in others letters got there divine energy strengthened to the point of disarraying entire regions of the "formation".

And the healing effect of the origin realm happened peculiarly.

Part of the barrier realm was discarded partially out of the realm but still connected to the barrier realm making the barrier realm now actually have one hundred and six layers. With the extra ones consisting of incomplete, uneven, and defective layers.

These extra layers were being destroyed at an even faster rate than the working ones were. The barrier realm was showing me very clearly its limitations. Although it could defend itself from pretty much anything, its defense against it specific thing was quite weak and this could be easily exploited.

If I don't want to waste all the origin energy in the universe to solve this problem, I need to think of something fast.

Let's go with a fast solution. When I idealize the mythic strings I thought of them as a sort of smaller mythic realm. I can recreate anything that originates from my realm. So I'm gonna make a mythic string come out of the mythic realm using it to connect to the very concept of this energy, like this is part of the mortal realm.

In this way, I am strangely making this energy sea into a part of the mortal realm out of the mortal realm. So I'm going to use the law realm molding property to mold this energy that works similar to chaos and behaves more like an uncomprehensible type of different agglomeration energies; into one exclusive kind of energy, that will somewhat be able to perform all its previously could but in a coherent fashion.

This may sound confusing but at least for me it somewhat makes sense.

I am doing it by putting a bit of this energy in the mortal realm, making a mythic string that in concept will be the same, although, in fact, different from that other previously made one, connecting the energy to the law realm, an making the origin energy "heal" the damaged law, that creates the law of this new energy. In fact, mana, qi, and divine energy are not bound by a law, making it a sort of supernatural power in the mortal realm.

And this energy, which I named peculiar energy, works will not be supernatural to the mortal realm but will be harder to comprehend, than actually supernatural energies.

So now using my creator's will, I was easily able to make this outer mortal realm stop attacking the barrier realm. So the energy finely calmed down.

So to conclude this long trip, I decided to visit the mythic realm that I skipped.

Mythical Realm

The realm was formed by a sort of conceptual dodecahedrons, with ever think in it being formed by a union of several of them.

Inside a dodecahedron were several others, and this cycle seems to persist forever like a sort of fractal structure.

And the energy here mana, qi, divine energy, or peculiar energy seems to be scattered in several tiny dodecahedrons.

With it jumping from one to the other, skipping ones, like a sort of magical form of quantum jump, it like there but not representing energy levels, but only limiting the dodecahedrons where some energies can be.

The realm was special, but I think I am not being able to enjoy it properly, I think I have already become a little tired with all this travel and I am now feeling that I should return to the mortal realm and take a little nap.

With this new law created, the MC did not know yet that he created what would be known in the future as the unreachable law.

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